World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3203: Rebirth of the Ancient Altar

Shen Xiang and Song Yichen felt more at ease when they heard their conversation. The powerhouses of the ancient royal family these days were unable to destroy this ancient altar of the sun in a short period of time.

"Brother Huang, are we going to find those old princes?" Yue Wang said: "Only they have the strength to destroy it. Although...although we have to give them some, it is better than not getting it now."

Moon King originally wanted to monopolize the Myriad Dao God earth crystals on the Sun God Altar, but now that the Tiangu Emperor found out, he was very upset, so even if he got a little less, he couldn't let the Tiangu Emperor get most of it.

Yue Wang is not confident to get most of them now, and he is worried that Emperor Tiangu will get rid of him, so he wants to find those old princes to come out of the mountain, so that he can guarantee his own safety.

Emperor Tiangu saw through Yuewang's thoughts at a glance, but he said with a smile: "Don't disturb them for the time being, they have been in seclusion for many years, so we can't disturb them casually, let's try our best first, if we really can't destroy the Sun Altar , it’s not too late to invite them out of the mountain.”

"Okay, listen to Brother Huang." Yue Wang smiled and said.

Emperor Tiangu took out a long sword, and slashed down at the Sun Altar, only to hear a crisp sound of "Dang", and his very beautiful long sword broke into several pieces.

"Wandao God Soil Crystal is really powerful!" Although Emperor Tiangu's favorite sword was destroyed, his eyes were full of ecstasy, because it made him see the power of Wan Dao God Soil Crystal. If the soil crystal refines a sword, it must be many times stronger than the one he destroyed just now.

"There is no trace left." Yue Wang also exclaimed, he wanted to get the earth crystal of the God of Myriad Taos even more.

"It seems that we have to think of a way." Emperor Tiangu frowned and said, "Let's go out and talk."

It was only the two of them who came in, and the others were stationed outside.

"By the way, Brother Huang, someone has activated the Fire Seed Array, and it's right here." Moon King said suddenly.

"Yes, that's why I came in to take a look. I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet you here." Emperor Tiangu said with a serious face: "It takes a lot of Ten Thousand Dao God Soil Crystals to activate the Fire Seed Array, and we don't know who it is. , but it is carried out in this forbidden land of the gods, most of them are the enemies of our ancient gods, we must treat them with caution and work together to destroy the enemies."

Yue Wang secretly cursed a few words in his heart, the Tiangu Emperor didn't meet them by chance at all, but followed him here, and they didn't even notice!


After Moon King and Emperor Tiangu left, the Sun God Altar immediately sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang: "Little devil, do it now!"

Chen Xiang immediately ran out, and also released eight mousemen, asking them to hold a piece of crystal emperor and stuff them into the nine squares above the Sun God Altar, very quickly, it was completed in just a few moments.

"It's done, dodge!" After Chen Xiang finished playing, he immediately teleported into the secret passage.

After the nine crystal emperors were placed on the grid on the Sun God Altar, the Sun God Altar immediately shone with a burst of strong light. sky!

Originally, the altar of the sun was covered with a thick layer of soil, but after a ray of light was emitted from the altar of the sun, a huge sky hole was opened in an instant, and the light shot straight into the sky, linking to one of the suns!

Such a huge movement has alarmed the Moon King and Emperor Tiangu outside, they ran over in a hurry, through the glare of the sunlight, they could see pieces of crystals inside the squares of the Sun Altar.

"That is... the Emperor of the Myriad Dao God Soil Crystal,

hell. "Yue Wang exclaimed: "We just came out, and Jinghuang appeared. What's going on?" "

Yue Wang originally thought that Emperor Tiangu would talk to him a few more words, but when he turned his head, he found that Emperor Tiangu had already disappeared.

He immediately chased it out, and the Tiangu Emperor and his party had already flown into the sky, running very fast.

"Moon King, what should we do now?" An old man was still in shock when he saw the huge beam of light erupting from the ground. The sudden burst of movement made them unable to react.

"Of course I ran away. If we continue to stay, we may be finished." Yue Wang snorted angrily. He didn't expect things to be like this. Originally, he thought that he could at least get some Myriad Dao God earth crystals. But now the hair can't be caught.

What makes him feel better is that Emperor Tiangu will get nothing.

Moon King quickly caught up with Emperor Tiangu and asked, "Brother Emperor, why are you running so fast? Don't tell me!"

"This situation has happened here. I need to go back and get the palace ready... The guys from the Shentu clan will be resurrected soon. Although this place is not suitable for staying for a long time, there is no danger in a short period of time." Emperor Tiangu said , he knew very well what the restoration of the ancient sun altar meant.

Members of the royal family all know that the ancient Sun Altar of the God-Tu Clan is the strongest and most terrifying. Even if the head of the old God-Tu Clan was fooled into trying to destroy the Sun Altar, he could only take away the crystal emperor on it.

But now that the Crystal Emperor suddenly appeared, the Emperor Tiangu couldn't understand it!

He secretly worried in his heart. At the beginning, the other eight tribes did not dare to do anything because the Shentu tribe had this ancient sun altar. Now that the ancient sun altar has been restored, they will definitely not be able to do it casually in the future. Enter the forbidden land of the gods.

After more than an hour, the Sun God Altar had calmed down, and it was still floating in the sky, flying towards the Sun God Forest.

Chen Xiang and Song Yichen also followed. They followed behind the Sun God Altar, and easily passed through the Sun God Forest and entered it.

"Those bastards from the Tiangu God Clan are running too fast, let's let them go for now." The spirit of the altar said, he had already flown to the middle of the Sun God Forest, and then landed on the ground.

"Spirit of the altar, can the clansmen who have turned into ancient beasts recover now?" Song Yichen asked.

"I'll give it a try... If the souls are severely damaged, I can't help it, because their souls are gone. If the souls are still sleeping, or there is a wisp of remnant souls, they can be restored to their original appearance. "The spirit of the altar said: "When they are restored, I will strengthen the enchantment of the entire forbidden land of the gods. There is already an enchantment here, which was arranged by them. I can modify it and make it under my control. It will make it a lot safer here.”

After the spirit of the altar finished speaking, a burst of light appeared, shooting out a beam of light, which connected with the scorching sun above, and the color of the scorching sun suddenly changed to dark red.

In an instant, the entire Forbidden Land of God's Land was covered in this dark red color, which looked very strange and terrifying!

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