World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3199: Fire Seed Formation

The spirit of the altar needed Chen Xiang's help, so he was more polite. Although he was kicked twice, he only hummed twice.

"I didn't expect your flames to be so bad!" The spirit of the altar saw the flames released by Chen Xiang, and said with contempt: "I thought you mastered the sky refining technique, and you also have a good fire refining skill."

"I had it before, but it was only for cultivating the World-Defying Divine Fire, not for cultivating the World-Defying Mad Soul." Chen Xiang said, "Do you have any relevant exercises?"

"There are no exercises, but I have a way for you to cultivate powerful flames, and it is faster." The spirit of the altar said: "It's's a little troublesome."

"What's the trouble?" Song Yichen said, "It's not difficult, is it?"

"Isn't it difficult? The reason why it's troublesome is because you need to arrange a large formation, and you have to use the Myriad Dao Divine Soil Crystals to arrange it. A total of more than 3,000 Myriad Dao Divine Soil Crystals are needed." The spirit of the altar said: "After the arrangement , the big formation is opened, and those Myriad Dao God Earth Crystals will also be invalidated."

"What's the benefit of setting up a large formation?" Chen Xiang asked Feng Ke'er to come out, which Feng Ke'er was most familiar with.

"The main purpose of arranging the large array is to condense the sun fire from the three suns. After the sun fire is condensed, let the sun fire go to the world-defying soul river above ten thousand ways to find the flame mad soul."

"The fire seed is fused with the flame mad soul, and then you fuse the fire seed, and the fire seed is your own." The spirit of the altar said: "Only the ancestor of the sun knows how to arrange this big formation. He taught me back then."

After Chen Xiang heard it, he felt that this method was feasible, and it was the only way at present.

"It's not a problem at all, just tell Xiao Ke'er how to arrange the big formation." Chen Xiang looked at Feng Ke'er and said.

"Okay, little girl, I'll pass on the memory of the formation to you right now." The spirit of the altar suddenly shone with light, which entered Feng Ke'er's body.

"Did you see it?" asked the spirit of the altar.

"I see!" Feng Ke'er nodded: "It's a little troublesome! But it's not a problem!"

"You solve it yourself, I believe you will be successful." The spirit of the altar said: "However, if this fire god formation is in operation, it will make a lot of noise, and other ethnic groups will definitely find out."

"It doesn't matter about them, once Chen Xiang has enough powerful flames, he can quickly refine the Crystal Emperor. At that time, as long as the ancient Sun Altar is restored, we have nothing to fear." Song Yichen said.


Back in the Sun God Forest, Feng Ke'er asked Chen Xiang to give her three thousand rat people, and let her control them. She wanted to use them to set up the formation, and the big formation would be relatively large.

Song Yichen found an open space in the Sun God Forest, which was for Feng Ke'er to deploy.

Sister Meijing is going to get the earth crystal of the God of Myriad Taos, which requires a lot of formations.

They can get 10 million Dao God earth crystals every day, and in just two days, they got more than 2,000, plus the previous 1,000, it is enough to set up the formation.

"Next, you have to continue to work hard." Chen Xiang said.

"It's okay!" Jiang Simi stuck out her tongue at Chen Xiang: "My sister and I don't have anything to do anyway."

Chen Xiang came to that empty place and asked, "How long will it take to arrange it?"

"It can be done in two days." Feng Ke'er smiled and said, "With the help of these rat people, I am much more relaxed!"

"By the way, you will need to sit in the middle of the formation at that time,

And you need to bleed. "Feng Ke'er said, at this time she had already dug out many lines in that open space, these are all spirit lines, very complicated.

Those Myriad Dao God earth crystals are evenly placed on the lines.

When Feng Keer dug these lines, she controlled several ratmen to dig together, so it could be completed quickly. If she had enough shovels, she could dig faster.

The main reason is that this place is full of Myriad Dao Divine Soil, and only a shovel made from Myriad Dao Divine Soil can be easily dug out.

"Okay!" Feng Ke'er clapped his hands after placing the Myriad Dao God Earth Crystal.

She had a total of three days before and after!

"It's your turn, let's bleed!" Feng Ke'er said: "Your blood is needed, and then the condensed sun fire will be under your control and will fuse with you."

"How much blood do you need?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's enough to fill all the lines here, and let your blood fill the spirit lines here." Feng Ke'er laughed: "It's not easy!"

Chen Xiang swallowed his saliva, it was really not easy.

A few days passed, and Chen Xiang's blood finally covered all the spirit patterns. If it was only him, he would not be able to complete it so quickly. This was all helped by Sister Meimei.

"Next, you need to sit in the middle." Feng Ke'er said.

In the middle of the formation, there was a special place for him to sit cross-legged. After Chen Xiang floated over, he asked, "What's next?"

"Next, you inject the world-defying madness, and use the world-defying madness to revive the entire formation." Feng Ke'er said.

Chen Xiang closed his eyes, and sent out streams of world-defying madness, allowing this world-defying madness to cover all the spirit patterns, and wake up the entire formation.

Soon, the black Myriad Dao God Earth Crystals inside the formation released a faint golden radiance, the black surface disappeared, and the blood that Chen Xiang released before had also turned golden.

At this time, the spirit pattern of the big formation has turned into a golden light, very beautiful.

"What's next?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"Then you just have to wait for the fire to appear in your divine sea." Feng Ke'er said, "After that, you will need the Madness Transformation Pill, because then your spirit will need to go to the World-Proud Soul River."

Jiang Sihua has already condensed a lot of world-defying mad pills inside, so Chen Xiang doesn't need to worry about this matter.

An hour after the grand formation was opened, the light released by the three suns in the sky was like a golden cloud, which was sucked by the great formation. If you look at it from a distance, you can see the three suns releasing a burst of light Hit the ground and gather in one place!


Inside the Tiangu Imperial Palace, an old man in a golden robe stood on a high tower, looking at the three silk threads released by the three suns, his brows were tightly furrowed.

"Great Emperor, did you see it!" An old man flew up from below and landed behind the Tiangu Emperor.

"I see, the legendary fire array, I didn't expect it to be lost. Judging from the direction, it should be in the direction of the forbidden land of the gods. What happened inside?" Emperor Tiangu said coldly: "Who else knows this? Planting a large formation? What is the purpose of opening this large formation?"

"I don't know. In short, there have been many changes in the forbidden land of the gods. As far as I know... Some time ago, the people from the Moon King's side went into the forbidden land of the gods, and there were very huge discoveries in it. As for what they discovered I don’t know, for this reason, Moon King sent a few strong old guys to go.” The old man said.

"Quickly investigate for me!" Emperor Tiangu snorted angrily: "Yue Wang and his group are actually sneaking around under my nose!"

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