World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3013 Ten thousand punishments

If someone else said it, Lu Qilian and the others would definitely not believe it, unless there is some evidence! But if Chen Xiang said, they would definitely believe that if there was no Chen Xiang back then, the Dao world would not be like this today.

After the confession, Chen Xiang felt more at ease, and asked Baihua Village to come out every once in a while, so that he could be contacted.

At this time, he and Sun Lingxing have entered the Land of Ten Thousand Deaths!

Stepping into the Land of Ten Thousand Deaths, a burst of dead air rushed towards his face, and Chen Xiang immediately sensed that several evil ancestor demon guards were rushing over.

"These guys are getting sharper and sharper!" Chen Xiang let Sun Lingxing enter Youyao Villa, and then teleported himself into an underground secret room.

The soul of Aoshi Longzu is still here, he saw Chen Xiang coming, and he became very strong, he was overjoyed!

"Longzu, how is the situation now?" Chen Xiang asked hastily.

"It's not very good. I don't know why Ao Shi Xie Zu is getting stronger and stronger. Dao Zu and I fought him before, and we almost couldn't beat him." Ao Shi Long Zu said: "What about you? How is the progress?"

"The Aoshi Dragon Demon was killed by me, and a group of his younger brothers were all killed by me. How can I enter that seal?" Chen Xiang said: "Or let you get out by releasing the seal?"

"What is your cultivation level now?" Aoshi Longzu has only one soul at this time, and cannot see the exact strength of Chen Xiang, but he is sure that Chen Xiang must be in Aoshijing now.

"The world-defying realm has just completed the profound level, I just cultivated the world-defying profound body and the world-defying soul!" Chen Xiang said, according to his cultivation base, he is indeed at this level, but his strength is not.

Because his world-defying soul is the six-path world-defying soul beast, and the only one is the world-defying divine beast with the world-defying mysterious body. Its strength is very terrifying, and it cannot be viewed directly by cultivation.

"So fast!" Aoshi Longzu was very shocked, he felt that Chen Xiang's ability to step into Aoshi Realm was already good.

"Long Zu, the situation outside is not optimistic either! A world-defying Heavenly Gate has appeared." Chen Xiang said.

Sure enough, after talking about Aoshi Tianmen, Aoshi Longzu's face changed, full of worry.

"This damned Aoshi Tianmen actually broke the seal." Aoshi Longzu cursed in a low voice: "It seems that you should know what this Aoshi Tianmen is!"

Chen Xiang nodded. Sun Lingxing told him that Aoshi Tianmen is not a good thing. It can be seen from Aoshi Tianmen and Dragon Demon joining forces, and Aoshi Tianmen planned to attack him before.

"But don't worry, if Aoshi Tianmen really appears, his nemesis should appear soon." Aoshi Longzu said, he seems to know more than Sun Lingxing, after all, Sun Lingxing had been sealed in Aoshi Shenling back then, The World-Proud Tianmen was built later.

"Who is Aoshi Tianmen's deadly enemy?" Although Chen Xiang had the answer in his heart, he just wasn't sure.

"Myriad Taos Divine Mountain!" Aoshi Longzu said: "This Myriad Daos Divine Mountain and Aoshi Tianmen have never died!"

"Why?" This is the same as what Chen Xiang guessed in his heart, the Myriad Dao God Mountain and the Aoshi Tianmen are indeed deadly enemies.

"I just heard from Daozu that Wandao Shenshan is responsible for enforcing the punishment of Wandao Law, and Aoshi Tianmen violated the punishment, and had to fight against the executor. It also fought back then, which also led to Aoshi Tianmen being sealed." Aoshi Longzu said.

Aoshi Tianmen was indeed sealed for a period of time. Tang Zhongjie was in Aoshi Tianmen at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be sealed by Wandao Shenshan.

Tang Zhongjie said at the beginning that the Aoshi Tianmen was sealed by a mysterious force.

It turned out to be the work of the Myriad Dao Divine Mountain. The Myriad Dao Divine Mountain is indeed very strong, but the Aoshi Tianmen is not weak, and it can break the seal of the Myriad Dao Divine Mountain.

In order to know more about Myriad Dao Divine Mountain, Chen Xiang told Aoshi Longzu about the appearance of Aoshi Tianmen and Myriad Dao Divine Mountain in Tiandao World, and see what Aoshi Longzu thinks about it!

"Before the death of the Heavenly Dao Divine Master, he said that the Myriad Dao Divine Mountain was to find slaves, so he passed on many things to the people there." Chen Xiang said, "Is this true?"

Aoshi Longzu frowned and said: "It's possible, anyway, Wan Dao Shenshan is very ruthless, in order to achieve their goals, they will use any means, and all living things are just a ball of energy in their eyes! They despise living beings very much, this is mainly because Wan Dao The people in Shenshan are all ruthless beings created by the law of ten thousand ways!"

"Cruelty and ruthlessness are the most obvious characteristics of Wan Daoren. In addition, they also have evil tendencies, such as greed, bloodthirsty, etc. After all, life is nothing in their eyes, so they will definitely not be so kind to humans."

Chen Xiang now has a clearer understanding of Myriad Daos Divine Mountain. Aoshi Longzu also came from Aoshi Tianmen back then, and must have contacted people from Myriad Daos Divine Mountain, so he came to such a conclusion.

"So, the appearance of Myriad Dao Divine Mountain in the Heavenly Dao World is mostly intended to cultivate the people there to be strong and then be used by them. You must pay attention to this. If they are allowed to control it, then this is very scary!" Aoshi Longzu Said: "You said before that the Aoshi Tianmen appeared there after the Myriad Daos Divine Mountain appeared, right?"

Chen Xiang nodded, Xia Bailing told him so, because the Myriad Dao Divine Mountain appeared first, they had a certain strength base to fight against the Aoshi Tianmen, and the Aoshi Tianmen also made them very disgusted! Because it was Myriad Daos Divine Mountain that provided them with help, they had a good impression of Myriad Daos Divine Mountain. It can be said that they completely trusted Myriad Daos Divine Mountain, and often sent people to Myriad Daos Divine Mountain.

Chen Xiang said this detail again!

"You have to be more careful." Aoshi Longzu said: "Now Myriad Dao Divine Mountain has started to cause the human beings there to conflict with Aoshi Tianmen. Once the time is right, Myriad Dao Divine Mountain will start to rule over the human beings there."

Chen Xiang had already told Lu Qilian and the others to be careful of Myriad Dao Mountain.

"Longzu, Aoshi Daozu has created so many worlds, you have followed him for many years, you must have a lot of experience in these areas! I want to ask, how can I return to the world of heaven, although I can mobilize the world of heaven Power, but I always feel that I am not controlling the operation of the world of heaven." Chen Xiang said, he had tried to change the time rules of the world of heaven, etc., but could not succeed.

"You still can't control it because the overall power of that world is greater than your current power." Aoshi Longzu said: "This is also the case with Daozu, the old man. He can't control the world he created now!"

"In fact, this is also one of the laws of ten thousand ways. A world is equivalent to a living being. If your power weakens this world, you can't modify the rules of the world. This is a normal phenomenon! Can absorb the power of the world of heaven, and Daozu created so many worlds, big and small, making this world colorful, but he can't absorb any power." Aoshi Longzu had a trace of helplessness on his face.

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