World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3578: The Flying Robber

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When Chen Xiang came outside the city, he ran wildly. Although he could fly here, if he was caught, he would be severely punished, so he could only run.

"I don't know what happened to Xiao Shuangshuang and the others." Chen Xiang was very worried about them. Qin Shuang, Peng Xuanfei and Long Xueyi left Qishan Shendao and went out to find Luo Jiuyang. Even if they had any news, it was difficult to convey it.

"They will be fine, you don't have to worry." Su Meiyao said, she told Chen Xiang not to worry, but she was also worried in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud.

Chen Xiang shook his head, not thinking about it anymore, otherwise it would make him uneasy.

"Master." Chen Xiang shouted to Xiao Xianglin.

"There are already results. There are many kinds of Dao creation spells in the world-defying pill pattern, including derivative spells and regeneration spells. These are not difficult for me." Xiao Xianglin said: "The difficulty is that some I don’t know the Dao-creating mantra, I think it should be the supreme mantra, I don’t understand these supreme mantras, so I can’t get the whole world-defying pill pattern out.”

"Is there any supreme mantra in the Ascension Pill Pattern?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, the Ascension Pill Pattern is a very simple one." Xiao Xianglin shook his head: "If I can find those Supreme Mantras, I might be able to get them out."

"About how many Supreme Mantras." Chen Xiang asked.

"There are at least two." Xiao Xianglin said: "These supreme mantras are really powerful. Together with the Dao Creation mantra, it can make the Dao Creation mantra stronger."

Chen Xiang can be considered to have the foresight, so he is already on his way to the ancient land of creation.

More than ten days later, Chen Xiang came to a city.

"Eternal City, if you pass through this city, you will be very close to the Ancient Land of Creation." The map in Chen Xiang's memory reads like this.

When he came here, he could also inquire about the things in the ancient land of creation. Many people here must have entered the ancient land of creation.

There are a lot of Dao Creation Saint Crystals and Dao Creation Saint Stones in the Dao Creation Ancient Land, and many people will venture in to find them. It is said that those who enter, as long as they are not too lucky, can dig some Dao Creation Saint Stones more or less, and can There are also many people who have found the Dao Creation Saint Crystal, so on the Seven Mountains God Island, there are a lot of Dao Creation Saint Crystals, and most of them were found in the Dao Creation Ancient Land.

Chen Xiang was walking on the street, and suddenly felt a powerful aura in front of him, all of them were at the peak of the World-Proud God Realm, approaching him quickly, many people also sensed it, and walked to both sides of the street.

"Bandit, catch the robber quickly." An old man shouted, followed by more than a dozen middle-aged people. They were all at the peak of the World-Proud God Realm. Judging by their attire, they were all from the same faction.

They were chasing a man in black, that black man was very fast, and flew past Chen Xiang in no time.

Chen Xiang frowned, looked at the man in black who ran away, and then followed. The man in black's movement was very strange just now, it looked like he was running, but in fact he was not. He was stepping on the surface Running at a pace, in fact, he was already slightly suspended in the air, his feet did not touch the ground, and he was flying quickly.

Chen Xiang followed, mainly because this person had an aura that was very familiar to him, this aura was very weak and not too strong, so he only felt familiar, and didn't know which acquaintance's aura it was.

"Could it be the cloud wandering old man Yan Jiu." Chen Xiang felt strange in his heart, because that person's strength was not bad.

Although Yan Jiu belonged to Yanshan Sect, Chen Xiang felt that he and those guys from Yanshan Sect were not on the same side, and he also wanted to find Yan Jiu to ask about the current situation.

Chen Xiang used his anti-power to become invisible. He used the power of the Red Fire Dragon to make his body light. Like the man in black, he half-runs and half-flies. This way he can gain a very fast speed without being noticed. arrive.

After the man in black left the city, there was no obstacle, not to mention his speed became even worse, he threw away the group of people who were chasing him, only Chen Xiang followed secretly.

The man in black rushed into a dense ancient forest and slowed down. He didn't stop to rest until it was dark.

Not long after he stopped, he jumped up suddenly, and he felt something.

Chen Xiang used the counter force to become invisible, very stealthy, but he still noticed something.

"Who?" The man in black asked, and ran away, very vigilant.

Chen Xiang immediately chased after him.

"This guy actually found me." Chen Xiang was not sure about the identity of the other party, he would not reveal his identity.

The man in black ran for several days, and kept cursing in his heart. He always felt that someone was following him, but he couldn't even see Mao, which made him suspicious these days.

"Could it be a ghost?" The man in black sat down on the bank of a big tree, looked around, but saw nothing.

At this time, there was a prairie, only the tree behind him had a wide view, and he didn't see anyone following him.

"Maybe I'm too sensitive." The man in black said, then tore off the black hood.

Chen Xiang, who was in the distance, was stunned when he saw this face.

This is a young man, exactly the Song Longxuan he met when he first came to Chuangdao Mountain, the guy who called him big brother all the time.

Song Longxuan had the talent to learn Dao-creating mantras. He said that he was favored by an old man, and he wanted to learn Dao-creating mantras and refining tools from the old man. Chen Xiang encouraged him to go, but he never expected to meet him in Seven Mountains God Island.

"Long Xuan, it's me." Chen Xiang immediately ran over and shouted.

Song Longxuan who was drinking water was startled, he looked at Chen Xiang in disbelief.

"Brother, it's really you." Song Longxuan laughed loudly: "It seems that someone has really been following me these few days. Big brother is amazing, he can follow me quietly like this for a few days."

Song Longxuan is sure now that it's not that he is suspicious, he really sensed that someone was nearby.

"I just think your aura is very familiar, and I can't remember who it belongs to, so I followed me to have a look." Chen Xiang smiled and said: "I didn't expect it to be are already the God of Proudness It's really fast when it's at its peak."

Song Longxuan didn't know anything about Zhanhui City, and it hasn't been spread to other cities yet.

"Brother, you are also very powerful. I feel that I am no longer your opponent. Your cultivation base was lower than mine back then." Song Longxuan said with emotion.

"Long Xuan, did you come to Seven Mountains God Island by yourself?" Chen Xiang asked.

"My master sent me here." Song Longxuan said, "He asked me to come here to find something, and I will leave as soon as I find it."

"Who is your master?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"This... Brother, I'm sorry, I can't tell you now." Song Longxuan scratched his head, it seemed that he had a good relationship with his master.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Xiang patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You kid, how could you be regarded as a robber? You stole something from them." Time to watch genuine content!

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