World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3265: The Peak of Berserk War

At this time, Qin Shuang seemed to be possessed by a murderous god, which made the Qin family and the Tiangu royal family tremble. Just after the Lan family was wiped out, Qin Shuang appeared near the Qin family again.

Because she had a blood contract with Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang asked her to kill her in a hurry, she had no choice at all, and the Qin family shot Chen Xiang without discussing with her, this ability made her very angry.

"Don't blame me!" After Qin Shuang finished speaking, he slashed out with a few swords, and several semi-circular purple air blades criss-crossed and slashed over, chopping dozens of members of the Qin family into pieces.

The pieces of meat fell to the ice floor and were immediately burned to ashes.

Chen Xiang and Bai Xuelan don't need to make a move at this time, and they are safe. Although Hong Ganyi is here, Hong Ganyi can't do anything to them. Although people from the Tiangu imperial family can do it, they are all busy fleeing.

The Tiangu royal family is very smart, they ran away immediately!

"Hong Ganyi, what are you doing, you killed me." An old man from the Tiangu royal family shouted.

They originally thought that Hong Ganyi would hold Qin Shuang back, so that Qin Shuang would not be able to protect Chen Xiang, but they didn't know that Chen Xiang gave Qin Shuang the Purple Sun Excalibur. It frightened Hong Ganyi, but the more Hong Ganyi watched, the more frightened he became. He was also trying to escape from Qin Shuang's domain, which was really terrifying.

"Qin Shuang is now at the pinnacle of the world-defying madness. She has four world-defying mad battle spirits. I am no match for her at all!" Hong Ganyi already understood the reason why Qin Shuang suddenly became powerful.

Hong Ganyi is only in the middle stage of the world-defying madness, and there are only two souls of the world-defying madness, far inferior to Qin Shuang. If he continues to fight with Qin Shuang, he will only be killed by Qin Shuang in the end.

Chen Xiang and Bai Xuelan were also very surprised that Qin Shuang suddenly had two more world-defying mad war spirits!

"You can't escape!" Qin Shuang controlled the dark purple ice ground to tremble, and condensed countless purple ice swords, flying to and fro in the field. Only the place where Chen Xiang and Bai Xuelan were was there was no purple ice sword flying. Flying around, the rest of the area is covered by this very scary purple ice sword.

Chen Xiang saw that after an old man was stabbed, his body immediately stiffened and condensed into ice, and after the pierced purple ice sword released icy cold power to freeze the person, it immediately exploded, leaving the frozen body People explode!

This made Chen Xiang's scalp tingle!

"Xuelan, you enter the White Mansion first!" Chen Xiang hurriedly led Bai Xuelan to the gate of the White Mansion.

"What about you?" Bai Xuelan was a little worried, she knew that Chen Xiang would stay outside because the Ziyang Excalibur belonged to him, and he would definitely have to talk to Qin Shuang about something when the time came.

"You don't have to worry about me!" Chen Xiang shook the Mirror of Six Paths in his hand.

Bai Xuelan nodded, and then entered the White Mansion.

At this time, almost all the members of the Tiangu royal family were killed, only Hong Qianyi was left!

Hong Ganyi couldn't beat Qin Shuang, and he couldn't attack Chen Xiang, nor could he escape Qin Shuang's domain. He had two less world-defying and mad fighting spirits than Qin Shuang, and the difference in strength was huge. He had no chance of winning at all. In a desperate situation.

"Qin Shuang, are you really going to kill me?" Hong Ganyi said angrily, he saw that he was holding a formation disk in his hand, and he was holding it tightly. Hong Ganyi is desperate for something.

"I must be killed!" Qin Shuang's voice was cold and firm, and she had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Don't even think about succeeding!" Hong Qianyi roared, and saw the formation disk in his hand suddenly flew out and appeared in the sky.

As soon as this array appeared,

A wave of space rippling power came, and Chen Xiang was shocked. He also hurriedly circulated the space force, trying to get rid of being swallowed, but he couldn't move.

"You..." Qin Shuang knew what Hong Qianyi was doing, snorted coldly, and then hurriedly came to Chen Xiang's side, holding Chen Xiang's shoulder tightly.

Chen Xiang only felt that he was being swallowed by a very strong force of space, and was going to be absorbed somewhere.

"Haha... I, Hong Ganyi, can't die. Wait for me. When I condense the four world-defying mad war spirits, I will definitely torture you to death." Hong Qianyi's laughter fluctuated.

Soon, Chen Xiang felt that he had left the ancient world and entered a very unstable space channel.

"Where are we going?" Chen Xiang hurriedly asked: "Are we leaving the ancient world?"

"Yes, we are going to Wandao. Hong Qianyi has a formation disk in his hand. He opened the passage leading to Wandao. When the passage was opened, because the power of space above Wandao was too strong, so It will generate a strong devouring force and suck us up." Qin Shuang said: "Now we are in a space channel."

"Hong Ganyi is going ahead of us, but we won't meet him after we go to Wan Dao. If I hadn't caught you, we would all be scattered." Qin Shuang was very calm, her voice was Very smooth.

"But I don't want to go above Myriad Ways! How will I go back to the Ancient World?" Chen Xiang had planned to advance to the late stage or peak of the World-Proud and Mad Realm in the Ancient World before he could go to Myriad Ways. on the plan.

But now he is only a world-defying mad soul, and it is only in the early stage of the world-defying madness, so he goes to the top of the world, which makes it difficult for him to survive.

"It's pretty easy to go back." Qin Shuang said, "But for you now, it will be a little difficult!"

"Why?" Chen Xiang expressed his incomprehension: "Can't you come back too?"

"We can go back, because we have two world-defying mad fighting souls." Qin Shuang said: "Our world-defying mad fighting souls are different from ordinary world-defying mad fighting souls. One of our crazy fighting souls is equivalent to your two, so you have to If you want to go back, you need to condense at least three world-defying mad souls."

Qin Shuang and the other mad war gods can only return by condensing two mad war souls, but Chen Xiang only condenses an ordinary world-defying mad soul. With an ordinary world-defying mad soul, he needs to condense three to go back. A lot of time.

"Alright!" Chen Xiang sighed.

Not long after, he came out of the dark space passage, he saw the sun, and he was falling with Qin Shuang constantly.

"I can't fly, what a fool!" Chen Xiang originally wanted to levitate, but it didn't work at all. He tried the power of space again, but he couldn't shuttle.

"This is above Wan Dao, and many laws cannot be used." Qin Shuang knew that Chen Xiang had mastered the laws of time and space, but after coming to Wan Dao, none of these would work.

"Then I'm useless?" Chen Xiang looked bald, came to such a strange place, his strength is weak, and he can't use the means to save his life.

"You can use it if you want, release your own world-defying domain, and in your domain, you can use the laws you have mastered." Qin Shuang grabbed Chen Xiang, and saw that her whole body was bursting with purple energy. It can make her levitate and fall a little bit.

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