World Defying Dan God

Chapter 3927: Evil Girl Poisoned

At this scene, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Although the young master is not a particularly strong young hero, he is in his thirties after all. Relying on his family's resources, he has also reached the sixth level of the Taoist realm, and he has cultivated a whole body of Taoism.

For many ordinary people, this young master is also very strong.

For example, Xiao Rongrong and Li Linle next to them are far inferior to this young master.

But now, the little prince's arm was chopped off by the palm of the little boy he was talking about!

If Chen Xiang used a knife, it would be justified, after all, the knife is very sharp, if he uses enough blood energy, coupled with surprise, it is normal to cut off someone's arm.

And Chen Xiang just used his fleshy palm to forcibly "cut" off the little lord's arm.

Little Hou Ye has cultivated his bones. Not to mention his strong bones, his muscles are also very strong. If ordinary people chop with a knife, they may not be able to bleed.

Chen Xiang used this method to break the arm of the young master, which not only made the other party suffer, but also made the other party fear.

This scene caused an unprecedented shock to everyone present!

A young man who looked like he was on soft food had such great power!

In other words, Chen Xiang is at least at the sixth level of the Dao Human Realm!

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys have this kind of strength, and this kind of talent is the most frightening.

As an elder and a powerful figure, Hall Master Wu was frightened even by him.

His intuition told him that this young man must be of extraordinary background, with such aptitude, he is also a disciple of Xingyan Sect, and he once helped Ye Huahua detoxify.

This kind of person will sooner or later become the guest of the Ye family!

After being shocked in his heart, Hall Master Wu quickly calmed down. He thought that no matter how strong the Ye family was, it was still the third prince's dog.

And Hall Master Wu has been looking for ways to join the Third Prince, An Qinghou is the Lord Marquis of the Imperial City, so Hall Master Wu has a good relationship with the young Lord Hou.

Hall Master Wu didn't know much about An Qinghou's situation, but he knew that An Qinghou would definitely be able to introduce him to the third prince.

"It's crazy to be so strong! I'll give you another two years, so what's the point?" Hall Master Wu took a step forward and stood in front of the young master.

The little duke was already frightened into a fool. After he came back to his senses, he shouted: "Master Wu, quickly... kill him quickly. My father will be responsible for any consequences!"

Hall Master Wu must be cautious when facing this kind of thing. Chen Xiang has this kind of strength at a young age, so he must not have cultivated to this level for no reason.

If he made the move himself, if there was really someone important behind Chen Xiang, then Hall Master Wu would take the blame.

Flames suddenly appeared in Chen Xiang's palm, and then he punched out the broken arm.


The flames rushed to the ground like a gale,

In an instant, that arm was burned to ashes.

Hall Master Wu opened his eyes. This kind of flame is very strong, stronger than the flames he has seen released by many people!

The little duke was furious, Shen Xiang broke his arm, and even burned his arm so calmly.

"You're dead, you're dead, my father will definitely kill you! My father, An Qinghou, has a very good relationship with the third prince, you are equivalent to offending the third prince now!" The young master pointed at Chen Xiang angrily. scolded.

"Chen Xiang, I don't want to take action against you, a junior! You should kill yourself! The young master also said that the third prince is behind An Qinghou, and if the third prince pursues it, you will definitely be finished."

After Hall Master Wu finished speaking, he looked at his injured subordinates, and said again: "The leader of the gang contacted me before and said that he will come soon. The leader of the gang is very scary. After he comes, you will not be able to escape!"

"Everyone knows the methods of the leader of the Black Flame Clan. Chen Xiang, if you don't want to drag Bai Xu and Lin Yuya down, you'd better kill yourself. We won't embarrass them." It was Lin Yuya who spoke.

Seeing that Chen Xiang was so terrifying, she wished that Chen Xiang would die immediately, otherwise Lin Yuya would be jealous of such an outstanding and handsome man.

"Bitch, shut up!" Lin Yuya scolded angrily.

"I was the one who injured the disciples of the Black Flame Gang! The leader of the Black Flame Gang is here, and if you want to hold him accountable, he will hold me accountable!" Bai Xu said.

"Lin Yuya, your mother was seriously injured before, right? I once gave her some expensive tonics..." Xiao Rongrong said, "Not only did you not appreciate me, you even scolded me, you ungrateful woman!"

"Expensive tonic? I don't know!" Lin Yuya frowned and said, "My mother never told me."

"It seems that she wants to eat alone, and I'm not afraid to tell you that those tonics are poisonous." Xiao Rongrong sneered, "That kind of poison can't be cured at all, if you want your mother to live, you can kill Chen Xiang right now! "

"Xiaoya, she didn't send anything at all, don't believe her!" Bai Xu said quickly.

"Xiao Rongrong, you..." Lin Yuya was very worried about her mother, she had no choice but to believe it.

"I was entrusted by Taixianmen to keep an eye on your mother, because Taixianmen has evidence to prove that your mother is in collusion with the devil. It was Taixianmen who asked me to act on behalf of the heavens and kill your evil mother, so I will Poison her." Xiao Rongrong said: "It was Mr. Li Tianli who came to find me, and he also gave the poison!"

Lin Yuya shook her body, because she had heard from Chen Xiang before that it was Li Tianli who arranged for the demon spirit to stare at the poisoned Ye Huahua.

"Sister Xiaoya, with me here, don't be afraid!" Chen Xiang said.

Lin Yuya breathed a sigh of relief, and then angrily scolded Xiao Rongrong: "You bitch, I think Li Tianli gave you benefits, so you used this pretense to attack my mother! Wait for me, I will definitely I want to get rid of you!"

"Mr. Li will also come to Qianlongzhuang, I hope you can see him again! And when the time comes, he will also expose your mother's collusion with the devil in public!" Xiao Rongrong sneered: "Lin Yuya, I am the only one now Let your mother live, if you kill Chen Xiang, she can live!"

Hearing Xiao Rongrong's words, the little marquis and Li Linle were beside them, adding fuel and embellishment, talking about how terrible the poison was.

"Master Wu, why didn't you make a move? Are you afraid of me?" Chen Xiang asked with a smile: "To tell you the truth, I asked Sister Bai Xu to do something to your subordinates! Also, I was the one who contacted your lord to come over. of!"

"You...don't try to lie to me, can you contact the leader? Even I can't contact the leader at any time!" Hallmaster Wu shouted.

"I helped Huahua detoxify, I met your leader in Ye Mansion!" Chen Xiang said.

"Master Wu, don't believe his nonsense! This person is very good at deceiving!" Xiao Rongrong said hastily.

"That's right. Although he has some strength, he is not qualified to contact the leader of Heiyan's sect!" The young master said, "Master Wu, hurry up and beat him up. My father will take care of it!"

Hall Master Wu has to make a move. If he doesn't show his performance, the young master will not introduce him to An Qinghou.

"Crazy boy, I didn't want to do anything to a junior like you, but if you use my noble leader to fool people, don't blame me!" Hall Master Wu said coldly.

Just as Hall Master Wu was about to pass, Gong Long suddenly opened the door and came in, smiling: "Master Wu, as long as you enter the restaurant, you are my guest, we don't allow killing!"

The little Hou Ye suddenly cursed in his heart: When my mother's arm was broken, why didn't you bastard say these words?

Alchemy God

Alchemy God

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