World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3390: Deep into the Snake's Nest

Chen Xiang was just under that tree, he hadn't gone up to kill the poisonous python demon yet, he was waiting for Bai Youyou's opinion.

"Don't do anything for the time being, these poisonous pythons may have some connection, if one of them dies, it may startle the snake, and it will be bad for us at that time! You have to remember, you sneaked in here, don't be discovered." Bai Youyou Said: "The trap here should not pose a threat to you. As long as you are careful, you should be able to find it easily."

Afterwards, Bai Youyou told Chen Xiang the types of various traps, and asked him to pay attention to some places where there might be traps.

Before Chen Xiang thought that killing the poisonous python monster hidden in the tree and searching their memory, so that he could know where the trap was, it would be safer.

However, there may be a special power between these poisonous python monsters that connects them together, which may alarm the senior management of the python monster clan, which will be detrimental to his next actions.

"These traps are set very cleverly, these poisonous pythons are really smart." Chen Xiang almost didn't notice it a few times, if he stepped on them, he would trigger those traps, and the poisonous pythons hiding here would immediately come over .

Bai Youyou knew where the Python Monster Clan was hiding in this area, but they hadn't arrived yet. The Python Monster Clan's snake lair was hidden deep in the ground, but they set up many traps in a large area of ​​the ground, mainly for prey.

"Now we don't know where Xuanfei's father is hiding. Sister Youyou, is there anything about this in the memory you swallowed?" Chen Xiang asked, he walked carefully on the ground to the top of the snake's nest.

"I don't know, it's up to you to sneak into the snake's den, and we'll figure out a way at that time! In short, these little shrimps outside will definitely not know about such important things." Bai Youyou said.

Su Meiyao had already refined many detoxification pills in Youyao Villa. Peng Xuanfei's father had been poisoned now, and it would definitely take a lot of detoxification pills to completely detoxify. It's not a bad thing to be fully prepared.

Half a day later, Chen Xiang came to the depths of this area. On the way, he had encountered dozens of poisonous python monsters, and there were hundreds of various traps. If he was not extremely careful, most of them would die when he entered here. Tortured to death by traps.

"See a hill?" Bai Youyou said.

"I see it, but there is no cave or anything, and there is no poisonous python stationed there." Chen Xiang saw it just now, and the hill was right next to several big trees.

"The entrance is not on the hill, the hill is just a sign! The real entrance is a big tree next to it. If you look carefully, there is a big tree with a thick trunk." Bai Youyou said: "The trunk needs at least dozens of people to embrace stand up."

"I see!" Chen Xiang took a closer look. In fact, there are many such giant trees here, but that one is next to the hill, otherwise no one would pay attention.

"The entrance is on the big tree, if you go there, you will definitely see the poisonous python guarding it." Bai Youyou said: "The poisonous python is not proficient at all in combat formations, and they didn't invite humans to arrange them. That’s why it’s hidden deep underground.”

Chen Xiang understood Bai Youyou's meaning, that is, there was no need to enter through the tree hole above.

After Chen Xiang approached, he saw that there was a big tree hole in the crown of the big tree, so let him enter the entrance of the snake nest of the underground python clan.

Going in from there is easy to spot and not safe.

"Drill down from here?" It wasn't difficult for Chen Xiang to drill the ground. He made himself smaller so that he didn't have to make a big hole. He dug a hole under the tangled roots of a tree.

Below this, there must be a huge underground palace, and there is no need to excavate from the location where the entrance is.

Although Chen Xiang has already broken through, his strength is limited, so he has to sneak into the python demon's underground palace quietly and rescue Peng Xuanfei's father. This is the best way. If he attacked hard, he didn't have that strength at all.

Chen Xiang dug for several hours, and finally touched something very solid, which should be the stones for the construction of the underground palace, which means that the underground palace is below.

"It's quite deep!" Chen Xiang teleported into the python monster's underground palace, and he appeared in a passage, which was very dark.

"These poisonous python monsters shouldn't need to be shut down!"

Although it was in a pitch-black environment, Chen Xiang could still sense things. He could see the energy fluctuations around him by using his Dao Mind Eye. Now he could clearly see purple-black energy moving, that was the poisonous python demon.

Bai Youyou was not familiar with the terrain below, so she could only let Chen Xiang explore by himself.

After Chen Xiang is invisible, it is difficult to be found, so it doesn't matter if he walks around, as long as he doesn't touch those poisonous python monsters.

The passages in the python monster's underground palace are intricate and messy, if Chen Xiang didn't have a good memory, he would definitely be stunned and lost.

"I should be approaching the center!" Chen Xiang thought in his heart: "Generally speaking, the center should be the most important place, and I don't know if Xuanfei's father is locked there!"

Chen Xiang carefully walked in the dark passage, thinking about many things, suddenly the passage lit up with light, the light came from the front, and two poisonous pythons were coming.

As the two poisonous pythons walked, they pressed pieces of luminous stones into the holes in the wall. They didn't know why they suddenly inserted these luminous stones to illuminate the passage.

"I don't know what kind of distinguished guest it is, but let us light up the passage."

"It's definitely not from our python clan, it should be from other monster clans."

"What's the origin? It's a mystery."

The two poisonous pythons were talking in a low voice.

The soul demon of the foreign race is obviously Peng Kunyao, and only Peng Kunyao with a status like Peng Kunyao will receive this kind of treatment.

"What is this guy doing here? It seems that he should be around here!" Chen Xiang carefully avoided the two poisonous python monsters, and then walked on the bright passage. Just now he passed the two poisonous python monsters. Not being discovered, now he is more at ease.

Chen Xiang used his Dao mind eyes, and saw a group of very dazzling electric lights appearing, moving slowly.

"This guy is not from the Python Monster Clan, he should be a so-called distinguished guest." Chen Xiang walked over quickly, and sure enough, at a fork, he saw Peng Kunyao and several old poisonous Python Monsters laughing and walking by.

Those old poisonous pythons were all very strong, this made Chen Xiang's heart beat faster, they were all very powerful old poisonous pythons in the python clan!

They didn't find Chen Xiang, the main reason was that Chen Xiang's counter force was too powerful, and it was silent, as long as Chen Xiang didn't release any ability breath, it would be difficult for them to find Chen Xiang.

"Follow!" Bai Youyou sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang.

"I know!" Chen Xiang followed quietly.

At this time, Peng Kunyao suddenly said something that made Chen Xiang very concerned, "Third elders, when can you help Peng Guquan get rid of the poison at the earliest?"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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