World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3472: The Blocker

c_t; Chen Xiang was able to come out so quickly, it was all thanks to Ahu's help, Ahu was very familiar with these legendary mantras, and could help Chen Xiang integrate the legendary mantras into his memory at once. Read the latest chapter in full. For more latest chapters visit: www.

"I don't know, I came out out of nowhere." Chen Xiang said.

The process of Chen Xiang obtaining the legendary mantra was indeed very strange. Although everyone doubted Chen Xiang's words, they couldn't help it, because they couldn't explain Chen Xiang's situation.

"We will remove the barrier, and then take you out of the barrier." Luo Jiuyang said.

"They will continue to investigate this place." Xiao Xianglin quickly explained to Chen Xiang: "We will go back to study the legendary spell honestly. I can't wait to see what the legendary spell can do."

Chen Xiang nodded, although Xiao Xianglin's words were very serious, but he didn't know why, as if he could hear Xiao Xianglin's inner voice, it meant to go out first, and then run in to explore.

"Okay, let's go back now." Luo Jiuyang got two legendary spells himself, and saw his granddaughter again, with a joyful smile on his face.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Those who didn’t get the legendary spell are the most upset, mainly because two little devils got it and preempted their chance. This is the most uncomfortable thing for them, but they have nothing to do. Can't even complain.

Chen Xiang and the others went out with the big team this time, and they were very relieved. If something powerful suddenly appeared, they didn't have to worry. Luo Jiuyang and Gu Tong, the two strong men, were here, and they could easily settle it.

Two days later, they came to the side of the Great Formation, and it was not easy to get out from it, but Luo Jiuyang opened a hole with a formation disk to let them out.

The outside of the Great Formation was already full of people, because they had seen a large group of people on the top of the mountain, so they rushed over one after another.

When Xiao Hengyong saw Chen Xiang and Xiao Xianglin coming out, he and his wife rushed over angrily.

When they were on the road before, Xiao Xianglin told the head teacher of Longxiang'men', and asked him to help block her parents when the time came.

Just as Xiao Hengyong rolled up his sleeves, the headmaster of the Dragon Elephant School hurried over and said with a smile, "Congratulations, brother Xiao, sister, you don't know that this girl Xianglin and his little apprentice each got a legendary spell... ...Gee, I didn't even have a chance to get the legendary spell, and they got it."

"Hehe, isn't that right!" The headmaster of Chuangdao 'door' also walked up,

He laughed and said, "There are only seven legendary spells in total, and the two little devils got two of them!"

After Xiao Hengyong and Ning Qian heard it, their tense faces immediately turned into smiles, and then they kept 'touching' Xiao Xianglin's head: "This is a good thing!"

Their husband and wife are the elders in the Dragon Elephant 'Sect', so they naturally know what the legendary mantra means, and among the seven, Xiao Xianglin and Chen Xiang got two. Most of the tycoons of the Dragon Palace and other families have not received the reads of the legendary mantra.

Xiao Xianglin originally planned to go in quietly with Chen Xiang after he came out, but now it seems that it is impossible, they will definitely be watched to death.

Just like that, Xiao Xianglin and Chen Xiang followed the large team of the Dragon Elephant 'Gate' in the headless mountain range and returned to the Dragon Elephant 'Gate'.

Because Xiao Xianglin was restricted by her parents before, she did not participate in the dangerous fusion spell competition, and her strength was greatly limited. Now that she has obtained the legendary spell, she can be said to be elated. Before, there were many disciples who were often shy in front of her. Always jealous.

Legend has it that even their Dragon Elephant 'Sect' headmaster couldn't get it, but Xiao Xianglin and Chen Xiang got it!

"Father, I made an agreement with Chen Xiang before, I want to take him to practice... He is very inexperienced in combat, I plan to take him to hunt some crazy soul beasts with similar cultivation level as him." Xiao Xianglin said to Xiao Hengyong Said.

Both Chen Xiang and Xiao Xianglin were sitting in Xiao Hengyong's cart, pulled by eight genuine dragon elephants.

"No, if you want to increase your actual combat experience, wait until he enters the World-Proud God Realm. It is useless for him to increase his actual combat experience now, because the mad soul beasts he fights are all comparable in strength to him, and they are not in the World-Proud God Realm. .” Xiao Hengyong refused.

Before Chen Xiang ran away with Xiao Xianglin, Xiao Hengyong and Ning Qian were on guard, they all knew that Chen Xiang had a lot of tricks.

Seeing the faces of Xiao Hengyong and Ning Qian, Chen Xiang could foresee that once they returned to the Dragon Elephant Gate, they would definitely be watched to death.

Chen Xiang didn't want to be restricted all the time, he was thinking of a way.

Xiao Xianglin also knew that her parents would definitely control her more and more strictly in the future, and she felt very helpless.

"Good apprentice, I'm sorry, master has troubled you!" Xiao Xianglin could guess that her parents would definitely "strictly discipline" Chen Xiang in the future.

"It's okay, let's face it together!" Chen Xiang responded with a smile: "But master, you have to give me something to make up for, right?"

"How about I send you Xiang'er and Lin'er?" Xiao Xianglin said with a smile: "These two girls seem to like you very much."

"How is this enough? Even if you send me off together." Chen Xiang teased.

Xiao Xianglin gave Chen Xiang a hard look: "You bad boy, the beauty in your Six Paths Mirror is no worse than me, and you still miss me...and Luo Jiuyang's granddaughter!"

"Little Shuangshuang and I are just friends! The 'female' in the Mirror of Six Paths...that poisonous woman has nothing to do with me, I have an enemy relationship with her, but now because of some things, we cooperate with each other. "Chen Xiang explained.

"Hmph, if my parents know that you, as an apprentice, are plotting against the master, I guarantee that they will kill you immediately." Xiao Xianglin sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang, with a smile in his voice.

Chen Xiang curled his lips, he was just joking with Xiao Xianglin.

In the middle of the night, the cart stopped suddenly.

Xiao Hengyong and Ning Qian's expressions darkened, obviously something bad happened.

"Father, what's the matter?" Xiao Xianglin asked hastily.

"There are many people in front, they want to stop us... I don't know who they are." Xiao Hengyong said: "I let the big car land on the ground."

There are many people blocking in the air, there is only one possibility, that is Yulongdian!

"It's Yulongdian!" Ning Qian frowned and said, "What do these guys want to do?"

Xiao Hengyong and his team were the fastest, so they were not with the big team and kept flying in the air.

After the cart landed on the ground, Xiao Hengyong's face was solemn: "There are ten guys in total, all of them are late stage of the World-Proud God Realm, and they are a bit difficult to deal with!"

Xiao Hengyong got out of the cart, came outside, and shouted loudly: "You dragon gods, what are you doing?"

"We would like to invite two little friends to sit in the Dragon Palace." Said a Dragon God dressed in black.

Xiao Hengyong and the others immediately understood that they were here for Xiao Xianglin and Chen Xiang. The intention was obvious, and it was for their legendary spells.


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