World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4119: Soul Race Soul

All the clan mothers are here, presumably because they attach great importance to Baihua Tiandi.

Chen Xiang is even more worried now, after all that day the mother soul clan must have plans, otherwise they would not have given so many benefits to Baihua Tiandi for no reason.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I don't know either! The clan mother came from a clone, and she specially told us not to tell Mr. Shen about this!" Yan Zilan shook her head lightly and said: "But she just said, try not to tell you."

Chen Xiang can't be relieved if he doesn't understand the matter of the Tianmu Soul Clan, and Yan Zilan only knows this.

"Husband, are you going to ask Eldest Sister Xiao?" Yan Zilan whispered, "It's better not to ask!"

"Were you at the scene at that time?" Chen Xiang asked: "Who talked to that clan mother?"

"I'm not at the scene. Sister Meng'er told me! Only Sister Xiao, Sister Meng'er, Sister Qilian, and Sister Huishan were present!" Yan Zilan said: "I've been here all this time, how could I be there, but They still told me something."

"A few of them are not stupid, so it shouldn't be a problem!" Chen Xiang sighed: "I'm just worried that the Heavenly Mother Soul Race will trap you! Those forces outside the sky are really evil, whether it's the Temple of All Heavens or the Palace of Wutian God, and that fate The six soul clans participated in sealing me back then." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Speaking of the seal, Yan Zilan was also very angry, and quickly kissed Chen Xiang, comforting: "Husband, Sister Xiao and the others can make a judgment, you don't have to worry!"

"No, I still have to ask them!" Chen Xiang took out the messenger talisman, and was about to contact Liu Meng'er.

"Husband, why don't I ask!" Yan Zilan turned her beautiful eyes, then grabbed Chen Xiang's hand, preventing him from asking Liu Meng'er.

"Okay!" Chen Xiang nodded.

Yan Zilan also took out her communication talisman, then contacted Liu Meng'er, and spoke directly.

"Sister Meng'er, my husband helped me recover my memory. He suspects that we have something to hide from him... What happened to the Mother Soul Clan that day, can you tell me in detail?" Yan Zilan could only ask this.

She couldn't tell Liu Meng'er directly, she told Chen Xiang the secret of the Heavenly Mother Soul Clan.

Although it was in the middle of the night, the news from Yan Zilan was very important, so Liu Menger quickly talked to Yan Zilan.

"Zi Lan, where is Mr. Shen?" Liu Meng'er asked, "Is he by your side? Did you tell her?"

Liu Meng'er knew Chen Xiang and Yan Zilan very well, so she immediately thought that Yan Zilan had already told Chen Xiang about it.

"Sister Meng'er, I'm just worried that you will be tricked. Don't blame sister Zilan, I forced her to say it." Chen Xiang immediately replied.

"It's okay, if you come to ask me, I will tell you!" Liu Meng'er sighed softly: "It's good that Zilan has recovered her memory."

"Sister Meng'er, the Holy Soul Pill I am refining now is very powerful, and I will soon be able to help the immortals recover their memories!" Chen Xiang smiled and said, "By the way, let's talk about the Heavenly Mother Soul Clan!"

Chen Xiang smiled on purpose, just not to make the atmosphere so tense.

"We don't know much about the Celestial Mother Soul Clan. The Celestial Clan Mother said that they are as powerful as the Six Destiny Soul Clans." Liu Meng'er said, "Little villain, do you know the Six Destiny Soul Clans?"

"Of course I know, they are the masterminds behind sealing me..." Chen Xiang then talked about the Six Fate and Soul Clans.

Liu Meng'er and Yan Zilan were also extremely surprised to learn of the existence of the Six Destiny Soul Clans.

"Some forces, they are very good on the surface, but they are very sinister and evil behind the scenes! The Wutian Temple is an example." Chen Xiang said.

"The Heavenly Mother Soul Clan wants to use our strength and let us help them find something in the World-Defying Universe!" Liu Meng'er said: "We are still too weak to act yet, so they promised to make us become Get stronger!"

"What are you looking for? They are all as powerful as the Six Fate and Soul Clans, why do you need your help?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"Only women can touch that thing, and only women can go to that place! That place seems to be called Heavenly Mother Holy Wilderness!

Another very important point is that we have been in the top ten worlds for a hundred thousand years, and the energy we absorb is the energy of the world-defying universe life soul. There is no other cosmic energy involved, so we are the only ones who are suitable to help them. " Liu Meng'er said.

"Do you know what they are looking for?" Chen Xiang also became curious. Only women can go to that place, and only women can touch it.

How could there be such a strange place in Aoshi Universe?

"The Celestial Clan Mother just said that it was the soul of their Celestial Mother Soul Clan! Because they were attracted by the Auspicious Universe, they fled to the Auspicious Universe and hid in the Celestial Mother's Sacred Wilderness." Liu Meng'er said: "What is it specifically? We don't know yet."

"That Celestial Clan Mother, did you say why you couldn't tell me?" Chen Xiang was still a little confused about this matter.

"She said that you are a variable, as long as you participate in things, it will always end in failure and disaster." Liu Meng'er smiled and said: "Actually, she doesn't know you well, are also involved in this matter No, after all, only women can enter Heavenly Mother Holy Wilderness!"

"As long as it's in the World Proud Universe, then I, the creator, can go! I don't believe that only women can go in!" Chen Xiang pouted.

"We have signed a soul contract with the Celestial Mother of the Celestial Soul Clan and several elders. They won't cheat us, so you can rest assured. Alright, you and Zilan can continue to sleep!" Liu Meng'er chuckled lightly. .

Yan Zilan put away the messenger talisman, her face was a little red, and she asked softly, "Husband, how does Sister Meng'er know that we sleep together?"

"Maybe because you called me husband!" Chen Xiang laughed.

"Will Sister Meng'er be jealous?" Yan Zilan hurriedly got up and got dressed, because she planned to go back to Baihua Tiandi, "I want to go back to Baihua Tiandi, after recovering my memory, I really miss everyone, I'm going to see them! "

"Wait a few days, I'll refine a little more Holy Soul Pill for you to take back for them to eat!" Chen Xiang quickly pulled Yan Zilan, and said: "Then after their souls break through, I'll help them recover their memories!"

Just as Yan Zilan got dressed, there was a sudden fluctuation in the room, a strong spatial fluctuation.

Chen Xiang was taken aback, and hurriedly came to Yan Zilan's side, and quickly took out a black robe and put it on.

After the great life soul has passed the tribulation, it is not so easy to travel through space. Those teleportation arrays can only be opened because of Chen Xiang.

It is very difficult for individuals to travel through space without relying on large formations.

"Who?" Chen Xiang looked at the place where the space fluctuated, and said coldly: "If you don't answer, then I will smash the space! Don't even think about it!" New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"I am the Celestial Clan Mother of the Celestial Mother Soul Clan, and I want to talk to Mr. Shen!" A rippling spatial door came out, and an ethereal female voice came out.

The Celestial Clan Mother is here!

"Come out if you want to talk, don't be sneaky... By the way, did you sneak a peek at what happened in this room just now?" Chen Xiang asked.

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