World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4132 The world of faces

With Ke Yuanfei leading it, Chen Xiang passed through the gate very easily, but it was not so easy for the others. They had to undergo various inspections, and even the magic weapon they stored had to be taken out for inspection. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

Moreover, Ke Yuanfei brought Chen Xiang with him, and he could still ride a horse inside. Everyone else had to get off their horses. It can be seen that Ke Yuanfei's status in Da Kun Sect is extremely high.

The inside of this sect is like a bustling big city, there are shops and so on. Before, Chen Xiang thought that this was just a pure sect, but now it seems that it is still a big city in essence.

It's just that those in the sect are all disciples of the Dakun Sect. The people who set up shops are mainly from some large chambers of commerce. They do business in Dakunmen, and they have to pay taxes and rent.

There are some things that sects cannot provide to disciples, but major commercial firms can, so Da Kun Sect operates sects in this way.

The sect is mainly responsible for passing on and teaching disciples to practice, or to obtain some reliable information, and then some powerful elders will take them out to practice, so that they can gain rich experience in a relatively safe environment.

In addition, it is also very useful to develop one's own contacts within the sect. After all, a disciple who can enter a sect must have some strength behind him.

After Chen Xiang entered the Great Kun Sect, he was only thinking about how to earn the Dzi beads in a low-key manner.

The Magic Mirror of Six Paths needs a lot of dzi beads to fly.

Flying is a very rare skill in today's sanctuary. Even a big guy like Ke Yuanfei can't fly, and can only honestly ride beasts that run on land.

There are quite a few disciples in Da Kun Sect. In order not to attract too many people's attention, Chen Xiang put on a mask before entering, then put on a hood, and followed Ke Yuanfei silently with his head down.

Ke Yuanfei is an elder, so he also received a lot of attention. On the road, many people would stop and wake up when they saw Ke Yuanfei.

Ke Yuanfei was very kind and kind to Chen Xiang, but he was cold-faced towards other disciples, and he didn't even look at them.

Not long after, Chen Xiang followed Ke Yuanfei to the door of a small villa.

It is very quiet around this small villa, and there are not many people, which means that near the elder's residence, idle disciples are not allowed to come in.

"Brother Shen, you will live here from now on. I will give you a pass token later. With the pass token, you can go freely." Ke Yuanfei waved his hand, and the door of the small villa opened.

Chen Xiang followed in, and then briefly observed the layout of the small villa. There was a large garden, small ponds, rockeries, courtyards, etc. The environment was very good and it felt close to nature.

The houses are also relatively classical wooden houses, with more than a dozen large and small houses.

At this time, a round-faced girl in white clothes with long braids trotted over and shouted happily: "Father, you are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Chen Xiang was a little surprised, Ke Yuanfei seemed to be very old, yet he still had such a young daughter.

"Yumeng, there are guests coming, be polite!" Ke Yuanfei quickly dismounted, touched his daughter's head with a smile, and then said to Chen Xiang: "Brother Shen, this is my youngest daughter, Ke Yumeng!"

Chen Xiang also jumped off the horse, and then took off his mask and hood, revealing his handsome face with a friendly and sunny smile.

The little girl in front of her was stunned for a moment. After she realized it, she quickly lowered her head with a blushing face, not daring to look directly at Chen Xiang again.

"Hi Yumeng,

I am Chen Xiang! "Shen Xiang laughed.

"Brother Shen!" Ke Yumeng timidly raised her head and glanced at Chen Xiang.

Ke Yumeng is not that kind of very beautiful woman, she can only be said to be cute, but her eyes are very beautiful, with innocent and smart light, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Because she is not a big beauty, Ke Yumeng is somewhat shy and inferior when facing a handsome competition like Chen Xiang.

Seeing that Chen Xiang was very easy-going towards his little daughter, Ke Yuanfei was also very happy, and said with a smile: "Yumeng, a friend asked me to help him take care of Chen Xiang's little brother, so he will live here for a while in the future."

"Father, is... who is your good friend?" Ke Yumeng glanced at Chen Xiang again, only thinking that the more he looked at it, the more beautiful he looked, but he didn't dare to look any further.

"It's a very old friend. When I met her, you weren't born yet!" Ke Yuanfei smiled and said, "Okay, take Brother Shen to the vacant building by the pool, and I'll get him a pass." Token, by the way, help Brother Shen clean up."

"Good dad!"

Ke Yumeng nodded quickly, she was very happy in her heart. Because a young guest came to this small villa, who looked a little older than her, and he was really good-looking.

After Ke Yuanfei left, Ke Yumeng hurriedly said politely: "Brother Shen, please come with me. Let's go to the small building by the pond. It has been empty for a long time! There should be a lot of dust! I will clean it up for you!"

"Yumeng, is Senior Ke the only child of yours?" Chen Xiang asked in a low voice as he followed Ke Yumeng, who was bouncing around.

"No, I have a brother and a sister, and they haven't come back yet."

Speaking of older brothers and sisters, Ke Yumeng's expression changed slightly, but she recovered quickly, but Chen Xiang noticed them all.

"Does your brother and sister treat you well?" Chen Xiang immediately asked.

"Ah? Brother Shen, why are you asking this!" Ke Yumeng was taken aback, she didn't answer Chen Xiang's question directly, because this kind of question was too sudden.

"Are your older brothers and sisters the same father as you?" Chen Xiang said with a smile on his face, "Brother Shen has no malicious intentions. I want to stay here for a while, so I have to understand it clearly, so that we can get along easily in the future!"

Ke Yumeng was just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, still very innocent, she hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"My older brothers and sisters don't treat me very well, because I'm not good-looking, and saying that I'm with them will damage their reputation." Ke Yumeng said sadly.

"Have you talked to your father about these things?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I dare not say it!" Ke Yumeng shook her head quickly: "If I say so, Father will scold my brother and sister, and then my brother and sister will hate me even more!"

Ke Yumeng still had some reservations, she just said that her brother and sister treated her badly, but Chen Xiang could tell that this little girl was often bullied, but she just didn't dare to say it. starter

"I'm also afraid of being bullied by them, Yu Meng, teach me how to deal with them in the future." Chen Xiang laughed.

"Brother Shen, you look so good-looking, they won't bully you!" Ke Yumeng said enviously: "In the Dakun Sect, strength alone is not enough, you have to be good-looking too! Good-looking People are very welcome.”

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