World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3617: Doubts about Genocide

c_t; Chen Xiang felt that the Dao Creator God Master must be very clear about this matter, but there is another person who may also know the Dao Creator God Master, and that is Uncle Shi. [ ]-79-

He is now going to the Ancient Dao Creation Land to look for Uncle Shi, and at the same time, to see the situation in the Dao Creation Ancient Land. Although he doesn't want to go now, he has no choice but to be targeted by the Curse Clan and cannot continue. Staying in Zhanhui City, he can only go to the ancient land of creation, and ask Uncle Shi to reads; by the way.

"The guys from the Spell Clan are born with the Supreme Spell. The two guys I devoured are a pair of brothers, and the Supreme Spell they inherited came from their parents." Bai Youyou said; "So they mastered the Supreme Spell. The supreme mantras are the same."

"And some members of the Mantra Clan are born with one more Supreme Mantra. This kind of talent is extraordinary. The young patriarch who was killed by you is like this. He was born with two more Supreme Mantras."

Chen Xiang sighed: "What a pity!"

Back then, Bai Youyou hadn't stepped into the world-defying legend realm, so Chen Xiang didn't think about letting Bai Youyou devour the memory of the young patriarch.

"The strength of the Mantra Clan is still very strong, but they have limitations. If they master enough Supreme Mantras, they will not be able to leave the Ancient Land of Creation!" Bai Youyou said again: "And Yanshan's Gate seems to have a way to make them They break through the limit, that's why they are at the mercy of Yanshan's 'door'! But many years have passed, Yanshan's 'door' has not succeeded in getting them out of the ancient land of creation, so some young people among the spell clan are all right The Yanshan 'door' is very dissatisfied."

"These young people can come out. The two guys we killed are still very strong. If they come out, they will definitely dominate the party." Chen Xiang said.

"No, they can't leave the ancient land of creation for a long time, so there is still a certain limit." Bai Youyou said: "But one thing is very strange, that is, the young patriarch left the ancient land of creation beyond the time limit."

"Yanshan 'door'!" Chen Xiang said: "The young patriarch was instigated by Yanshan 'door' to deal with Senior Yan. It seems that Yanshan 'door' really has a method to allow the Mantra Clan to break through the restrictions."

"Actually, I can see from the memories of those two guys that the Yanshan 'door' seems to have pinched the lifeline of the Curse Clan, otherwise the Curse Clan is so powerful, it is impossible to obediently listen to the Yanshan 'door' words." Bai Youyou said: "It's just that the young people in the Mantra Clan don't know what's going on. I'm afraid only the elders of the Mantra Clan know."

"I'll go find Uncle Shi, he might know something." Chen Xiang has already entered the Ancient Dao Creation Land, and he can see that the Ancient Dao Creation Land is very calm in the sky, and the war that worried him did not break out .

"It's back again!" The little white fox came out of Youyao Villa,

Standing on the top and bottom of the Mirror of the Six Paths, her face was full of emotions. She walked around and saw the outside world. It was not as good as she imagined. It was the same as in the ancient land of creation. The world of 'meat' cannibalism reads;.

Therefore, the quietness in Youyao Villa made her feel the most comfortable and warm.

Chen Xiang was familiar with the road, and came to the vicinity of the Stonehenge where Uncle Shi was, and released the phantom to find Uncle Shi.

Uncle Shi sat on a rock as usual.

"Uncle Shi, I'm here again." Chen Xiang smiled.

"Your phantom seems to be much stronger, and I can't even sense it." Uncle Shi was surprised: "Have you stepped into the world-defying legend realm?"

"Yes, hehe." Chen Xiang smiled and said, "I thought a big battle would break out here, but I didn't expect it to be so peaceful."

"You kid, you broke through really fast!" Shi 79 Xiaoxiao smiled: "The calmer you are, the more terrifying it is. It's impossible for this place to remain peaceful forever."

"Uncle Shi, did the Dao Creation God Lord come to you? He has already come to the Dao Creation Ancient Land." Chen Xiang said.

"No, it's useless for him to come to me, because I can't help him, unless he has the blood of the Eighth Patriarch." Uncle Shi sighed: "I am also restricted by the contract map of the Eighth Patriarch. I really didn't expect the other seven The ancestor would be so shameless."

"Then is it possible for the seven major factions to break through the contract map of the Eighth Patriarch?" Chen Xiang was very worried about this matter. If they succeed and obtain a large amount of resources, the Dao Creation God Master will definitely be suppressed again.

"Impossible." Uncle Shi shook his head.

"By the way, Uncle Shi, have you heard of the Mantra Clan? These guys are very close to the Yanshan 'Gate'." Chen Xiang said, he suspected that the Yanshan 'Gate' obtained various spells from the Mantra Clan , is very likely to break the Eighth Patriarch contract.

When Uncle Shi heard this, he was shocked.

"How do you know about the Mantra Clan? These guys should be wiped out." Uncle Shi shouted anxiously.

Chen Xiang immediately told Uncle Shi about his encounter with the Mantra Clan, including his killing the young patriarch.

"This is not good. The Mantra Clan is a special group. When the founders of Dao created various spells, in order to find some helpers, they created such a group of people. They are the Mantra Clan, and they have all kinds of spells in their bodies. There is a certain bloodline of the Dao Creation God Lord, so they are more 'proficient' in the Dao Creation mantra."

"The eight patriarchs all mastered various mantras, and these mantras are also the key to constructing the contract map of the eight patriarchs! In order to make the contract map of the eight patriarchs absolutely firm, they proposed to kill this group of people who mastered all their mantras. Mantra family."

"But now it seems that something must have happened back then, causing the Spell Clan to still exist! I guess this incident was caused by the founder of Yanshan's Gate, so he was able to coerce this group of Spell Clan to help them busy."

When Chen Xiang heard Uncle Shi talk about this past event, he felt the seriousness of the matter, and the usefulness of the Mantra Clan turned out to be so great.

"The Spell Clan is restricted. Those who have mastered too many Supreme Spells cannot leave the Dao Creation Ancient Land, while those who have few masters can't leave for too long even if they want to leave." Chen Xiang said: "Who gave them this?" limits?"

"Of course it was the ancestors who created this group of guys and worried that they would run away, so they made this kind of restriction! Of course, it is easy to lift the restriction." Uncle Shi said.

Chen Xiang thought of the little white fox, the little white fox ate a pill from the Creator God, and the restriction was lifted. It turned out that the Yanshan 'door' could really lift the restrictions of the Mantra Clan.

"Uncle Shi, it's not okay to go on like this." Chen Xiang said, "What if Yanshan's 'door' breaks through the Eighth Patriarch's contract map?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm still there! If they really broke through, they might not be able to beat us... Back then, the Daoist Master had many powerful friends in the Eighth Patriarch's contract map." Uncle Shi laughed and said: "I might see you again then."

"The Yanshan 'Sect' will definitely consider this matter, so they won't let this kind of thing happen, they will definitely continue to seal you." Chen Xiang said: "Uncle Shi, what should we do?"

"The Divine Master of Dao Creation must know about this, so we can only look at him." Uncle Shi chuckled, he had nothing to worry about, since he was already trapped here anyway.

"Uncle Shi, I want to go to the Mantra Clan to investigate." Chen Xiang said.

"It's fine, but you have to be careful, those guys who master all kinds of powerful spells are very strong, I have to be careful when facing them." Uncle Shi warned.

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