World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3065: Wan Daolin

"Look for the psychic ghost first!" Chen Xiang used Six Paths of Time and Space, and came to Wan Dao Mausoleum again.

The Lingtong ghost has been in Wan Dao's tomb all along, and after Mr. He's family, the seal has been removed, but Wan Dao's tomb is already dilapidated and will collapse at any time.

"Spiritual ghost!" Chen Xiang came to the outside of a mountain and transmitted a sound to the psychic ghost inside.

The Lingtong ghost ran out in a hurry, and Chen Xiang told him about the Aoshi family, and what happened in the Wandao Mausoleum before.

"Take me here for a stroll, and I'll see if I can collect some memories." The psychic ghost has the talent to absorb the remaining memories in the world.

Chen Xiang rode the magic mirror of six paths, and brought the psychic ghosts to fly around here several times, because they had killed that kind of black-clothed slaves before, and although the black-clothed slaves had lost their souls, they were still scattered here and there.

The reason why Chen Xiang came to look for the Lingtong ghost was also because of this, just to see if the Lingtong ghost could collect information about the Aoshi family.

A day passed, and the psychic ghosts were almost collected.

"How?" Chen Xiang asked.

"The memory is messed up... I didn't expect the Aoshi family to be so scary, but the servants are so powerful." The Lingtong ghost had already obtained part of the black-clothed slave's memory, and after knowing a little about the Aoshi family, he was shocked.

"Tell me!" Chen Xiang was also very curious.

"There are six Aoshi families in total, and the Murong family and the He family are the two strongest, and the other four are relatively weak, so the four Aoshi families have a very good relationship in private."

"Among them, the He family is the strongest, so the young master of the He family was the first to come here, but this young master never does it himself. Few people have seen him do it himself. He always uses the servants around him, that is, black clothes. slaves and slaves in gold clothes."

Chen Xiang nodded, he has seen this before!

"Where is the Aoshi family? Do you know?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's also in the wilderness, but it has its own independent space. It's still a bit difficult to find them." The psychic ghost sighed: "We can only wait for them to come out!"

"Is there anything else useful?" Chen Xiang asked again: "Is there anything about that young master of the He family?"

"That guy seems to be one of the geniuses in the He family. In fact, everyone in the He family is a genius! I don't know about the others, because these slaves in black don't always follow him, but only when he needs them. I will ask for it from the family."

"The black-clothed slaves themselves have been cultivated by secret methods. They are a group of people who have no feelings and don't care about these things."

This made Chen Xiang a little disappointed, because he still didn't know much about the Ao Shi family.

"Do you have any memories related to Murong Honglian?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"No!" The psychic ghost shook his head.

Seeing Chen Xiang's disappointed look, the psychic ghost said again: "Although there is no information you need, these slaves in black have a place in their minds, they are often sent to this place to find something, this place is in Shenhuang !"

"Do you know how to get there?" Chen Xiang's eyes lit up.

"I know! According to the memory of the slaves in black, that place is very important to them, so they often go there, sometimes to search, sometimes to protect something, or to do something there, in short, it is memory It's too messy, and there's a lot missing." The psychic ghost said again.

"Okay, take me there now." Chen Xiang immediately took the psychic ghost out of the Wandao Mausoleum, and then rode the Six Paths Mirror,

Fly in the direction guided by the psychic ghost.


A woman in a white dress appeared in the sky, she was hidden in the clouds, she did not leak any breath, this woman was the previous Murong Honglian.

"This guy dared to come back. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't be sure!" Murong Honglian left her own power of time and space in Wan Dao Mausoleum. Although it was very weak, it could make her Feel something inside.

She sensed Chen Xiang's aura, and was still flying around inside, she didn't believe it at first, but the feeling was too strong, she had to rush over to see it herself, she didn't expect to escape from Mr. He's arrest The old Chen Xiang actually ran back again, this courage made her feel admirable.

"Now the Aoshi family thinks that I got the Aoshi Qinglong! I obviously didn't get it, but they didn't believe what I said, and they said that I kept a low profile and deliberately concealed it." Murong Honglian was also very helpless when encountering such a thing, because Even the members of their Murong family thought that she had obtained the World-Defying Azure Dragon.

"It seems that I can no longer keep a low profile in the future!" Murong Honglian chased after him, and quietly followed Chen Xiang: "This guy already found out that I was following him last time, this time I must not let him find out."

Chen Xiang didn't know that Murong Honglian was following behind, and he didn't expect that Murong Honglian would come back, so he took the psychic ghost and flew to the place where the slaves in black often went.

His speed is very fast, and he uses the power of time and space to teleport a large distance from time to time, and Murong Honglian also has great difficulty following, if she hadn't mastered the power of time and space, she would have lost track of him long ago.

"If that guy from the He family came to follow him, he would definitely be lost in a short time. I'm still pretty good! I worked so hard to learn the power of time and space, and it was not in vain." Murong Honglian couldn't help showing a sweet smile on her face.

A few days later, Chen Xiang was getting closer and closer to that place.

"It's a stone forest!" Chen Xiang had already seen many huge stones in front of him from a high altitude. These stones fell to the ground. The largest one was more than a thousand feet high, and they were all like mountains of different sizes.

But these are not mountains, they are all broken boulders, and some stones are like straight trees, so it looks like a forest made of stones.

"He's actually going here!" Murong Honglian couldn't help being horrified when she saw the boundless stone forest in the distance, and at the moment she was horrified, she accidentally let out a trace of breath.

"Someone is nearby!" Chen Xiang sensed it immediately, looked at a white cloud in the sky, and then used his Dao Xin Eye to look, and saw a group of light red soft light, but this group of red soft light quickly disappeared.

"Murong Honglian!" Chen Xiang shouted: "You follower, come out quickly, I have already found you!"

Murong Honglian immediately teleported in front of Chen Xiang. Although Chen Xiang said that she was a follower, she was not angry, and said with a smile: "You really have two talents, and you were able to discover me again."

"Why did you follow me?" Although Chen Xiang had a calm expression, he was surprised in his heart. This woman actually knew that he was going back to the Wan Dao Mausoleum, and followed him quietly all the way. It was very dangerous, but fortunately she did not sneak attack.

"Curious!" Murong Honglian curled her lips, "What are you doing here?"

"You know this place?" Chen Xiang looked at the stone forest ahead.

"Of course I know! The front is Wan Daolin, it will be very dangerous to go in." Murong Honglian said: "We, the proud family, can't go in!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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