World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4103: World-Proud Mountains and Rivers Map

Chen Xiang was stunned for a moment, the World of Proudness has undergone a transformation?

He thought about it carefully, if this space changes, there is only one possibility, that is, it can break through the limit, just like the sanctuary, there will be no restriction on cultivation!

If this is the case, aren't those outsiders in the Aoshi Tiandi invincible?

This is not a good thing!

"Master, what will happen after Aoshi Tiandi transforms?" Chen Xiang asked, Huang Jintian might know, after all, he has already connected with the Universe Soul.

"Well... that is, Aoshi Tiandi can breed stronger energy, and all geniuses and treasures in Aoshi Tiandi can be evolved. Moreover, Aoshi Tiandi will no longer devour the power of living beings." Huang Jintian said.

"Will the restriction on cultivation be lifted?" Chen Xiang was more worried about this question.

If the restriction on cultivation is really lifted, then he is not the strongest in the world, and it will be very difficult to suppress those outsiders.

"Don't worry about this, it won't be lifted for the time being. Otherwise, many people who are proud of the world will die!" Huang Jintian said: "The soul of life has its own thoughts, and its wisdom is superb. It has taken into account all your worries."

"How did you hook up with the soul of the universe?" Chen Xiang wanted to communicate with the soul of the universe right now.

"I don't know, but suddenly its voice appeared in my mind, and then everything that followed was clearly arranged, and the Temple of Proud World suddenly flew out." Huang Jintian said with a smile: "Okay, I want to Go and fulfill my destiny, little apprentice, take care of yourself and don't miss me too much!"

"Ghosts miss you!" Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "Master, don't lie to me, if Aoshi Tiandi undergoes a transformation, if you touch the cultivation base, many people will die!"

"Now we can only choose to believe in the universe soul! Besides, if it hadn't been for the protection of the universe soul for many years, it would have been reduced to ten days of hell." Huang Jintian said.

"Master, don't be in a hurry to disconnect...I want to ask you, do you know about that group of people?" Afterwards, Chen Xiang quickly said the mysterious "that group of people".

"I don't know, no matter who they are, you have to remember that you are the one who created the world-defying universe! You are the supreme master in your own place, and you don't have to fear anyone! Boy, go bravely and face everything bravely Strong enemy!"

After Huang Jintian finished speaking, he let out a series of cheerful long laughter, and then broke off the contact.

Huang Jintian seemed to be very happy. After all, he had already left the World of Aoshi, and he was unrestrained outside the sanctuary. Moreover, he was helped by the life and soul of the universe, and his own strength was much stronger. Of course, he felt very happy.噺⒏⑴The full text of the text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八⑴zщ.còм/

Chen Xiang looked at the communication talisman with contempt on his face, Huang Jintian beat him up, obviously to make him swell? This will kill him!

He put away the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, and then walked out of the alchemy room.

Lei Na is outside, and she is also using the communication talisman to direct her subordinates... She also has Mu Lin as an apprentice.

And Mu Lin also has a group of good men, who are now lurking in the Temple of the Heavens, and they can also collect a lot of information.

"Nana, let's go!" Chen Xiang hurriedly said: "We must quickly find the Universe Soul!"

"But we don't know where it is!" Lena said: "It's not good to run around now, what if it appears near the Yan Hengyu?"

"I speculate that it might appear in a certain place, but I'm not sure, I have to go and have a look!" Chen Xiang said seriously.

It's hard for Leina to say anything, after all, Chen Xiang's identity is mysterious,

He also participated in the creation of the world-defying universe, so it is normal to know where the soul of fate is.

Chen Xiang actually didn't know it, but he had the world-defying furnace in his hand!

Sister Xiaojing had communicated with Aoshi Shenlu before, and it was confirmed that there is a second universe life soul.

And during this time, Chen Xiang got a lot of dzi beads, all of them were obtained from the Divine Horned Beast Clan and the Wild Beast Dharma King.

Aoshi Shenlu is currently absorbing a large amount of pills made from dzi beads. When it eats enough, it will be able to communicate with sister Xiaojing for a longer period of time.

Chen Xiang greeted Long Jiuxiao, then flew out on the Six Paths Mirror, and told Long Jiuxiao to be ready to deal with powerful and unknown enemies.

While flying in the air, Chen Xiang took out the Aoshi Sacred Stove, which was at a very high position at the moment, allowing the Aoshi Sacred Stove to perceive the position of the life soul in the second universe.

After eating a large amount of Tianzhu Soul Pill's magic furnace, his perception became stronger, and he quickly sensed a direction.

Chen Xiang immediately flew towards the direction directed by the World-Proud Stove.

Although I don't know how far away it is, but at least there is a direction, and flying in this way will bring him closer to the location of the soul of the universe.

Lei Na saw Chen Xiang take out a pill furnace to fiddle with, then put it in again, and then started flying.

She suddenly had a bold idea, the alchemy stove that her master had just now was very likely to be the World-Defying God Stove!

With this idea, she was filled with shock, and the more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

Ao Shi Shen Furnace is also the soul of the universe, and can perceive where the soul of the second universe is.

At this moment, Lei Na did not dare to show the shock in her heart, fearing that she would be silenced by Chen Xiang.

Although the soul of the second universe is more powerful, it is also very important that the Aoshi Shenfu is also the soul of the universe.

After flying for more than two days, at night, a vision appeared in the sky!

This kind of vision is very obvious. When you look up and look at it, you can see images floating in the endless night sky that emit translucent light. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

If you look carefully, you can see that this is the reflection of the world-defying world!

It's like a mirage, but it's reflected in the entire night sky, and it's very clear.

It also emits light in the night sky, making the night that should be dark appear hazy.

The reflection of the sky has different brightness, the closer it is to one direction, the brighter it is.

And the area where Chen Xiang is located is relatively bright, indicating that he is closer to the life soul of the second universe.

"Is this a vision? It covers the entire World of Proudness!" Leina said in surprise, even though she had seen a lot in God's Domain, she was still very surprised at this moment.

"The soul of the universe has recorded every inch of the entire Aoshi Tiandi. This is the mountains and rivers when the Aoshi Tiandi was born! Is this the map of the Aoshi Mountains and Rivers?"

Chen Xiang raised his head and took a look, as if he saw many things and realized something.

"This is troublesome. If it continues, many people will be able to find the place where the universe soul appears." Lena said.

It was indeed so, at this moment Long Jiuxiao and Xiao Xianglin immediately sent messages to Chen Xiang, telling him that the vision had appeared.

Chen Xiang just said he knew, and told them not to run around, not to go to the brightest areas.

The group of people who came from outside the sky quickly discovered the law of the vision. As long as they looked in one direction, the reflection in the sky would become brighter, and it seemed to be the center that caused the vision to appear.

So they all rushed over immediately to see what happened.

The high-level officials of Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace knew very well that that was the place where the life soul of the second universe appeared, and they rushed there immediately.

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