World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3247: The Second Floor of the Temple

Chen Xiang had signed a blood contract with Li Ba before, and now he didn't have to worry that Li Ba would do anything to him, he took out the Ziyang Excalibur.

The whole body of the Ziyang Excalibur is purple, and when it is injected with world-defying mad power, it will flash bursts of purple light. When Chen Xiang took it out, Li Ba just took a look and was sure that it was the Ziyang Excalibur.

"This must be the real Ziyang Excalibur, otherwise the elder brother would not be able to save me." Ma Jinhong laughed.

"Yes yes yes... this is the real Ziyang Excalibur." Li Ba took the Ziyang Excalibur from Chen Xiang. Although he held it in his hand, he felt that this Ziyang Excalibur had no aura and wanted to break free from him. Obviously, this sword does not recognize him, so it will become like this when it is in his hands.

Li Ba hastily returned the Ziyang Excalibur to Chen Xiang.

"Old Li, what's the matter?" Chen Xiang urged.

"When you entered the hall, you should have seen the huge square, which was occupied by the Thieves King." Li Ba said, "The rest of our families entered the other nine doors."

Chen Xiang nodded: "I see, back then I ran to the door closest to me, and it was here!"

"The place where we are now is the first floor of the Ziyang Temple. For many years, we have been unable to break through this floor and cannot find a way up." Li Ba said: "We have united many times and want to blast the upper stone wall. Open, but can't succeed, it is too strong, those stone walls are wrapped by the power of an enchantment."

"Then how can I go there?" Chen Xiang frowned and asked: "I already have the Purple Sun Excalibur, and I also know that the Purple Sun Excalibur is the key to the Purple Sun Temple, but I don't know how to do it."

"I think there might be a hidden door here, which can only be opened by using the Purple Sun Excalibur," Ma Jinhong said.

Li Ba shook his head: "I have been searching here for many years, and I have never seen such a door, but I know how to use the Nine Heavens Sword!"

"How to use it?" Chen Xiang asked.

Li Ba lifted up a stone slab on the ground and said, "I have dug a deep passage here for many years, leading to the one below, and there are some special things below."

Ma Jinhong was very puzzled and asked, "Shouldn't it be on the top? We are going to the second floor now, and we are going underground?"

Li Ba shook his head and said: "The underground barrier is much stronger than the stone wall above. No matter how you look at it, it seems that the ground is protecting something powerful, so I think that if we want to go to the second floor, we have to go underground."

Chen Xiang didn't ask any more questions, and followed Li Ba down.

It was quite deep below, and it took them a moment to sink to reach it.

"Little brother, try it!" Li Ba held a glowing stone in his hand, illuminating the ground.

Chen Xiang squatted down and looked at the ground, it was a blue stone slab, the material was very strong.

"What is this? It looks very solid, and...and there are so many spirit patterns on it." Chen Xiang was surprised.

"Yes, in short, all my artifacts are damaged, but I can't leave a trace on them. I think it should be refined from Myriad Dao Divine Soil, and there is a layer of protective barrier power on it." Li Pa said.

"Little brother, I don't ask you to give us anything when the time comes. I just hope that you can take our Li family out of this ghostly place. Many little guys in our Li family yearn for the outside world very much."

Chen Xiang nodded: "That's no problem, I'll take the things inside, and I'll go out too,

At that time, I can take you everywhere by the way. "


Suddenly there was a shock from above, and there was also a violent vibration under the deep ground where they were.

"No, it's probably the King of Thieves who attacked." Li Ba said with a serious expression, "I'll go up and see, you find a way to make a way here, we have to leave here quickly, we are definitely not the opponent of the King of Thieves and the others !"

Li Ba ran up in a hurry, and Chen Xiang held the Ziyang Excalibur tightly.

"Brother, how about trying to stab into the ground?" Ma Jinhong said.

Chen Xiang planned to do this. He held the Ziyang Excalibur and stabbed at the ground. At first he thought it was very difficult to stab in, but he didn't expect that with just a light touch, the Ziyang Excalibur would enter the bluestone slab on the ground. In the middle, and the bluestone board also released light.

It didn't take long before the bluestone slab floated up, as if the water was rippling, which made Ma Jinhong yell.

"It's moving!" Ma Jinhong exclaimed.

"Little brother, how is it?" Li Ba asked from above.

"Successful, now you can come down!" Chen Xiang said, at this time the huge bluestone slab below had turned into a blue glowing liquid, Chen Xiang and Ma Jinhong were suspended in the air, otherwise they would definitely fall.

After Li Ba came down, he was also suspended.

"The Purple Yang Excalibur is really useful!" Li Ba sighed for a while, he had tried many methods before, but he couldn't make the bluestone slab change a bit, and now Chen Xiang just used the Purple Yang Excalibur to fiddle with it casually.

"I don't know what's down here." Ma Jinhong said, "I'll go down and have a look first. After I go down, I'll see if I can come up!"

Ma Jinhong's courage suddenly became great, and he immediately jumped down.

Chen Xiang and Li Ba waited on it.

"The Thief King and the others are here?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Yes, this guy has united so many families. It is obvious that he is not confident enough in his own strength. In this way, they will be foolproof." Li Ba said.

"Brother, you can come down now, this is really another place." Ma Jinhong's voice came from below.

Chen Xiang immediately jumped down.

After he went down, he found that he had landed in a magnificent hall, which had the feeling of Ziyang Temple. The huge square they went to before looked very earthy.

Afterwards, Li Ba also brought people down. There were only a hundred people in the Li family, and more than half of them were young people. They were amazed when they came here, but Li Ba told them not to know anything.

Ma Jinhong looked up and said anxiously: "Brother, the hole is still there, can it be sealed?"

Chen Xiang looked at the top of the hall, there was indeed a blue floating place, that big piece was very obvious, he jumped on it hastily, and stirred it a few times with the Purple Sun Excalibur, but all failed.

"It doesn't matter, let's leave as soon as possible." Chen Xiang released hundreds of squirrels, and let the squirrels explore the surroundings, so that they can also step on traps.

"There is a gate there, maybe it is the gate to leave the Ziyang Temple." Li Ba pointed to the side of the hall, the gate is very big, it looks like a gate at first glance.

"Okay!" Chen Xiang hurriedly walked over: "I'll try it, if you can really leave, you'd better leave this place as soon as possible, the Thief King and the others should be able to find this entrance soon."

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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