World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3923: Qianlong Land

In the carriage, Chen Xiang was wielding three throwing knives in his hands, and his expression was very calm. To him, killing Li Tianli was like trampling an ant to death.

Seeing him so calm, Lin Yuya and Bai Xu knew that he must have done such things a lot.

They also looked at the flying knife in Chen Xiang's hand, there was not even a drop of blood on it.

"Brother Shen, your throwing knife is really powerful, where did you buy it?" Lin Yuya asked, she thought this throwing knife was very powerful.

"Did it come from sister Zilan?" Bai Xu was also very curious.

They all knew that Chen Xiang and Yan Zilan had a very good relationship, so it was normal to think so.

"It's just a very ordinary flying knife!" Chen Xiang smiled and handed the flying knife to them.

They took it over and saw that it was indeed a very ordinary flying knife, but it was so powerful in Chen Xiang's hands, which only showed that Chen Xiang's own strength was very strong.

"Brother Shen, what is your cultivation level now?" Lin Yuya curled her lips and said, "You still look so young, and it's impossible for your cultivation level to be that high!"

"Mr. Shen said before that he is only at the fifth level of the Taoist realm. At his age, it is very rare to be able to reach this level of cultivation." Bai Xu said: "He is only one chance away from the sixth level of the Taoist realm. !"

"I am now at the peak of the fifth level of the Dao Human Realm, and I have cultivated all the Dao bones!" Chen Xiang said: "It's just that my blood is stronger, at least... I'm not sure."

He didn't say it out of fear of scaring them both.

"The peak of the fifth level of the normal Dao Human Realm usually has a blood energy of 100! Mr. Shen is not an ordinary person, at least he has 150? No, it may be 200!" Bai Xu has already estimated in a very high direction.

"At the peak of the fifth level of the Taoist realm, you only have two hundred levels of blood energy?" Lin Yuya said in surprise: "It hasn't been long since I stepped into the fifth level of the Taoist realm...Brother Shen, you surpassed me so quickly, and your blood energy is far away." above me!"

Lin Yuya only felt that her view of the world had been greatly impacted, because her blood energy was only a few dozen levels below.

Bai Xu is at the sixth level of the Dao Human Realm, and her blood energy is only at the 180 stage, and that Li Tianli is comparable to her.

That's why Chen Xiang was able to kill Li Tianli, so Bai Xu estimated that his blood energy was at 200 levels.

"There was a genius from the Taixian Sect. When he was at the peak of the fifth level of the Daoist Realm, his blood was at the 150th level! Even so, he is a genius that has been rarely encountered in many years. And Mr. Shen is far superior to him!"

Bai Xu once stayed in Taixianmen, so she knew about it very well, because that genius will also come to participate in this competition.

"Brother Shen, you are really amazing..." Lin Yuya was really happy, with such an excellent friend, she would definitely be able to gain some credit.

Not long ago, Chen Xiang gave her pills, and even helped her enter Hundred Flowers World.

She and Bai Xu were not too surprised when they thought of the relationship between Chen Xiang and Baihua Tiandi.

Baihua Tiandi is rich in pills, and Chen Xiang is an alchemist,

It is normal for the cultivation base to improve quickly.

Chen Xiang in the carriage is also leisurely at the moment.

"We've all come out, let's just stroll around, don't rush back!" Chen Xiang laughed.

"Let's go to Qianlongzhuang for a stroll!" Lin Yuya said with a smile, "Although that place is the territory of the third prince, there are many interesting and delicious things to eat."

"The things there are very expensive, and the people who go there are all dignitaries!" Bai Xu frowned slightly and said, "I don't really like that kind of place!"

"Sister Baixu, my grandfather gave me a lot of spar, he let me have a chance to treat Brother Shen to eat and drink! It's a rare opportunity for me!" Lin Yuya said with a smile: "This time I went to Qianlong Zhuang, I'm here to treat you!"

"That's it!" Chen Xiang laughed.

In fact, Bai Xu disliked Zhao Jingzhong very much. Although she didn't know how her father reconciled with the third prince and made an alliance, she was very angry when she thought that Zhao Jingzhong once used her as a tool for cultivation.

She didn't know that the third prince had been killed long ago, and the current third prince, Zhao Jingzhong, was Chen Xiang's loyal dog.

"En!" Bai Xu nodded, she knew that her father had a very high status, so she had nothing to be afraid of.

Moreover, she also wanted to invite Chen Xiang once to express her gratitude.

Chen Xiang saved her and helped her, but she could only thank her verbally, this time, she wanted to grab Lin Yuya for the treat.

Chen Xiang didn't have any important things to do during this time, the main thing was to wait for the competition to start, to help the Xingyan Sect increase their reputation, and attract more people to Starfire City.

Then, let Xingyanhou and the others take care of the entire Xinghuo City, and Baihualou can get a lot of resources from it.

His main purpose is to help Baihua Tiandi expand its business, wait for the opportunity to find the Four Elephant Soldiers, and at the same time secretly improve himself.

Chen Xiang and these two mature and beautiful big sisters happily went to Qianlongzhuang in the carriage.

Lin Yuya almost forgot that Li Tianli was killed by Chen Xiang not long ago, whenever she thought of this, she was still a little scared, after all, he was an excellent disciple of Taixian Sect.

To go to Qianlongzhuang, you have to pass through a mountain road, and there are people guarding the mountain road.

It is said that this mountain road is maintained by the Black Flame Gang, and it is normal for them to set up card points in the middle to charge.

When I came to the entrance, there were many large cars waiting in line to pay.

"Xiao Rongrong is also there!" Lin Yuya wanted to be surprised, and hummed: "This woman seems to be fawning on a nobleman from the imperial city!"

"Xiao Rongrong? Is that the woman who wants to get you to Young Master Ye?" Chen Xiang also thought of this alluring woman.

"Well, the car in front belongs to her!" Lin Yuya nodded.

Xiao Rongrong seemed to have spotted Lin Yuya, she got out of the car and knocked on Lin Yuya's compartment: "Xiaoya, are you in there?"

"I'm here!" Lin Yuya responded.

"Come out and say hello to everyone. I know a few friends from the Imperial City, and I want to introduce you to them!" Xiao Rongrong had a smug smile on her face.

"I don't want to know so many friends!" Lin Yuya responded coldly.

"Those who have to get off the car through the mountain road can't drive in now, why don't you come down and get some air." Xiao Rongrong just wanted to meet Lin Yuya, and she wanted Lin Yuya to see the noble friends she had made.

"Let's go down!" Chen Xiang whispered.

Lin Yuya could only get out of the car.

Afterwards, both Chen Xiang and Bai Xu walked down.

"So it's Young Master Shen and Sister Bai Xu!" Xiao Rongrong was quite surprised, she didn't expect Bai Xu to be there.

Facing Bai Xu, she restrained herself a lot. After all, Bai Xu's father was the lord of Xinghuo City, and he had a good relationship with the third prince.

There were rumors outside that Bai Xu might become the third prince's concubine or something. So Bai Xu disliked the third prince even more.

In fact, Zhao Jingzhong didn't have such an idea at all, he wished to strangle these rumormongers to death. Although he didn't know the relationship between Bai Xu and Chen Xiang, but in his eyes, Bai Xu was the woman next to Chen Xiang's boss, how could he dare to have that kind of thought?

Alchemy God

Alchemy God

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