World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3508: Divine Pill Contest

Chen Xiang felt that this round was not too difficult, but he was just worried that the Mushan faction would cheat. After all, there was an outsider who won, and the Mushan faction wanted to send out a time formation disk and a Dao-creating Saint Crystal.

"Excuse me, how can I be sure that the pills will be refined by myself?" Chen Xiang asked: "If some people sell the pills refined by their elders, wouldn't they be sure to win?"

The people watching all around nodded their heads one after another. Most of them were foreigners. Although their people lost, there was Chen Xiang who was a foreigner with good strength. They all hoped that Chen Xiang could win the first place. They are more comfortable.

"What do you mean? Do you think that our Mushan Sect will cheat?" A Mushan Sect disciple angrily said to Chen Xiang.

"When you were refining the Black Stone Divine Pill, the two Black Stone Fruits you gave later were of low quality...and your Mushan School's magical powers improved the quality of the medicinal you suddenly let the Mushan School's The disciple joined, so in this last round, I don't feel relieved at all." Chen Xiang didn't even look at the pair calling him a disciple of the Mushan Sect, which made the disciple very angry.

Because it is a very honorable thing to be a disciple of Mushan Sect, but Chen Xiang didn't take a look at it.

The alchemists who were eliminated from the competition just now couldn't help cursing in a low voice when they heard Chen Xiang's words.

"Temporary processing of medicinal materials to improve the quality of medicinal materials is a test for alchemists. I think it's nothing." An old man said: "Since you are worried about this last hurdle, what do you think should be done?"

"Naturally, it's a blood oath. The pills in the last stage are not refined during the competition, and they will all be swallowed by the blood oath." Chen Xiang said: "This is a very simple matter."

"Okay, as you wish!" The old man agreed to Chen Xiang's request, this was a very simple matter, if he did not agree, he would definitely not be able to convince everyone.

Afterwards, Chen Xiang and the disciples of the Mushan Sect made a blood oath one by one, so that the scolding of many people weakened, because many alchemists who were eliminated were dissatisfied with the matter of refining the Profound Stone Divine Pill.

The third round of competition started, Chen Xiang and the disciples of the Mushan faction entered a time formation and started alchemy.

The old man said: "The winner of the third round needs everyone to judge, this will make the result more fair!"

There were quite a few powerful and influential people watching, and they all secretly planned that if they could, they would definitely let Chen Xiang win.

"If you want to participate in the third round of judging, you must first prepare ten Dao-creation Holy Stones...or more." The old man said: "Because at that time, you will buy the pill they just if everyone If you help one of them win, you have to think about whether the Dan you bought back will be useful."

Those who were thinking of helping Chen Xiang just now have retreated now, if they talk a lot about Dao Creation Sacred Stones and buy back some useless ones, that would be a loss.

"Okay, then everyone will start signing up... If there is no Dan you are satisfied with by then, you don't need to buy it." The old man said.

The result of the third round of judging is to see who sells the most pills, and although the people here have complaints about the Mushan faction, they are still very happy to be able to buy a good Dao Creation God pill at that time.

"At that time, each person can only spend up to ten Dao-creating Sacred Stones. This is to prevent cheating. There are no members of our Mushan Sect among you, so everyone can rest assured that it will be fair." The old man smiled. Said: "Everyone should hope to buy affordable and useful pills, and then you can get started sooner."

There are a total of 50 people who signed up to participate in the Maidan.

They are all giants of one side, and they can buy ten Dao-creating Saint Stones to buy pills, which means that among the thirty contestants, many of them will not be able to sell.

What Chen Xiang refined in the Time Formation was of course the Aoshihuashen Pill. He had just observed that the power giants watching the match all brought some young people who were at the late stage or peak of the Aoshi Sacred Realm to join in the fun, and the Aoshihuashen Dan is of great use to them, and can shorten a lot of time for them to step into the world-defying realm.

Chen Xiang had refined a lot of World-Defying God Transformation Pills before, refining ten pills was no pressure for him, ten months passed, and he and other Mushan Sect disciples came out of the Time Formation.

"Okay, the fifty friends here are the buyers. You want to sell your pills to them, and you set the price yourself." The old man shouted: "Just follow the order in which you came out and sell your pills one by one."

A man from the Mushan Sect hurriedly shouted: "My pill is called Qingmu Juling Shendan. After eating it, people in the middle stage of the World-Proud God Realm can instantly recover their spirits when they are tired. It only takes five Dao-creating Holy Stones !"

Everyone secretly thought, this kind of broken pill also needs five Dao-creating holy stones, why don't you grab it?

The fifty buyers were indifferent, because the Dan was of little use to them.

"Three Dao-creating Sacred Stones!" The man was anxious, and shouted again, secretly cursing his master for teaching him to refine this useless pill.

Fifty buyers still no one has an idea, not even look at him.

It's the turn of the second person.

"My name is Chuangshen Qianyuan Pill. After eating it in the early and middle stages of the World-Proud God Realm, it can improve a certain level of cultivation." A short disciple of the Mushan School said with a proud face: "Probably only need to eat five hundred pills. This kind of pill can step from the early stage to the middle stage! Eat two thousand pills, and you can enter the late stage from the middle stage. This is a relatively famous pill in our Mushan School. Now we only need seven Dao-creating Sacred Stones, but we usually sell eight .”

There are already buyers who are tempted, but they don't do it immediately. These buyers are all old or middle-aged, and they are very sophisticated, because even if they miss this kind of pill, they can still buy it outside.

After all, they can only spend ten Dao-creating Sacred Stones. If there are good pills later, they will have no chance to buy them, so they have to wait patiently for these alchemists to introduce their own pills one by one.

The man who refined the Chuangshen Qianyuan Pill was originally proud, but now he looked displeased, because his pill was not attractive enough, and those buyers were just waiting and watching.

"Resurrection God Pill! If the body is injured in the middle and late stages of the World-Defying God Realm, after eating it, most of it can be recovered in about ten hours, and it will be back to the original after twenty hours." A square-faced man said: "It only takes eight wounds. Dao Sacred Stone."

This is a good healing medicine, and it is also within the scope of everyone's consideration. They are still waiting and watching, because the resurrection god pill is also sold outside, but it is more expensive, ten holy stones of creation.

For the next dozen or so disciples, the pills they refined all had good effects. Chen Xiang was a little moved when he heard it, but he was not qualified to buy it.

Chen Xiang was the twentieth one who came out, and it will be his turn soon. Although the disciples of the Mushan Sect didn't take Chen Xiang seriously, they still had some expectations. After all, when Chen Xiang was refining alchemy, he could integrate into the nine creations. spell!

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