World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2957: Proud Forest

Chen Xiang didn't know what the old man was singing, he was just singing without lyrics, his voice was pretty good, and the tune was very natural, but it was just weird.

"Who is singing?" Chen Xiang concentrated his mind to discern the direction of the sound, he wanted to see it.

Even if there are any dangerous things in the Mausoleum of the World-Proud God, there will definitely not be those in the World-Proud Realm, and those in the World-Proud Realm will regress in their cultivation. So he was always at ease.

After identifying the direction from which the singing sound came from, Chen Xiang immediately flew quickly.

Soon, he came to that place, under a big tree, an old man in black was singing loudly.

The old man's hair was gray and messy, and he looked very sloppy, but his voice was loud, his eyes were piercing, and his serious expression looked very energetic. In addition, there were no wrinkles on his face, which gave people A feeling of dynamism.

After Chen Xiang approached, he didn't feel the old man's aura, and he didn't know how strong he was, but he dared to chant loudly in such a place, his strength must not be weak.

Chen Xiang waited quietly at the side. After waiting for half an hour, the old man finally finished singing.

"It seems that someone is nearby!" The old man suddenly said to himself, and then looked around.

Chen Xiang felt very wicked, since he entered this place, his ability to hide seemed to have dropped a lot, and he was always discovered by others!

"Old senior, it's me!" Chen Xiang suddenly appeared and said.

"Who are you?" The old man looked at Chen Xiang, a little surprised: "Did you come here just now?"

Chen Xiang nodded: "Yes! Senior, is this the World-Proud Tomb?"

"This is the mausoleum of the world-defying gods. Anyway, if the world-defying realm enters here, it will definitely regress." The old man said with a smile: "So we are safe at this time, there is no threat from the world-defying realm, and we can feel at ease."

Chen Xiang also felt that it was, after all, his strength was already very strong at this time, and he was the peak existence of the Ancestor Respecting Realm.

"Why did someone say it was very dangerous when I came in." Chen Xiang asked again, both Sun Lingxing and that bone had said it.

"Then did they tell you there is any danger here?" The old man chuckled.

"No!" Chen Xiang recalled Sun Lingxing's words before, and Sun Lingxing really couldn't tell where the danger was.

"That's right! The reason for talking about the dangerous guys here is because they think they have nothing to gain from coming here! Or they are all arrogant." The old man smiled and said, "Little guy, come, I will teach you how to sing. "

Chen Xiang came here to do important things, he didn't have the time to spare, so he refused.

"Senior, I have important business to come here, so I'm very sorry, I can't sing with you." Chen Xiang scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"That's right, you, a young and energetic brat, are definitely not waiting to die like old guys like us!" The old man nodded with understanding on his face.

"Senior, you came here waiting to die? Why don't you practice hard and step into the World-Proud Realm?" Chen Xiang felt that the old man had the feeling of an extraterrestrial expert, and it shouldn't be difficult to step into the World-Proud Realm. The Sun Lingxing he met before It is a world-defying one.

"This is a secret!" The old man smiled slightly: "By the way, what is the important thing for you to come here?"

"I want to practice!" Chen Xiang came here to practice with peace of mind and learn to control the law of time.

"Are you going to upgrade?" the old man asked again.

Chen Xiang was very curious about the secret the old man just said,

The old man obviously did not break through on purpose, did he really have other purposes?

For this purpose, if you suppress your cultivation and don't break through, you won't gain great power! Thinking of this, Chen Xiang became even more curious.

"No, it's for cultivating a certain ability." Of course Chen Xiang knew that he couldn't step into the world-defying realm here, and it would be a waste of time.

"Well, I'll tell you the secret!" The old man suddenly whispered: "Many old guys like me have waited here for a long, long time just to enter the World-Proud Tomb!"

"This forest is called the Aoshi Forest. In the middle of the forest is the Tomb of the Aoshi. The Tomb of the Aoshi will be opened one day. Then we will be able to enter, but those who are in the Aoshi realm will not be able to enter." The old man laughed and said: "During this time There are many little ghosts guarding the tomb near the Ao Shi Shen Mausoleum, which means that the Ao Shi Shen Mausoleum is about to be opened."

"What's behind the Tomb of the World-Proud God?" The place where Chen Xiang is located is the Tomb of Wan Dao, and now there is another Tomb of the World-Proud God here. This is simply a mausoleum within a mausoleum.

"I don't know!" said the old man, "I have been staying here for many years in order to unravel this mystery!"

Chen Xiang felt that this was a bit mysterious. Although the World-Defying Divine Tomb is mysterious, mystery is often accompanied by danger.

"Then I'll wait for the opening of the World Proud Tomb, and practice at the same time." Chen Xiang said: "If I can catch up, I will go in with you to have a look."

"Alright, this is my territory, you can just pick a tree and make a hole to settle down." The old man pointed around.

Chen Xiang felt that the old man was not bad, so he decided to stay here to practice. He chose a big tree, and then made a tree hole.

As soon as he dug the tree hole, the old man ran in.

"Little devil, what's your name?" the old man asked.

"Chen Xiang, what about you, senior?"

"Tang Zhongjie!" The old man said with a smile, "I used to be very famous."

Of course Chen Xiang didn't know this name, he didn't know any of this kind of ancient ghost. .

"Then have you heard of Aoshi Daozu?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course I've heard that he built a mysterious Wan Dao Mausoleum here, covering up the world-defying mausoleum, but this guy can't come here! When I was guarding here, his Wan Dao Mausoleum was still there. It hasn't been built yet," Tang Zhongjie said.

Chen Xiang's heart was shocked, this Tang Zhongjie was actually so old, and the Wan Dao Mausoleum was staying here before it was finished! To have guarded it for so long just to enter the Tomb of the World-Defying God?

"Senior, how much do you know about Aoshi Daozu?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"A very good little guy. He created many worlds by himself. When the world was running, he multiplied many creatures. It's just a pity that he was finally planted in the hands of a big devil. That guy called himself a world-defying evil ancestor." Tang Zhongjie said: "The Aoshi Xiezu and Aoshi Daozu are twins, and their parents are said to be in the Aoshi Shenling!"

"There is such a thing!" Chen Xiang was shocked again, and then looked in the direction of the Proud World Divine Tomb. That place made him feel more and more mysterious, as if the origin of everything was there.

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