World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3032: Feng Keer

Chen Xiang flew in that direction, and he kept an eye on his surroundings very carefully along the way.

In the middle of the night, there are thick clouds in the sky, the stars are blocked, and the sky and the earth are pitch black. It is quite difficult to see anything.

However, Chen Xiang has the Dao heart eye, and the Dao heart eye can see many things that the eyes cannot see.

He checked with his mind, and soon found out!

He saw a kind of purple-red energy floating between the sky and the earth, forming a vortex and constantly rolling up, which looked like a purple-red bloody mouth!

However, these energies do not have any breath, and are very thin, and can only be seen with the mind eye of the Tao.

After Chen Xiang observed it carefully, he also found that the vortex had a long tail that connected to the sky, and it should have fallen from a high altitude. After falling, when it was about to hit the ground, it suddenly exploded, turning purple-red. swirl.

"It finally turned white?" Chen Xiang carefully observed the purple-red vortex energy cyclone, and found a very thin white light thread extending from it, dragging out a long trajectory, and drifting towards the mountain in the distance. Forest.

"That child's fiery red color has turned white, is that the case?" Chen Xiang quickly followed the white thread of light and flew towards the distant forest.

"What could it be?" Chen Xiang was full of doubts, and quickly flew towards the forest.

There are white threads of light along the way, that's because there is no weak energy breath left by the hidden breath, but this kind of weak breath is generally difficult to sense, and only Chen Xiang can see it with his Dao mind.

Chen Xiang entered the mountain forest, and found that the white thread of light suddenly became smaller!

"Could it be that this guy didn't adjust his state when he landed, and then left behind a weak aura. Now that he has gradually adjusted, can he hide his aura better? Is this thing alive?"

Chen Xiang thought it was some kind of supreme treasure, but he didn't expect it to be a living being with extremely high intelligence. He found that white thread of light circling around in the forest, as if deliberately leaving some clues to get rid of it. Someone who wants to end him.

It was dawn, but the sky was still covered with thick clouds, giving people a gray feeling, which looked very depressing.

Chen Xiang was still tracking that mysterious thing in the forest along the white light thread. He also used anti-force to hide himself. If his final thing was too powerful, he might be very dangerous.

"My current invisibility technique should be very reliable. After all, I am already in the world-defying realm, so I won't be seen through so easily." Unknowingly, Chen Xiang had already entered the depths of the mountain forest.

However, just when he felt that his invisibility technique was very good, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. He looked around, and found that white light suddenly appeared all around, and gradually became larger.

He took a closer look and found that these white rays of light surrounded him very regularly, some fell on the ground, and some were in the air. This turned out to be a very profound spirit pattern!

At this time, he was in a large formation, and he was drawn in by the mysterious white light thread.

"not good!"

After realizing something was wrong, he immediately teleported out of the large formation, and the moment he just teleported out, the place he was just now trembled suddenly. Although there was no attack, he could see that the It is a seal with strong sealing power!

"It's so dangerous, what the hell is this thing? It has such powerful formation power?" Chen Xiang looked around and shouted: "I don't have any malicious intentions, I'm just curious!"

"Hmph, the formation that people worked so hard to arrange,

It was destroyed by you, why did you come here without malice, you came here with malice! You pay for my seal, pay for my seal. "The girl's delicate voice suddenly made Chen Xiang a little dazed.

"This... What help do you need? Maybe I can help you!" Chen Xiang said again: "By the way, where are you?"

"You're all sneaky and shy, you show up first, and then I show up." The girl's voice came.

Chen Xiang had no choice but to show up, and said: "Okay, it's your turn, don't lie, you are a bad boy!"

"You are bad!" After the girl finished speaking, a white light flew over at an extremely fast speed, and what made Chen Xiang feel unbelievable was that the white light carried a very magical power, that kind of power seemed to be able to ignore all power, he felt that if If he uses the power of time and space to imprison him, it will definitely have no effect.

A girl appeared, wearing a set of green clothes, she looked only five or six years old, with two long ponytail hair hanging down to her waist, her round face was very cute!

She is suspended in the air, and has a pair of transparent, butterfly-like wings on her back, which are much larger than her petite body.

This turned out to be a very cute and magical elf.

"You pay me for my formation, which I used to seal the bad guys!" The girl Ha shouted again: "I made it very hard. If I rearrange it, I will have to work all night."

"You created such a powerful formation in one night, it's really amazing." Chen Xiang couldn't help but marvel.

"It's not amazing! It took such a long night to get it done." The girl couldn't bear the praise, and said modestly.

"I'm sorry, I just discovered some strange phenomena, and then followed the clues to come here. It's all my curiosity that caused you such a big trouble. I'm very sorry." Chen Xiang also blamed himself very much. apology.

"Forget it, it's already like this anyway, just apologize!" The girl actually accepted Chen Xiang's apology, and her attitude towards Chen Xiang was much better.

She fluttered her big transparent butterfly wings and said, "Can you really help me? Your strength seems to be mediocre, and you haven't cultivated the world-defying holy body!"

"My true strength cannot be seen directly." Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Many people who underestimated me have suffered a great loss!"

"What kind of loss did you suffer?" the girl asked very curiously.

"Uh... fell asleep forever." Chen Xiang scratched his head and smiled.

"Oh!" The girl seemed to understand a little bit, then rolled her lovely eyeballs and said, "I am Feng Keer, the sealer."

"Feng Ke'er? This name is the same as yours, it's very special!" Chen Xiang smiled and said, "I'm Chen Xiang!"

Chen Xiang was very curious about Feng Ke'er's origin, Aoshi Tianmen and Wandao Shenshan seemed to know that she would come, and even dispatched a lot of manpower to track her down, but he found her first.

"By the way, there are two groups of people looking for you, why are they looking for you?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Ah! You know they are looking for me? Are you with them?" Feng Ke'er immediately stepped back, looking at Chen Xiang vigilantly.

"Of course I'm not with them, but I have a bit of enmity with them. I know they have something precious, so I'll try to see if I can find it before them." Chen Xiang said.

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