World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4088: Heaven and Earth Merge

Chen Xiang couldn't understand this old lady, and actually thought of sending him out of the sky at this time.

He is not fully prepared yet, and he doesn't want to go to the sanctuary, because he is afraid of facing a powerful enemy.

"When you go to the sanctuary, there is the magic mirror of the Six Paths, and it is very difficult for others to catch you! Because it is very vast outside the sky, you have too many places to hide. In the vast and vast universe, they want to find someone. It's like a fairy tale." The old lady said.

"But in the Ten Great Worlds, I am invincible!" Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "How could I be caught in this kind of place?"

"It's hard to say! After the merger of the Ten Great Heavens and Earth, although it is very big, it is not as big as the universe. It is only a matter of time before we find you." The old woman said, "So I think it is the safest place for you to go to the Sanctuary of Heaven and Earth now." of."

"I don't want to go yet!" Chen Xiang spread his hands and said, "I still have too many concerns in the Ten Great Worlds, and I have my own plan, let's talk about it when I become stronger. I don't want to hide everywhere after I go to the outer world of."

He just wanted to develop his talents, and once he became stronger in the future, he would be able to fight against the Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutianshen.

"I also saw your obsession to stay, so I let you stay." The old lady sighed, "I hope my decision will not cause a big mistake."

"Grandma, nothing will happen!" Chen Xiang said with a smile, "It won't be too late to rush out after I completely control the ten worlds."

"Everything is up to you! Your fate is not something that can be controlled by any force." The old lady smiled and said: "Then I will rest here with peace of mind."

"Grandma, why do you need to rest? Are you injured?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"Not really, it's just that I'm not strong enough, and I have many flaws that need to be repaired." The old woman said, "When I recuperate, I might be able to lift some restrictions."

She was afraid that Chen Xiang would not understand, so she thought about it, and continued to explain: "Let's put it this way, there is something like a seal on me, which prevents me from fully controlling the operation of the laws of the ten heavens and earth."

"So that's the case. In this way, if you want to contact the cultivation base and soul restrictions of the ten great worlds, it's not enough for the time being?" Chen Xiang understood a little bit.

"That's true! But people with strong souls will not be suppressed when they come in from outside the sky, but they will have to pay some price." The old woman sighed again: "What's more, they will weaken the space wall. , I want to take a good rest and restore the space wall, or they will come more!"

"Grandma, you must rest well! Leave the Ten Great Worlds to me!" After Chen Xiang stepped into the Holy Realm,

That's a lot of confidence.

The current him, without using the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths and the Qinglong Demon-Slaying Knife, can defeat powerful enemies from the sanctuary by relying on his Dao Yuan power, his powerful body, and his soul.

Chen Xiang was sent out of that big tree!


As soon as he came outside, sister Xiaojing rushed over and hugged Chen Xiang's leg.

"Brother, are you okay!" Sister Xiaojing was worried.

"What can I do?" Chen Xiang touched the little girl's cute face with a smile, and said with a smile: "Sister Jing, how many days have I been in?"

"Five days!" Seeing that Chen Xiang was fine, Xiao Jing's younger sister was completely relieved, and said: "During this period of time, many people are looking for you, and your communication talisman is vibrating!"

"Five days?" Chen Xiang was taken aback.

Sister Xiaojing immediately took out the communication talisman from the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and gave it to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang first connected to Long Jiuxiao, and there was only Long Jiuxiao's message in it.

Then there are Liu Meng'er, Xiao Xianglin and Lei Na's.

Wang Shengzun also has them.

He summed up the news from everyone. The main reason was that the Zhutian Temple and the Wutian Temple had started a war. The fighting was fierce and there were many casualties.

But they suddenly ceased fighting, mainly because the ten heavens and earth moved quickly and merged.

Wang Shengzun has now left Lingfeng City. The hundreds of thousands of outsiders before have now been taken over by other people sent by the Extreme Sacred Sect. He can't pretend to be the top of the Extreme Sacred Sect.

There was nothing serious about Lei Na's side, she just told Chen Xiang that the other two Heavenly Palaces had already noticed Yan Hengyu.

And Long Jiuxiao's news is about the Divine Horned Beast Race!

Now it is mainly the Divine Horned Beasts who want to attack Yanhengyu!

The strength of the Divine Horned Beast Clan is not what it used to be, it is very powerful. Knowing that the leader of Yanhengyu is Long Jiuxiao, the senior management of the Divine Horned Beast Clan made a decision to take down Yanhengyu at all costs.

The news from Xiao Xianglin and Liu Meng'er was just concerned about Chen Xiang and asked him how his current situation was. Although Baihua Tiandi was also attacked by some extraterrestrial forces, everything was relatively stable.


Chen Xiang replied to them one by one, and then immediately returned to Yanheng domain.

On the way, he had a long talk with Reina alone.

"Leina, that Divine Horned Beast Clan is going to attack Yan Hengyu, do you have a way to distract them?" Chen Xiang asked.

Tens of millions of Divine Horned Beasts came this time, and this number alone shocked Chen Xiang!

"Master, if it's just a divine-horned beast clan, then I might be able to delay for a while. But now not only the divine-horned beast clan, but also several other big forces are going to attack Yan Hengyu!" Leina sighed. : "There are too many people there, in their eyes it is a big granary, can they let it go?"

Most of the people from Aoshi Tiandi and Jiuxiao Tiandi are gathered in Yanhengyu, and there is a huge and powerful barrier. Many outsiders want to eat people. If they can't eat people from Yanhengyu, they will eat them. Go eat other aliens!

"Okay, you just need to provide me with information!" Chen Xiang said, "We can beat them back by ourselves!"

"Master, I don't think you can last for a month, so you should find a way to hide in advance! After the merger of the ten worlds, it is still very big. If you hide in some no-man's land, you can at least survive for a while." Reina said.

"Why hide?" Chen Xiang couldn't figure it out.

"The main ones attacking you are the All-heaven Hall camp! Most of the All-heaven Hall camp eats people, and their number is at least 100 million. Can you stop the 100 million soldiers from the Sanctuary?" Lena asked.

"It's easy. To kill 10 million Divine Horned Beasts, it depends on whether the other 90 million ogres have enough courage to continue attacking us!" Chen Xiang laughed.

"It's up to you!" Reina said: "You have to pay more attention to Wutianshen Palace! Those guys have a lot of bad intentions!"

Chen Xiang also received a message from Lan Qingtian and Ziyi, they were all participating in the battle during this time, and did not send any useful information, Chen Xiang just asked them to continue to pay attention to the big trends of Wutian Temple.

Not long after, Chen Xiang returned to the Nine Heavens Dragon Gate.

The area covered by the Yanheng domain is very large, and the divine-horned orcs attacked from the south. On the south side outside the barrier of the Yanheng domain, millions of divine-horned orcs gathered.

When Chen Xiang returned to the Nine Heavens Dragon Gate, he passed by the sky above the south of the Yanheng Territory.

The Divine Horned Beasts didn't attack the barrier, and seemed to be preparing for something.

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