World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4161 Meet Big Brother

After all, these old men are quite old, so they are relatively restrained. Although it seems that they are going to fight at any time, they calm down soon.

However, they still held the sacred talisman in their hands, as if they would start a war if they disagreed.

Chen Xiang was a little depressed, he thought that the assessment process would be relatively easy, but he didn't expect to encounter so many things, which were completely different from what he had imagined before.

"Let's stop arguing, Young Master Shen is in charge of everything!" A skinny old man looked at Chen Xiang and said, "Young Master Shen, you choose me, don't think I'm the thinnest one, but I'm the richest."

"Young Master Shen, I am the dean of the Rune Academy. They are all just elders, and their status is far inferior to mine! In the Rune Academy, I have the final say on everything." Wang Tianwen said.

"Fart, the dean is just doing miscellaneous work. You take care of so many things in the Rune Rune Academy all day long, how can you have time to guide people? And after you claimed to be the dean, you started to drift away, and you didn't concentrate on practicing runes at all." Another old man said.

"Stop talking nonsense, we let Young Master Shen choose himself! Whoever he chooses, that is the one he has eyes with." A fat old man said.

At this time, the nine old men all looked at Chen Xiang. Although they didn't say a word, they secretly sent voice transmissions to Chen Xiang frantically, asking Chen Xiang to choose them, and offered many good conditions.

Chen Xiang really has a headache, because no matter which one he chooses, the other elders will feel very dissatisfied, and they will more or less dislike it in the future.

"Young Master Shen, make a decision quickly! With your talent, you can indeed practice alchemy at the same time. If you take me as your teacher, I will definitely allow you to do so." Wang Tianwen laughed.

"I'm very unhappy right now!" Chen Xiang suddenly had a plan, and said coldly.

Seeing what he said, the other elders all looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Why do you think you are qualified to be my master? You just let me choose you so casually, are you worthy?" Chen Xiang said with a proud face: "In my opinion, with your level, I'm afraid you can't teach me .” The new 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Wang Tianwen and the other nine were all stunned. They were all thinking about whether they were worthy of being the master of the young man in front of them!

"You can be my master if you want to, just pass my assessment!" Chen Xiang smiled and said: "If you can't even solve the difficult problems I give you, you are not qualified to be my master at all, are you?"

"That's true, you come up with a question!" Wang Tianwen nodded and said, "If I can't pass your assessment, I'm willing to worship you as my teacher!"

"me too!"

"Me too!"


Several other old men followed suit!

Chen Xiang originally thought that by doing this, he would not let himself fall into such a difficult choice, but he never thought that it would develop like this.

If he took these old men as his disciples, it would be a headache, and if he came to him every day, how could he practice with peace of mind?

"You don't need to be a teacher or something... It might as well be like this, if you really can't pass my assessment, then we will be equal, how about it?" Chen Xiang said.

"I can't pass your assessment, so I will call you my elder brother!" Wang Tianwen said again.

Several other old men also said one after another that if they fail the assessment, they will worship Chen Xiang as their elder brother.

Chen Xiang was a little speechless, accepting such nine old urchins as younger brothers was not at all worrying.

"Well... let's do the assessment first."

Chen Xiang took out a piece of talisman paper,

Then he quickly drew runes on it. The runes he drew added some God's Domain runes.

The runes of the divine realm that Kun Min gave him were remembered in his mind, and now he combined them with the runes of the sacred realm.

After he finished the painting, those people from all over the world gathered around and looked at it carefully.

"I have added ten special runes, can you pick them out? As long as you pick one, you will pass the assessment." Chen Xiang said: "It's actually very simple...I'll give you half an hour time."

Chen Xiang drew a total of two hundred runes, among which ten runes are God's Domain runes, which are hidden in them.

The nine old men were immediately dumbfounded, because these runes were all the same to them. Why are there special runes?

"Young Master Shen, could it be you who scribbled this?" Wang Tianwen frowned and said, "There is no difference at all!"

"After half an hour, I will personally pick out ten special runes and combine them. You will know if there is any difference."

After Chen Xiang finished speaking, he found a chair and sat down, then leaned there to rest comfortably.

Wang Tianwen and the others looked at it very seriously, pondering each rune very carefully.

In fact, these runes were very strange to them, they had never seen them before, they were already shocked that Chen Xiang could draw such complicated runes.

Most of the sanctuary runes that Chen Xiang drew were from Kun Min, he could memorize them with just a glance, and he could memorize them thoroughly.

Even if Kun Min came, he might not be able to quickly find the God's Domain runes hidden in it.

Soon, half an hour passed!

Wang Tianwen and the others didn't pick out special runes, and they didn't even cover them, which means they really couldn't see them, and they didn't even bother to cover them.

Chen Xiang walked to the big table, then picked up a pen, and on a piece of blank talisman paper next to it, it was enough to draw ten runes of God's Domain.

In the process of drawing, he also pointed out the corresponding lines from the original two hundred strokes.

After Chen Xiang picked out ten special runes, Wang Tianwen was dumbfounded!

Because after being combined, it turned out to be a very simple set of God's Domain runes. Even if it was a very simple ten strokes, they might not be able to draw it.

"You can't pass my assessment!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "You are not qualified to be my master!"

Wang Tianwen and the others were shocked at the moment!

This little boy can actually draw the runes of God's Domain... This is simply impossible, even for them it is difficult to do it.

"Master Shen, you must have a master, who is he? Don't tease us!" Wang Tianwen smiled wryly, "Is it some old monster who deliberately sent his apprentice to mock us?"

"I ran into Grandma Kunzu by chance, and got her advice. She recommended me to come to Dakunmen! But she didn't allow me to reveal her whereabouts." Chen Xiang had already thought up his words, and said in a low voice.

Hearing what Chen Xiang said, Wang Tianwen's eyes widened!

"See you, brother!" Wang Tianwen immediately bowed after being surprised.

When the other old men came to their senses, they also quickly shouted "See you, big brother".

"No, no! I'm going to take part in the alchemy assessment... By the way, please keep the matter of God's Domain Runes and Grandma Kun Zu a secret."

Chen Xiang is actually quite old, it's okay to accept these old men as younger brothers.

"Brother, don't worry... we'll go back and make a purple gold jade order for you! By the way, don't stay in that Longlin Inn, come to Fu Wenyuan!" Wang Tianwen said with a smile: "It can save a lot of days beads!"

"No need, it's more comfortable for me to live in Longlin Inn!" Chen Xiang laughed.

"Brother, if you come to Runwenyuan, I will hire ten girls to serve you!" Wang Tianwen said with a smile, "Brother is guaranteed to be satisfied!"

"I'm not that kind of person, I'll take my leave first, I'm going to participate in the alchemy assessment!" Chen Xiang laughed, turned his head and ran away.

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