World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4060: Demon Hunter

The soul of the Ten Thousand Poison Guardian was really struggling, but it was suppressed to death by the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths.

The soul that protects the Dharma with ten thousand poisons can't break free from the magic mirror of six paths, although it is also a very powerful soul.

It can be said that this is the most powerful soul of an outsider that Chen Xiang has encountered since he was in the Ten Great Heavens and Earth, but he met the Divine Mirror of Six Paths.

After the soul of Guardian of Ten Thousand Poisons was sealed, Chen Xiang immediately used the soul-absorbing spell. To see the memory in the soul, he could learn more about the Extreme Sacred Sect.

But what he didn't expect was that the soul of the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian was not simple. When he used the Desperate Curse to investigate, he was actually stopped by a very strange force, which made him unable to proceed smoothly.

"This guy's soul seems to have been tampered with!" Chen Xiang did not continue to search his memory, but studied the strangeness of this soul.

It wasn't long before Chen Xiang discovered a clue.

"The Guardian of Ten Thousand Poisons has such a high status in the Extreme Sacred Sect, that he actually signed this kind of soul contract with someone else."

Chen Xiang soon discovered that there was a soul contract in the soul of Guardian Wan Poison, and it was a very deep one. It was impossible for external forces to probe into the deep memory of the soul.

If Chen Xiang wanted to forcibly investigate, it would only cause his soul to collapse.

For example, just now, Chen Xiang's use of the soul-absorbing spell has already caused the soul of the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian to go into chaos.

"This contract is very clever! Could it be from the Palace of All Heavens?"

Chen Xiang also discovered that this contract actually had a certain degree of consciousness, and at this moment it was actually burning the soul power of the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian, and then released a signal to the outside.

"No, you have to destroy it quickly, or you will be tracked."

Chen Xiang didn't know if he would attract people from the All Heavens Palace. Although he was not afraid, he didn't want others to know his whereabouts.

In desperation, Chen Xiang could only use a very rough method to search for the soul of the Ten Thousand Poison Guardian.

The soul-destroying spell was used to the extreme by Chen Xiang, but he still couldn't break through that contract power.

However, it can cause the soul of the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian to shatter, and that contract cannot continue to burn the soul power to send signals to the outside world.

Chen Xiang picked up the storage ring of the Ten Thousand Poison Protector, but he couldn't open it, so he could only hand it to Liu Meng'er, asking her to help open it.

Wang Shengzun watched from a distance, he was so frightened to death just now, the moment the consciousness of the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian locked on him, he thought he was going to die.

Fortunately, Chen Xiang's strength did not disappoint him, and he killed the Wandu Protector in one fell swoop.

Chen Xiang came to Wang Shengzun's side, and said: "I didn't expect that the Palace of All Heavens would also send people to the Ten Heavens and Earths!"

"Mr. Shen... is this true?" Wang Shengzun was also very scared when he heard Zhutian Temple.

"Of course it's true! The Wandu Guardian contacted the people from the All-heaven Palace just now, and it shouldn't be long before the people from the All-heaven Palace will come to Lingfeng City." Chen Xiang said.

This made Wang Shengzun turn pale with fright!

You know, Wang Shengzun is now pretending to be Elder Ling and is in charge of the entire Lingfeng City. If people from the Temple of Heaven come, then he is the number one target!

"I want to go back to Lingfeng City now, I have to find a way to control that passage, they can't just send someone over if they want." Chen Xiang said.

"Then... what about the Ten Thousand Poison Protector? How should I explain to the disciples of the Extreme Sacred Sect in Lingfeng City?" Wang Shengzun hurriedly asked, "There are still many disciples brought by him!" :

"Of course, kill them all!" Chen Xiang said: "Too many people,

Not easy to control! "Starting

"Mr. Shen, why don't you control the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian? In this way, the people he brings will also be indirectly controlled." Wang Shengzun asked.

"It's hard to control!" Chen Xiang shook his head, of course he wanted to, but it didn't work at all.

There are not many disciples of the Supreme Sacred Sect brought by the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian, and they are not weak, which makes Chen Xiang a little headache.

"Old Wang, what kind of strength are the disciples of the Supreme Sect brought by the Ten Thousand Poisons Guardian? If the ape demon dragon is dispatched, can it deal with them?" Chen Xiang asked.

"In the Extreme Sacred Sect, only the Ten Thousand Poison Guardians are not afraid of poison, but the other disciples are not." Wang Shengzun nodded and said, "Ape Demon Dragon can kill them!"

"Arrange them to stay in the forbidden area!" Chen Xiang said: "It is the quietest and most secret place in Lingfeng City, and the interior is very luxurious, they are definitely willing."

Originally, the forbidden area of ​​Lingfeng City was specially used to receive those important disciples of the Extreme Sacred Sect.

Wang Shengzun and Chen Xiang returned to Lingfeng City immediately.

The more than 10,000 disciples brought by the Wandu Guardian were quickly invited by Wang Shengzun to live in the forbidden area.

And the other disciples in Lingfeng City are full of jealousy about this. After all, being able to enter the forbidden area is a symbol of status, and they all know that the residences in the forbidden area are the best, and the environment is also the best.

Chen Xiang went to the imperial palace, put the one hundred ape dragons into the magic mirror of six paths, and then went to the forbidden area of ​​Lingfeng City.

The forbidden area of ​​Lingfeng City was originally isolated from the outside by a barrier, so even if there was a loud noise inside, it would not spread out.

Both Chen Xiang and Wang Shengzun were in the forbidden area, and a hundred ape demon dragons had already started to move, hunting and killing more than 10,000 important disciples of the Extreme Sacred Sect.

Demon Ape Dragon is not allowed to eat people now, and Chen Xiang wants to domesticate them, so Demon Ape Dragon just kills those disciples and takes away their storage rings and equipment.

Chen Xiang rode the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, flew over the forbidden area, and collected the souls of the disciples of the Extreme Sage Sect.

These souls are very strong, don't let them go for nothing.

An outstanding disciple of the Wanji Sacred Sect was actually killed by a hundred ape dragons in three days!

The matter of collecting the corpses was done by Wang Shengzun, mainly to burn the corpses.

And Chen Xiang returned to the palace with the Ape Demon Dragon, and gave Liu Meng'er a lot of storage rings and equipment.

These things are of no use to him, but they are of great use to Liu Meng'er.

"Little scoundrel, you actually secretly did dangerous things without telling me!" Liu Meng'er smiled coquettishly.

After she harvested a lot of storage rings, she knew that Chen Xiang had killed many outsiders.

Chen Xiang and Liu Menger were in the room, and they were also very close at the moment, he hugged Liu Menger and kissed, and said with a smile: "Sister Menger, there is a storage ring here, it is very difficult to open it, help me have a look!"

"Then tell me, what have you been doing these days?"

Liu Meng'er took it over and looked at it, and was quite surprised, because this storage ring had several locks, it was really difficult to open.

She immediately affirmed that Chen Xiang killed another very strong outsider!

"I killed a Dharma protector from the Extreme Sacred Sect, it's very strong!" Chen Xiang briefly talked about the Dharma protector from the Ten Thousand Poisons, and then talked about the Temple of All Heavens.

Hearing the Palace of Heavens, Liu Menger's face changed.

"It's the Palace of Heavens again...the Divine Horned Beast invaded, and it was related to this Palace of Heavens!" Liu Meng'er said, "If there are people in the Ten Heavens and Earth, they must be arrested and tortured!"

"Sister Meng'er, can you transform Lingfeng City's teleportation channel? Who knows what they will teleport over next time!" Chen Xiang said.

"I've already asked Xianxian to come over, and it should come within two or three days." Liu Meng'er said: "At that time, I will join hands with Xianxian, and we can reform it faster."

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