World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2897: Grandmother Dragon Demon

Chen Xiang approached the three young dragon demons a little bit, but none of them noticed Chen Xiang, they still stood there blankly.

"Could it be that they are the same as the dragon demon princess, are they descendants of those dragon demon giants? What are they gathering here for?" Chen Xiang was only ten feet away from the three dragon demon youths at this time, which was very close up.

Considering that his speed was very slow, he had to move forward a little bit more, and he had to calculate the right time to step into the black light curtain that suddenly appeared with these three men.

He remembered that the moment Princess Dragon Demon entered, the black light curtain disappeared.

"They didn't even notice me! My current strength is too weak, otherwise with this distance, plus my normal speed and strength, they would surely die." Chen Xiang was standing ten feet in front of these three youths. Come to Zhang's place and wait for the mountain to open the door.

The three youths also waited for a day and a night before a black light curtain appeared on the stone wall of the mountain.

After the black light curtain appeared, Chen Xiang immediately walked over, maintaining his own pace. When he walked in front of the light curtain, the three youths were already side by side with him, and then he and the three youths stepped into the black light curtain at the same time in.

After entering, Chen Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time remained vigilant, not letting himself be discovered by these three youths.

It's pitch black here, he can't see anything, but he can feel that there are two roads here!

The three youths walked towards one of them, but Chen Xiang didn't want to go with them, so he chose another way.

"Did those three guys not speak?" asked the Flying Dragon Palace Master.

"No, they didn't say a word!" Chen Xiang also hoped that they could talk, so that he could know a little bit about the situation inside, but they didn't say anything.

Chen Xiang can only follow this path now.

Although this place is very mysterious, after Chen Xiang came in, he found that he could use the power of space, and he didn't have the pressure outside, allowing him to walk normally here.

Chen Xiang really wanted to find Princess Dragon Demon quickly, and wanted to see the reason why she came here, so he also stepped forward, so that he could reach the end quickly.

After walking for more than an hour, he came to a spacious lobby. The ceiling of the lobby was covered with bloody stones, making the entire lobby shrouded in a coquettish and strange red light, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

After Chen Xiang entered the lobby, he saw many people sitting here, all of them were young people, there were a hundred of them in total, and he saw Princess Dragon Demon at a glance!

There are rows of chairs in the lobby, and Princess Dragon Demon sits in the front row.

Afterwards, he saw the three young men from before, they came in from another passage, and now he understood that the two passages will eventually lead to here, the reason why there are two passages is mainly because there is one for men and women.

Chen Xiang saw that the location of Dragon Demon Princess was close to the exit of his passage, so he guessed like this.

"These must be the descendants of the giant dragon demon. I didn't expect that they are all so powerful. They are all respected ancestors." Chen Xiang is near the entrance of the passage at this time, and if anything goes wrong, he can leave this hall in time.

These young dragon demons must be waiting here for something, Chen Xiang secretly guessed in his heart.

Just like that, the dragon demon princess and the group of young and powerful dragon demons sat here blankly for a few days, no one spoke, and looked serious.

After a few days passed, they suddenly stood up, and Chen Xiang, who had been waiting impatiently, suddenly became energetic.

I saw a person with red skin all over come out,

It looks scary on the outside!

"Next, ten of you will be selected as sacrifices. Grandmother Dragon Demon has been hungry for several days. You are all conceived by her. You also have to feel the beauty of this world. Now is the time to give back to her It's gone." said the red dragon demon.

Grandmother Dragon Demon!

When Chen Xiang heard these four words, he was so frightened that there was such a powerful existence among the dragon demons besides the Big Three!

And the Dragon Demon Princess was actually born by this Dragon Demon grandmother!

Chen Xiang hurriedly told the Master of the Flying Dragon Palace about this matter.

"I see. It seems that the ecology of the dragon demon should be the same as that of bees. In the honeycomb, the ant queen is responsible for giving birth, and her status is detached. The grandmother of the dragon demon should be the same, but she usually doesn't make a move, and other things are left to Three giant dragon demons come out."

"Something must have happened to Grandmother Dragon Demon now, she needs to eat something more powerful."

Chen Xiang looked at Princess Dragon Demon, his relationship with Princess Dragon Demon was not bad, he didn't want this beautiful princess to be eaten.

After the red dragon demon closed his eyes for a while, he suddenly opened them and said, "I have already chosen, the grandmother of the dragon demon told me that she needs ten of you..."

The red dragon demon ordered ten young dragon demons, and the dragon demon princess was among them. Like the other nine dragon demons, their bodies were trembling slightly at this time, because they were about to be eaten by the dragon demon's grandmother. Lost!

"Follow me!" said the red dragon demon, then opened a stone door and walked in.

Although Dragon Demon Princess and the others are desperate and full of fear, they still have to follow, because if they don't go, they will die in the end.

Chen Xiang immediately teleported over and followed behind them, he wanted to see what the dragon demon grandmother was like.

The passage was very long, and it took a long time to reach the end, and at the end was a large cave with a faint white light emitting from it.

After entering inside, Chen Xiang didn't see the Dragon Demon Grandmother above, but instead saw a big crystal bead, which could accommodate several people. There are many small dots floating inside the crystal ball, and these small dots swim happily around like small fish.

The red dragon demon grabbed a young man's neck, released a burst of red light to envelop the young man, and then slapped him vigorously, and after being punched into the huge crystal ball by the young man, the fish-like dots immediately Come again, frantically devouring the young man's body.

After Dragon Demon Princess and the others saw it, their bodies kept trembling, because it would be their turn next.

"It's really cruel... Is this thing really the Dragon Demon's grandmother?" Chen Xiang was very puzzled, at this time the red Dragon Demon released a burst of red light, covering the Dragon Demon Princess and the others, preventing them from running away.

"Haha..." The red dragon demon suddenly grinned, and then threw a young dragon demon into the crystal ball, allowing the contents to be devoured.

Chen Xiang suddenly felt that this crystal ball was not some dragon demon grandmother at all, it must be something raised by the red dragon demon.

The status of the red dragon demon is definitely not ordinary, so those dragon demons will believe what he says, and they dare not disobey him. In addition, his strength is very strong, so the dragon demons dare not do anything to him.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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