World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3349: Holy Dragon Tibetan Lake

Chen Xiang sighed, and said: "Yes, and the Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan have been chasing and killing him! The World-Defying Sacred Dragon is my friend, and I came this time to find him and tell him something."

"I was more worried about him before, but now that he is here, I am much relieved."

Song Tianchuan and the others were astonished as if they were struck by lightning. Chen Xiang was actually friends with the World Aoshi Shenglong!

The world-defying holy dragon, that is a powerful dragon in the world-defying holy realm. This kind of world-defying divine beast is far more powerful than humans, and it is extremely mysterious. It is hard for Song Tianchuan and the others to believe that they can become friends with humans.

"Chen Xiang, you...Aren't you joking? How did you become friends with the cruel World-Defying Sacred Dragon?" Du Rouke asked in surprise, her sweet little face was full of disbelief.

"The World-Defying Saint Dragon is not cruel. This is mainly because when everyone encounters the World-Defying Saint Dragon, the first reaction is to kill him, because the World-Defying Saint Dragon is full of treasures." Chen Xiang smiled lightly: "So, the result can be imagined , The World-Defying Shenglong will naturally fight back, otherwise he will be killed, if you don't provoke him, he will still be very quiet."

Du Rouke was silent. When they heard that the Aoshi Shenglong was inside, their first thought was indeed that, if they killed the Aoshi Shenglong, they would get a lot of treasures. Although it was difficult, they wanted to fight.

"Okay, if you lead us to find the World-Defying Sacred Dragon, will he attack us?" Song Tianchuan believed that Chen Xiang knew the Aoshi Shenglong, after all, Chen Xiang's performance before had surprised them all.

"Definitely not, I have a very good relationship with the World-Defying Shenglong." Chen Xiang said, otherwise he wouldn't rush up to look for the World-Defying Shenglong.

"What does the Aoshi Shenglong look like? How big is it?" Du Rouke asked curiously: "I haven't seen the Aoshi Shenglong yet!"

"It's very big, very powerful, and very domineering." Chen Xiang said with a smile: "But as far as I know, he should be able to transform into a human form. As for what the human form looks like, I don't know, because this is the time when he came to the world-defying soul. It can only be done after the river."

When the World-Defying Sacred Dragon entered the Ancient Fire God Sect, the people inside taught him to change form. At that time, Chen Xiang was still at the outer door.

"If he turns into a human, it won't be easy to find him." Song Tianchuan said, "Why did the Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan chase him down?"

The Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan do have enough power to hunt and kill the World-Defying Sacred Dragon!

"Benefits, the World-Defying Sacred Dragon is full of treasures." Chen Xiang said: "It is also possible that the Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan want to control him and become their own strength. In short, these two clans are so busy and domineering."

Chen Xiang is only at the early stage of the World-Proud Saint Realm, but his Scarlet Fire Dragon is very strong. When released, it is at least equivalent to the strength of the World-Proud Saint Realm middle stage. If he integrates the Scarlet Fire Dragon into his body, his strength is also close to the World-Proud Saint Realm It's late.

Of course, if he uses the power of the Tao-creating mantra, the power will be even more terrifying, but he dare not. After using it, it will cause too much damage to his body, and it seems that the magic mirror of six paths will not release the magic spell again. kind of power.

"I don't know what he's doing in the Tianhe Mountains. Could it be that he's hiding there? But that's not true. There were rumors that he was here before, and he had conflicts with the Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan." Song Tianchuan frowned. Said.

Yu Yilan said in a low voice: "It means that there is something in the Tianhe Mountains that makes the Aoshi Shenglong reluctant to leave. After all, it is very dangerous for him to stay here. Both the Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan know that he is inside."

"The Crazy Saber Clan and the Soul River God Clan haven't come here for a while, it's obvious that the World-Defying Sacred Dragon is hiding, or hiding in some kind of seal, and they can't get in.

"Du Rouke said: "Now that the Crazy Saber Five Tigers are dead, they think that the World-Defying Sacred Dragon has appeared. "

Chen Xiang looked at the twinkling dragon scales, and said: "We will know when we see the World-Defying Sacred Dragon, and we will find him soon!"

The more the dragon scales flickered, it meant that the Aoshi Shenglong was not far away from him, or that the Aoshi Shenglong was releasing his dragon power.

After crossing the mountains for several days, Chen Xiang's Divine Mirror of Six Paths rushed ahead of many people and entered the depths of the Tianhe Mountains. At this time, the Divine Mirror of Six Paths was on the top of a high mountain.

This place is surrounded by high mountains, and there is a circular lake under the middle of the high mountains. There is a small island in the middle of the circular lake, but the small island is shrouded in a burst of white clouds, and it is impossible to see what is on the small island.

"The World-Defying Sacred Dragon should be inside." Chen Xiang said, "I don't know what's going on with this lake?"

Chen Xiang didn't let the Mirror of Six Paths fly down immediately, but released some squirrels, and let the squirrels come to the lake to investigate. According to his experience, there must be something strange about this beautiful lake and mountains .

Not long after the Tianshu went down, several of them died.

"What's going on? A few mice died inexplicably." Chen Xiang was very puzzled by this, after further investigation, he found a cave in the middle of a high mountain, and an old man was sitting at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing the old man, Chen Xiang was shocked: "There is someone here, and it's not just one!"

Afterwards, he controlled the Magic Mirror of Six Paths to rotate carefully, carefully observed the high mountains surrounding the lake, and then pulled in the distance through the Magic Mirror of Six Paths to inspect it carefully.

"This guy...look at his waist." Old Man Qin said, "The golden belt on this old guy's waist has a pattern that looks like a river. This is the symbol pattern of the Soul River Protoss."

"Look at the others." Song Tianchuan looked serious.

In the end, they discovered that there were eight high mountains here in total, and the eight old men were all in the caves in the middle of the mountains, four of them belonged to the Soul River God Clan, and the other four belonged to the Crazy Saber Clan!

"They must have been here for a long time. Just now I saw an old man covered in dust." Du Rouke said, "It seems that the World-Defying Sacred Dragon is indeed on the small island in the middle!"

"My mouse was killed by one of the guys." Chen Xiang said: "My mouse was very cautious, but it was still discovered. These guys seem to be sitting cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, but they are not aware of everything around them." The movement is as clear as the palm of your hand.”

Chen Xiang was glad in his heart that he just let the mountain peak of the Mirror of Six Paths be placed flat on the ground, otherwise he would have been discovered.

Just now, only half of the squirrels were killed, Chen Xiang continued to manipulate the rest of the squirrels to get closer to the lake, and just when it touched the lake water, the squirrel gasified.

"Master, this lake water is terrible!" Chen Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed, everyone saw from the Mirror of Six Paths, the mouse just entered the water, it turned into a plume of black smoke, not even a bone left.

"No wonder these old things dare not approach the lake, they can only wait outside." Du Rouke said, "Then what should we do now? We can't get close to the World-Defying Sacred Dragon!"

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