World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4110: Six Fate Souls

Guan Ying wanted to stop, but she was a step too late. The reason she wanted to stop was to protect the bald man.

Chen Xiang grabbed the stabbing sword very smoothly, and then slapped the bald man's chest with his palm, injecting a wave of Dao Yuan Saint Power.


The bald man's body instantly turned into mist!

People in this group are indeed immortal. After their bodies were smashed by Chen Xiang, there was only a round bead the size of a grain of rice left, like a crystal.

Chen Xiang guessed that this is a very special kind of Dao Yuan crystal, soul and energy are stored in Dao Yuan crystal.

Compared with Guan Yaoshan's, this little golden bead's light is much dimmer, and its moving speed is not so fast.

The biggest difference from Guan Yaoshan was that Xiao Jinzhu didn't recover immediately, but seemed to emit a burst of light, forming a phantom of a bald man.

"Reborn in front of the enemy? You are such an idiot!" Chen Xiang felt a little funny, then stretched out his hand and pinched the little golden bead.

He squeezed it with a lot of force, but he couldn't crush it, he could only transfer it to the world-defying furnace.

"What about him?" Guan Ying exclaimed in shock.

As for the other bald man, he was much calmer and did not attack Chen Xiang.

"I caught it!" Chen Xiang laughed mockingly: "It seems that you are not doing well, I thought how strong you are!"

Guan Ying gritted her teeth, she didn't know what to do now, her junior brother and third uncle were both arrested, and so many things happened in the universe, her mission this time can be said to be a very failure.

"Mr. Shen, we don't want to see things develop to this point! I am willing to help you mediate the conflict with us, but the premise is that you don't hurt third uncle and my junior brother." Guan Ying said sincerely.

"Aoshi Tiandi has been sealed now, and there is no weak point in space. It is impossible for people from Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple to go back in a short time. You have to make sure they don't mess around again." Chen Xiang said: "Can you Can you do it?"

Guan Ying looked at the bald man beside him and said, "Go and handle this matter well!"

The bald man leaves now!

"We can ensure that the Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutian God will never harm those who are proud of the world!" Guan Ying said.

"That's good, you'd better let them find a way to leave Aoshi Tiandi. After the universe's life and soul pass the catastrophe, I will settle the score with them, and then I will definitely kill them." Chen Xiang said.

Guan Ying remembered the poisonous rain before, so she did not doubt Chen Xiang's words.

"There is no way to escape now!" Guan Ying said, "If Mr. Shen, you really do something, you will definitely offend Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace."

"I'm not afraid of them." Chen Xiang smiled and said, "Are they really scary?"

"They don't completely obey our orders, it's just because they have an agreement with us that they will cooperate with us in the matters of the world." Guan Ying sighed: "They are indeed terrible. It can be regarded as powerful, the strongest power in Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple, and they don't know the world-defying universe."

"Don't worry, I will find their lair, and take them away!" Chen Xiang said: "After all, they sealed me!"

"There is some misunderstanding between us and you, I hope it can be resolved, and I promise not to help Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple against you in the future." Guan Ying said: "But you must also promise to release third uncle and my junior brother!"

"How do you guarantee it?" Chen Xiang spread his hands and said, "What is your status? Who are you? I don't know anything about you now!"

"We are the Kun clan among the six fate-soul clans! The six soul clans include the Yin-Yang clan, the Qian-kun clan, and the righteous and evil clans.

There are six families in total. "

Guan Ying took out a sign and continued: "This is the identity sign of our Kun clan! The second clan of Qiankun, the main seal, formation, enchantment, and various symbols, so the seal for you back then came from the second clan of Qiankun." family."

"Where are the Temple of All Heavens and Wutian Temple?" Chen Xiang asked.

"The Temple of All Heavens was built by the evil clan, and the Palace of Wutian God was built by the righteous clan." Guan Ying said: "They built the Temple of Wutian God and the Temple of All Heavens in each universe, mainly to absorb people in the universe and use them for them. .”

"Did the Yin-Yang race participate in sealing me?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Yes! And it's the main force! On the surface, the Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutianshen are in charge of supervising the operation of the Aoshi Universe, but behind the scenes, our six races are jointly responsible." Guan Ying looked at the soul of the universe in the distance, and said: "Our Qiankun family is mainly responsible for maintaining the natural operation of the soul!"

"So, your six races are not united!" Chen Xiang felt a little tricky, because there were too many enemies, and they were all very strong.

"Aoshi Universe is still very young, and it has not yet grown to the point where the highest level of the six races pays attention, so we are assigned younger people to take care of it." Guan Ying frowned slightly: "Shen Gong, about Aoshi The matter of the universe, I now know that it is not simple."

"Why do you think so?" Chen Xiang was a little surprised and asked.

"I can feel that there are many secrets hidden behind it! For example, the third uncle wants to prevent the soul of the universe from crossing the catastrophe, and the Temple of All Heavens and the Temple of Wutian, they all seem to want to destroy the soul of the universe." Guan Ying sighed: "It seems Each of our six clans has their own minds!"

"I don't care what happened to you. In short, you Kun clan participated in sealing me, so you have to pay me! When the compensation is in place, your third uncle and that junior brother will be able to go home."

Chen Xiang knew that behind this was a powerful group, so he naturally wanted to reap some benefits.

"Can you let third uncle talk to me!" Guan Ying bit her lip and said.

"Okay!" Chen Xiang took out the World-Proud Stove. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

Seeing the Aoshi Divine Stove, Guan Ying understood why the third uncle was trapped.

"Aren't you six Fate Soul clans afraid of the universe Fate Soul?" Chen Xiang laughed.

"Don't be afraid! It's the Aoshi Universe's little life soul that is different, it can trap our life soul Yuanjing! The Ao Shi universe's little life soul is the Aoshi God Furnace, and the big life soul is that..."

Guan Ying pointed to the huge Fate Soul that really crossed the catastrophe, she suddenly understood why the six Fate Soul clans wanted to seal Chen Xiang.

"Little brat, your niece is looking for you!" Chen Xiang patted the World-Defying Stove.

"Third uncle, Mr. Shen is very restrained. He is willing to talk to us. Please control your emotions." Guan Ying said.

"Guan Ying, there are some things that you and I can't decide!" Guan Yaoshan sighed: "This involves a lot, you and I can't decide anything, now we can only admit it!"

"Why... the Six Soul Clans, don't we just want to ensure that each universe runs naturally?"

Guan Ying only felt that her world view had collapsed, and what she had been adhering to since she was a child was actually hypocrisy!

"After the formation of the world-defying universe, the six fate and soul families must participate in the intervention. Not only the world-defying universe, we have participated in most of the universe."

"Natural operation? If you leave it alone, the ghost knows what powerful thing will be born, and then wipe out our six life and soul clans!"

"Look at this Chen Xiang, he is a variable beyond our control!" Guan Yaoshan sighed again.

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