World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4046 Underground Lingfeng

Chen Xiang and Liu Meng'er stood on the mirror of Six Paths, overlooking the majestic mountains shrouded in thick fog below. "There are many large formations here, and it took at least ten years to complete the layout." Liu Meng'er said: "That's why there is a lot of thick fog all year round, and after entering, you will be trapped in the phantom formation and it is difficult to get out ""Sister Meng'er, with you here, we should be able to go in, right?" Chen Xiang asked. He had searched the memory of the little national teacher's soul before, but the little national teacher himself didn't know the exact way to enter Lingfeng City. Every time the little national teacher goes in, he will contact the people in Lingfeng City, and then ask someone to come out to pick him up. When he entered Lingfeng City, he also entered the interior of a closed flying boat, and he didn't know how he got in. "It's not a big problem!" Liu Meng'er said, "We can directly let the Magic Mirror of Six Paths fly in, and then we will slowly search for Lingfeng City." This mountain is very vast, and it is shrouded in dense fog. It takes a while. Even if Chen Xiang's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, he can't cover this mountain all at once to search. And according to what he learned from the memory of the national teacher when he was a child, the environment inside Lingfeng City is very similar to an underground city. After all, the mountains are covered by dense fog, and the sun is difficult to shine in. Looking at the sky from inside the city, it is all white. If Lingfeng City is also a dungeon, it can also create a visual effect that the sky is white and misty. "Sister Meng'er, I suspect that Lingfeng City may be an underground city." Chen Xiang said: "They are much more cautious than Zhenmo Tianzun!" Zhenmo Peak, where Zhenmo Tianzun is located, is also a big mountain, and it is also covered by formations, but But it is not as hard to find as Lingfeng City. "Tell me about the situation in the dungeon of Zhenmo Tianzun." Liu Meng'er said. Chen Xiang controlled the Divine Mirror of Six Paths to descend without entering the dense fog area, and then talked about the dungeon where Wang Shengzun and the others were located. After listening, Liu Meng'er said: "If that's the case, then I suspect that the reason why Lingfeng City was built underground is because there is very likely a passage leading to the sky, so that people from the sky can transfer here." "According to my speculation , the passages connecting the outer space are all space passages that consume a lot of energy, so there is a lot of energy in this kind of place." Chen Xiang said: "I don't know where this energy comes from." "The energy comes from the outer space! They are on the other side of the passage. Use various methods to gather energy from outside the sky, and then open the channel." Liu Meng'er said: "In the sanctuary, every once in a while, there will be a special period, and the energy floating in the sanctuary will suddenly become very strong!" "They It has not yet entered the top ten worlds on a large scale, which means that period has not yet come." Chen Xiang said: "According to the information I have, they will come within a few months!" "If Lingfeng City is really connected to the Outer Heaven Sanctuary channel, then we can use this to perceive." Liu Menger said: "I have a way to perceive that this kind of channel will have space fluctuations." "Sister Menger, can you find out where Lingfeng City is hiding? It's up to you!" Chen Xiang nodded and said. Liu Meng'er took out the round bead and said: "This is an instrument that can sense space fluctuations!" "Okay, then we will enter the foggy area now." Chen Xiang controlled the Magic Mirror of Six Paths and slowly flew towards the dense foggy mountain. Just as they entered, there was a burst of thunder and lightning. "This formation is not simple, it can actually sense us!" Chen Xiang exclaimed. The Divine Mirror of Six Paths has concealed its aura, but it was still perceived, indicating that they unintentionally triggered the hidden enchantment, so thunder and lightning appeared. "Go there!" Liu Meng'er pointed in one direction and began to guide the magic mirror of six paths to fly. There is no need for Chen Xiang to control it at all, she tells her how to fly, and sister Xiaojing will follow suit. Now even sister Xiaojing doesn't know the hidden secret passage. If you take the hidden passage, you don't need to trigger the formation barrier in this area, otherwise Lingfeng City will know about it. The Divine Mirror of the Six Paths has a protective cover, and there is no problem in rampaging in the foggy area, but it will definitely make a lot of noise, and Lingfeng City will be vigilant at that time. At that time, the outsiders in the city will run back to the outside world, and it will be difficult to chase them. In this way, under the guidance of Liu Meng'er, the Magic Mirror of Six Paths was very quiet and stable, and gradually flew into the depths of the foggy area.

Two days passed, and the ball in Liu Menger's hand also sensed space fluctuations. "It seems that there is indeed a channel connecting to the outer space. The fluctuation just now was not small. It should be that they opened the channel to cause the spatial fluctuation." Liu Meng'er said. "Have you mastered the position?" Chen Xiang asked. "The specific location has been locked, and it is indeed underground." Liu Meng'er can understand the detailed movement of that spatial fluctuation by looking at the various light patterns emitted by the ball in her hand. "Sister Meng'er, you are really amazing!" Chen Xiang praised and said with a smile. "Mr. Shen, what are you going to do when you enter Lingfeng City? Do you have any plans?" Liu Meng'er said, "If it's convenient, can you tell me about your plan, so I can make preparations!" She knew Shen Xiang is very strong, she doesn't need her protection at all, on the contrary, when she encounters sudden danger, she still needs Chen Xiang's protection. For example, if she hadn't encountered the poison of the ape demon dragon before, if it wasn't for Chen Xiang, she would have died long ago. She also couldn't deal with the Demon Ape Dragon, and Chen Xiang easily subdued hundreds of Demon Ape Dragons to be his loyal servants by himself. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it at all. "My plan is very simple, sneak into Lingfeng City, capture Lingfeng Tianzun, and then I will search his memory with the Immortal Curse, and dig out the specific situation of the forces outside the sky." Chen Xiang said. "Okay, I will cooperate with you!" Liu Meng'er nodded lightly, she was somewhat surprised that Chen Xiang could master the Dementor spell. Because in her eyes, it is very unlikely for a woman with Bai Youyou's personality to pass on the Dementor Curse to others. But now Chen Xiang has mastered it very well, it can be seen that Bai Youyou gave it all. But she thought about it carefully, if it was her, maybe she would teach it to Chen Xiang, because Chen Xiang really gave them a lot of help in Hundred Flowers World. After locking the location of Lingfeng City and making a preliminary action plan, Chen Xiang accelerated his speed. Lingfeng City is built underground, which is larger than Wang Shengzun's underground city! The Divine Mirror of Six Paths directly drilled into the underground Lingfeng City. Chen Xiang and Liu Meng'er successfully sneaked into Lingfeng City. They are all people who have seen the world, but after entering Lingfeng City, they are still very shocked. In the middle of Lingfeng City, there is a pale white light beam emerging from the ground, and there are waves of spatial fluctuations. At this moment, there are a large number of aliens and various materials floating in that huge light beam, and they have just been sent from outer space. The passage of Lingfeng City is very large, like a huge sinkhole in the middle, and there are at least several million people in the city. Chen Xiang suddenly wanted to ridicule Wang Shengzun and the others, because compared to the scale of the Supreme Sacred Sect, they were simply playing tricks.

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