World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4106: The Divine Mirror Shines on Mountains and Rivers

Chen Xiang originally wanted to let them go, but when he saw the bald man drawing his sword, he decided to keep them, otherwise it would appear that he was too easy to bully.

Whether it's Aoshi Tiandi or Aoshi Universe, it's his territory, and he has every reason to take action against this group of foreign forces that are wreaking havoc on the entire Aoshi Universe.

"Mr. Shen, you can't beat us!" the bald woman said, "We don't want to conflict with you, don't make things difficult for us."

"The arrival of Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple killed a lot of people here, and they didn't need to come. It was you who attracted them, and you should be responsible for it!" Chen Xiang pointed his knife at them.

"I am not directly involved in this matter. If I am responsible, I will definitely restrain them. Now that Aoshi Tiandi has suffered serious casualties, we are indeed responsible to some extent. I will go back and investigate clearly, and I will definitely give Mr. Shen a satisfactory answer." " said the bald woman.

"Answer? Answer me, can the dead and wounded in Aoshi Tiandi be resurrected? Do you know that many innocent children have fallen into the hands of those ogres from the All Heavens Palace camp!" Chen Xiang's face turned cold, Said: "You must stay!"

"Mr. Shen, it seems that you are going to force me to take coercive measures!" The bald woman sighed softly: "Whether you succeed or fail, you must let nature take its course! This process cannot be disturbed by external forces, and we have enough The power to protect the entire process of crossing the catastrophe!"

What she meant was to tell Chen Xiang that she is very powerful, that's why she can protect the life and soul of the universe to survive the tribulation!

"The Soul of the Universe told me that there will be power to prevent it from going through the catastrophe! It seems that you want to stop it, right?" Chen Xiang sneered.

"Can you communicate with the soul of the universe?" the bald woman asked in surprise.

"That's right, the Aoshi Universe was created by me, what's wrong with me being able to communicate with the life soul of the universe?" Chen Xiang said: "You guys will stop Transcending Tribulation, so I'm going to beat you!"

"There are no people with such strength in Zhutian Temple or Wutianshen Palace! Except for the three of us, no one can stop it! Even Mr. Shen, you don't have enough strength to stop it. At most, you just interfere with Du Jie, Or it makes the tribulation power stronger." The bald woman frowned and said, somewhat disbelieving Chen Xiang's words.

Chen Xiang was a little upset, because this woman called him incompetent.

"Captain, stop talking nonsense with him! Let's take him directly! This guy was sealed back then, and he is not much stronger.

He is now reborn and resurrected, very weak, I can kill him with a single sword. "The bald man said, he has long been unhappy with Chen Xiang.

Buzz buzz!

Suddenly there was a strange sound in the sky. Hearing this sound, Chen Xiang was immediately upset, but he quickly controlled his emotions.

As for Lena beside him, her eyes were tightly closed, and she became very irritable.

Chen Xiang immediately put Reina into the Magic Mirror of Six Paths!

The bald woman frowned tightly, a little golden light appeared on her forehead, and there was a burst of powerful soul power gushing out.

She is also resisting that weird sound wave!

"The robbery of life and soul has begun!" the bald woman shouted in shock.

But the two bald men beside her had ferocious faces at the moment, holding long swords and looking at Chen Xiang with murderous aura.

"Kill!" the bald man shouted.


The bald woman yelled, but it was useless. She seemed unable to move at the moment, because she had to resist the sound waves with all her strength, or she would become very irritable after being disturbed.

Chen Xiang himself didn't know how strong that sound wave was, because he easily blocked it.

But at this moment, the whole world is buzzing, as if the soul of the universe is surrounded by this sound wave for thousands of miles.

The aliens who entered this area were all killing mad at this moment, each of them became insane and started killing each other.

Chen Xiang just controlled the movement of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, and avoided the two bald men.

The funny thing is, when they lose their target, they start killing each other!

"Is this your strength? Are you weak! With your little ability, you still take this kind of job!"

Chen Xiang's words were full of sarcasm, and he looked at the bald woman with a sneer on his face, "Didn't you say before that you could protect the entire process of crossing the tribulation? Now that you have been slapped in the face, does your face hurt?"

"The tribulation power has become stronger!" The bald woman said with an ugly face: "Mr. Shen, we are not in the tribulation crossing area, but the tribulation power has become so strong, which means that someone is in the tribulation crossing area, and it is very strong!"

"It seems that it's not you who prevented the life and soul of the universe from crossing the catastrophe, that's right, you don't have that kind of strength!" Chen Xiang shook his head and smiled: "I'm so stupid to waste so much time on you!"

After the bald woman was taunted by Chen Xiang for a while, although she felt a little uncomfortable, she was more shocked!

Because there were indeed powerful people who appeared and interfered with the life and soul robbery of the universe.

And the person with this kind of strength is definitely not from the Temple of All Heavens and Wutian Temple, and may even be someone she is familiar with.

The sound waves in the sky are getting stronger and stronger, which obviously intends to irritate the soul of the universe.

However, the soul of the universe seems to be very calm, the same as before, without any waves!

Chen Xiang controlled the magic mirror of six paths, and flew close to the soul of the universe.

"Mr. Shen, after you get close, there will be even bigger changes!" The bald woman shouted hastily.

"Let's talk after you take care of yourself!" Chen Xiang left after finishing speaking, and quickly disappeared from the bald woman's sight.

She can't chase after it, because entering the robbery area will only increase the power of robbery.

Chen Xiang had no choice but to go there. He knew that the soul of the universe was very strong, but the ghost knew what kind of methods those people would have. After all, they came from a powerful supernatural force, controlling the fate of every universe.

Soon, Chen Xiang entered the Transcending Tribulation area, and the sound waves here were even stronger.

When Chen Xiang first entered, he also felt uncomfortable, but he quickly got used to it.

"Is this the cosmic life and soul robbery? It's different from what I imagined!"

Chen Xiang thought that it was all kinds of energies attacking the life soul of the universe, but now it's just waves of sound, and he doesn't know where it came from.

The Cosmic Life Soul is very huge, covering a wide area, it is also very difficult for Chen Xiang to find other people, especially the environment here is very harsh, with strong winds and sound waves fluctuating from time to time.

However, just when he was at a loss, the world-defying mountains and rivers map suddenly floated in the night sky.

At this moment, Chen Xiang suddenly received a feeling.

He couldn't describe the feeling that he suddenly knew what to do.

"Sister Jing, control the Six Paths Mirror to become bigger! Become the biggest!" Chen Xiang immediately voiced.

The Divine Mirror of Six Paths suddenly became larger, and in a blink of an eye it was as huge as a lake and fell on the ground.

The phantom of the world-defying mountains and rivers undulating up and down in the sky suddenly began to shrink, shrinking around the location of the magic mirror of six paths as the center!

A ray of light suddenly descended from the sky and penetrated into the incomparably huge Mirror of the Six Paths. This entire picture of world-defying mountains and rivers is entering into the Mirror of the Six Paths!

The bald woman in the distance was terrified. She didn't know what happened, but only knew that a huge change had taken place in the life and soul calamity of the universe, which completely deviated from the natural process.

Alchemy God

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