World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4112: Heaven and Earth after the Tribulation

Guan Ying was furious. If she knew that the pill had this effect, she wouldn't eat it to death.

After her long hair was born, she immediately took out a sharp dagger to cut it off.

But just after it was cut off, it immediately grew back, and it didn't stop until the waist.

"Mr. Shen, why are you doing this? We, the Kun clan, perform a special ceremony as soon as we are born to take off our hair, which can cut off our troubles, emotions and desires." Guan Ying said, "Now that I have long hair, what do you want? How will you explain to the clan elders after you go back?"

She also couldn't understand why Chen Xiang's pill was so miraculous, it could control the growth of her hair, even if it was cut off, it would regenerate immediately.

"After you go back, tell your clan elders for me that I, Chen Xiang, will settle accounts with them sooner or later! Letting you grow your hair is a punishment for you." Chen Xiang said: "You let Wutian Temple and All Heavens Palace come, I will Just letting you grow long hair is already a very light punishment."

It has to be said that after Guan Ying had this long black hair, she was even more beautiful.

Judging from her appearance, she is mature and full of charm, but her desireless eyes make her look light and refined, with a bit of innocence.

Chen Xiang stayed with Guan Ying for a few days just to refine this pill for her. He is also very satisfied with the effect of this pill. He plans to feed this pill to the Kun people when he sees them in the future.

Guan Ying also tried to self-destruct her body just now, but after she was reborn, she still has long hair!

"How did you prepare this pill?" Guan Ying could only accept it now, but she was still very curious.

"I was originally an alchemist... Back then, the world-defying universe was born because of a pill I refined." Chen Xiang smiled and said: "My pill can even create the universe, let alone help you create a beautiful one." s hair!"

"Hmph, it doesn't look good at all!"

Guan Ying took out the mirror and took a picture. Although she said so, she was still a little flattered in her heart. She found that she was indeed more beautiful at this time.

This was a kind of beauty she had never seen before, which made her reluctant to look away from the beauty in the mirror for a long time.

"Go back! We should meet soon!" Chen Xiang said: "By the way, now that the space wall has become so strong, can you go back?"

"We have our own way!" Guan Ying put away the mirror, thought for a while, and said, "Mr. Shen, you must be careful! The Six Fate and Soul Clans are after you, and they will definitely re-examine your importance. A new round of seals against you is coming!"

"I was plotted against before, that's why I was sealed! It's not so easy for them to seal me now."

Of course Chen Xiang was not plotted against, but his previous soul was not strong enough, otherwise he would definitely be able to break free from the seal.

Guan Ying tied up her hair, and then flew away from the Mirror of Six Paths. While flying high in the sky, she also took a look at the huge Cosmic Life Soul.

The soul of the universe is still going through the tribulation, and it has not been over for a few days.

Chen Xiang also knew that the life and soul tribulation in the universe was a kind of heart tribulation. He also experienced it when he stepped into the Holy Land before.

This made him feel a bit coincidental. Not long after he had passed the tribulation, he went to the universe to pass the tribulation, and it was the same type of calamity.

Chen Xiang can only wait outside the tribulation crossing area now, if the tribulation power suddenly increases a lot, it means someone has entered the tribulation crossing area, and he has to use the power of the World-Proud Mountain and River Map of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths to perceive it.

He still doesn't know the specific purpose of the Aoshi Mountains and Rivers Map,

Just knowing that it allows him to have a stronger perception.

On the second day after Guan Ying left, the huge cosmic life soul gradually sneaked into the earth, and then the heaven and earth returned to calm again.

The cosmic life and soul crossing the catastrophe was successful!

Chen Xiang was very happy, and then immediately returned to Yanheng domain.

Guan Ying's younger brother told Wutianshen Palace and Zhutian Temple to be more honest, but this won't last long.

If the soul of the universe has successfully crossed the catastrophe, and it is still hidden in the Aoshi Tiandi, then the Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple will definitely try their best to send people to continue to make trouble.

And now the outsiders in Aoshi Tiandi, they can't leave Aoshi Tiandi, after the space wall is strengthened, all the passages leading to the outer world are interrupted.

They can only barely keep in touch with Tianwai now.

Chen Xiang asked Leina to come out, and then they returned to the Flame Constant Domain together.

Lei Na had long been put into the Magic Mirror of Six Paths by Chen Xiang, and she didn't know what happened, so it was very long-term.

"Master, what happened to those bald people...?"

Leina asked, because she knew that the Universal Life Soul Tribulation was successful, and Chen Xiang also met those people, but Chen Xiang seemed to be fine.

"It's a long story..." Chen Xiang also let the ghost come out, and then told them his experience.

Knowing that Chen Xiang killed Guan Yaoshan and a young man, they were all incredulous, because the bald man was almost invincible in their eyes!

They also learned from Chen Xiang that behind Wutianshen Palace and All Heavens Palace, there is a Six Destiny Soul Clan.

Those bald heads are the Kun Clan of the Six Fate and Soul Clans!

"I didn't mess with that bald woman... After all, I'm a person who cherishes beauty and tenderness, and I even gave her long hair. Although she resisted on the surface, she must be very grateful to me in her heart." Chen Xiang laughed.

Lei Na and Moying Shenhun now have even more admiration and respect for Chen Xiang.

Being able to mix with a powerful master is much better than they can mix in the Temple of All Heavens.

"I'm thinking about dealing with the Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutian God. There are quite a few of them here!" Chen Xiang looked at Leina and asked, "Do you know how many of them there are in total?"

"At least 50 million!" Reina said: "If they are all killed, I don't know how long it will take. Although the master can use poison, but they are not gathered together, and they cannot be killed with poison."

Chen Xiang looked at Moying's soul, and asked: "Moying, do you have a good plan?"

"The life and soul of the universe has successfully crossed the catastrophe, and Aoshi Tiandi will undergo transformation. At that time, the various resources of Aoshi Tiandi will also evolve and transform." Moying Shenhun said: "If you can capture most of the Tiantian Temple and Wutianshen Palace people, you can enslave them to mine resources!"

"This is a good way!" Chen Xiang looked at Leina, and asked again: "Nana, do you have a way to make everyone in the All Heavens Palace listen to you?"

"Master, as long as you kill the Shenyu people who are comparable to me in strength, I will be able to control the whole situation!" Leina said confidently, "It's just that Wutianjing Palace is a little difficult..."

"It's easy over there, kill the strongest group of them. The rest will be easy to deal with!" Chen Xiang said: "They have caused so much damage to Ao Shi Tiandi, then enslave them and build Ao Shi Tiandi!" A genius Seconds to remember 噺バ一 Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/


Chen Xiang has already sent a message to Yan Zilan, telling her not to be too busy running the business, because the crisis of Aoshi Tiandi has been resolved, let her hurry up to eat that Holy Soul Pill.

Yan Zilan didn't believe it at first, but Xiao Xianglin and Liu Menger also said the same, so she could only put down what she was doing and eat the Holy Soul Pill.

And the next thing will be the birth of a brand new Aoshi Tiandi, and Chen Xiang doesn't know what it will transform into. He only knows that after the transformation of Aoshi Tiandi, there will still be no peace.

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