World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4053: Ape Demon Siege

After Suzaku's tender silk enters Liu Meng'er's body, it will fuse itself, but the fusion will cause certain rejection, which will cause her some pain.

At that time, in that imperial mausoleum, Chen Xiang was rushing to find Tianzun Lingfeng, so he could only temporarily help Liu Meng'er seal Suzaku's tenderness.

Today's Suzaku tenderness has been sealed and is in a deep sleep state, which will not affect Liu Meng'er for the time being, but Chen Xiang doesn't know if he will wake up in the future.

Judging from Suzaku Tender Silk's previous reaction, if she merged with Liu Menger, it would cause great pain to Liu Menger.

So Chen Xiang has been worried about this matter, but fortunately he can stay by Liu Meng'er's side all the way, even if something happens to Suzaku Tender Silk, he can immediately intervene.

"Young Master Shen, don't be in such a hurry? We'll talk about it when we get back! In this environment, I'm a little worried." Liu Meng'er looked around.

"We don't need to go back in a hurry! The situation in Starfire City is very stable, and we still have to wait for Wu Yujun, she should have controlled the palace now." Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Wait for her for another day or two, and we will go directly to Tianheng Palace to find her." she."

"That's fine! I'm just worried that if you help me fuse Suzaku's tenderness, you will be backlashed!" Liu Meng'er sighed softly: "I can feel the power of Suzaku's tenderness... Although you have a certain feeling for Suzaku's tenderness... connection."

"Don't overthink it, it'll be fine."

Chen Xiang took out the Magic Mirror of Six Paths, and with the help of sister Xiaojing, Liu Meng'er would not be so painful in the process of fusing with Suzaku's tenderness.

According to what little sister Xiaojing said, Suzaku Tender Silk has a very strong soul, and this fusion process must penetrate into Liu Menger's soul, that's why she feels the pain.

Seeing that Chen Xiang took out the Magic Mirror of Six Paths, Liu Meng'er felt relieved a lot.

Liu Meng'er sat on the bed, then closed her eyes, and said softly: "Young Master Shen, I'm ready, let's start!"

Suzaku Tender Silk was sealed by Chen Xiang before, and now Chen Xiang wants to unseal it, so that Suzaku Tender Silk can fuse with Liu Meng'er by herself.

What Chen Xiang had to do was to use the Magic Mirror of Six Paths to assist Liu Meng'er in her fusion so that her soul would not be damaged.

When necessary, Chen Xiang himself will help, only in this way can ensure that Liu Meng'er can smoothly integrate Suzaku's tenderness.

Chen Xiang lifted the seal of Suzaku's tenderness.

Liu Meng'er's body immediately overflowed with a faint golden-red flame, which was the power of Suzaku's tenderness.

Seeing the painful expression on Liu Menger's face, Chen Xiang immediately took out the Magic Mirror of Six Paths and irradiated Liu Menger's body.

Sister Xiaojing uses her powerful spirit soul to influence Suzaku's tender spirit.

Sister Xiaojing used to be Suzaku Tender Silk's tool spirit, but after being separated from Suzaku Tender Silk for a long time, Suzaku Tender Silk gave birth to a tool spirit by herself, and now she has bred another one.

But in any case, sister Xiaojing is closely related to the current Suzaku Tender Silk.

"Sister Meng'er, how do you feel now?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's much better!" Liu Meng'er still closed her eyes, concentrating on the fusion process.

Seeing that she no longer felt pain, Chen Xiang heaved a long sigh of relief.

Chen Xiang watched from the side, and didn't talk to Liu Meng'er, for fear of distracting her.

"Brother, after Sister Meng'er is fused, in addition to recovering her memory of you, she might be able to find the tenderness of the Great Suzaku soon!" Sister Xiaojing said to Chen Xiang via voice transmission.

"Really? That's great!" Chen Xiang was worried about how to find the tenderness of Big Suzaku.

Although Sister Xiaojing can perceive it, but only within a certain distance, and now that the Great Suzaku Tender Silk has undergone many self-evolutions, it may be able to avoid tracking.

Chen Xiang used the Magic Mirror of Six Paths to appease Little Suzaku's tender spirit, and then he could put it away.

From now on, even if she doesn't need Chen Xiang's help, Liu Meng'er can complete it by herself.

"Brother, you don't have to worry! Little Suzaku likes Miss Meng'er very much, I can feel the tenderness and is very happy." Sister Xiaojing laughed.

Chen Xiang wanted to sit by the side, staring at Liu Meng'er's beautiful face.

For so many years since he was sealed, this face always appeared in his mind, lingering in his dreams, and haunting his thoughts all the time.

He couldn't get enough of it now, and in normal times, he didn't dare to look at this beauty so directly.

Just when Chen Xiang was fascinated, his communication talisman vibrated.

"Mr. Shen, it's not good, a large group of apes and dragons broke in!" This is Wang Shengzun calling him urgently for help.

"Ape Demon Dragon?"

Chen Xiang was startled, but after thinking about it carefully, he thought that it was Wu Yujun who came here with those hundred ape demon servants.

Elder Ling sent three thousand elite disciples to the palace to look for Wu Yujun before, maybe it was the ape demon servant who asked how to enter Lingfeng City through those three thousand elite disciples.

Wang Shengzun was panicked to death, he was afraid of the ape demon dragon, not only him, but now in Lingfeng City, all the disciples of the Extreme Sacred Sect were in panic.

The ape demon dragon broke in, and there were hundreds of them, if you put any poison on them, they would all be finished!

"Yes, Mr. Shen, we are going to die!" Wang Shengzun responded: "I will go back to the forbidden area to find you now, we have to leave quickly, the ape demon dragon invades, and this city is abolished!"

"Don't worry!" Chen Xiang said: "I can handle this matter well, you don't need to come back in a hurry!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately took out the messenger talisman to contact Wu Yujun, and he got in touch very quickly, indicating that Wu Yujun was nearby, and he had indeed come to Lingfeng City.

"Girl Xiaoyu, let the old ape and the others stop attacking quickly, I have secretly controlled this city!" Chen Xiang said.

"Ah? There is an elder of the Supreme Sacred Sect here. You took it all down?" Wu Yujun said in surprise: "The old ape also said that you might be arrested! No wonder the old ape will fall into your hands." , He underestimated your strength again!"

After the old ape received the order, he immediately stopped attacking.

Chen Xiang thought for a while, and suddenly a clever plan came to his mind.

He planned to let his ape demon servant cooperate with Wang Shengzun.

Wang Shengzun, who pretends to be Elder Ling, can greatly increase his prestige if he can repel the ape demon servant. The disciples of the Supreme Sacred Sect in Lingfeng City will definitely respect him more in the future.

Afterwards, Chen Xiang immediately contacted Wu Yujun, briefly talked about the situation, and asked her to tell Lao Yuan to cooperate with the acting.

After making arrangements, Chen Xiang contacted Wang Shengzun again.

Wang Shengzun was stunned when he heard that, those hundred ape demon dragons were actually his own!

He admired this Young Master Shen even more, it was indeed terrifying to be able to tame these dragons and apes!

No need for Chen Xiang to say anything, Wang Shengzun knew that his chance to improve his prestige in Lingfeng City had come.

Many disciples of the Extreme Sage Sect were poisoned, Chen Xiang asked Wang Shengzun to come over to get the detoxification pill, and saved dozens of disciples in this way.

The ape demon servant just pretended to retreat, but they all came outside the forbidden area, and it would be safer with them guarding here.

And Wu Yujun came to the tower where Chen Xiang and Liu Meng'er were.

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