World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4206: The Change of the Divine Soldier

Although Chen Xiang still doesn't know what's under the sea of ​​waves, his current layout is to prevent the Temple of All Heavens and Wutian Temple from obtaining important things under the sea of ​​waves.

Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace, they both want to compete for Shengxuanxing. As long as they control Shengxuanxing and Dakunmen, their strength will be further improved and they will be able to overwhelm each other.

Therefore, Chen Xiang had to make plans in secret, and absolutely must not let Da Kun Sect fall into the hands of Zhutian Temple or Wutianshen Palace.

The Specter Soul has now successfully gained the trust of the Divine Horned Beast Clan, and he can fully grasp the whereabouts of the Divine Horned Beast Army.

Among the Divine Horned Beast Clan, only a few high-level people know that there is a white tiger haunting the Holy Xuanxing.

For such an important matter, they will not tell the Temple of All Heavens!

Next, Chen Xiang and Bai Zhenzhen only need to wait for the army of one million divine horned beasts to set up camp, and then they can start to act.

After Chen Xiang and Bai Zhenzhen left Huatian Jiudi Villa, they did not return to Canglan Sea City, but went to the great desert of Canglan State.

That place is very desolate and sparsely populated, and it is the best place for sacrifices.

Chen Xiang has a lot of dzi beads, so he can use the magic mirror of six paths to his heart's content without caring about the consumption of dzi beads.

The magic mirror of six paths needs to consume a lot of dzi beads to fly, because it can obtain very fast speed.

In just two hours, Chen Xiang and Bai Zhenzhen arrived at the Canglan Desert! It is dusk now!

"Zhenzhen, when summoning the White Tiger Divine Soldier, will it cause a lot of commotion?" Chen Xiang asked.

He had had concerns about this before, so he chose this kind of place. Even if there was a lot of commotion, it would take a while to get here.

"I don't know!" Bai Zhenzhen shook her head: "However, we have to be prepared! If there is too much movement, we have a way to deal with it."

"I chose to do it here because of this consideration." Chen Xiang nodded and said, "Now we are waiting for the million troops!"

"Brother, I don't know what the White Tiger Divine Weapon has become now... I heard from the elders in the clan that after being transformed by them, the White Tiger Divine Weapon has the ability to evolve, and the spirit can shape itself. " Bai Zhenzhen said.

"That's true! The current Four Symbols Divine Weapon is more terrifying and powerful than back then!" Chen Xiang sighed, "I also don't understand why the Four Symbols Divine Weapon has such a change!"

He only has the Qinglong Demon Slayer Knife in his hand,

But that's not complete! Because in the dragon soul sword soul of Qinglong Demon Slaying Saber, the dragon soul is incomplete!

There is a small part of the dragon soul that is incomplete to kill the red dragon. Only when the soul of the red dragon is completely killed can the Qinglong Demon Slaying Saber be complete!

And how powerful it will be at that time, Chen Xiang himself can't imagine.

"The Azure Dragon Divine Weapon is still the Azure Dragon Demon-Slaying Knife! The Vermilion Bird Divine Weapon is still the Suzaku Tenderness. I don't know what the White Tiger and Xuanwu are like." Chen Xiang said.

"Brother, do you only have the Qinglong Demon Slaying Saber in your hand? Then how do you know that the Suzaku Divine Weapon is still tender?" Bai Zhenzhen asked curiously.

"Because Suzaku Tender Silk gave birth to an egg by itself, and even hatched a small Suzaku Tender Silk!" Seeing Bai Zhenzhen's unbelievable expression, Chen Xiang shook his head and smiled, "It's true! I was also shocked at the time !"

"Sure enough, the Four Elephant Soldier has changed a lot!" After being shocked, Bai Zhenzhen exclaimed, "No wonder the elders of the clan say that the Four Elephant Soldier can evolve into the strongest form in the Aoshi Universe."

"Really? Why did they say that?" Chen Xiang asked.

The White Tiger Warrior Clan must know something, otherwise they wouldn't have been captured in God's Domain.

"I'm not too sure. I'm just saying that the Four Elephants Divine Soldier will become the Guardian Divine Soldier of the World-Defying Universe! Maybe... Maybe it has a lot to do with you, brother." Bai Zhenzhen said.

Chen Xiang suddenly felt that the Four Elephants Divine Weapon was influenced by him, so it had already been related to the entire Aoshi Universe.

Maybe it's the law of the world-defying universe, which has been secretly tempering the four elephants.

"Just waiting for the White Tiger Divine Soldier to be summoned, I don't know what it will be like!" Chen Xiang was looking forward to it at this moment.

"Brother, I will definitely be able to summon the White Tiger Soldier! Maybe, I have been looking for you all this time, just to shoulder this mission!" Bai Zhenzhen looked at the sky and said, "There is a definite number somewhere!"

"Zhenzhen, there is no mission or mission, there is no fixed number! You and I can meet again, this is fate!" Chen Xiang shook Bai Zhenzhen's little hand, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to see you, even if It doesn't matter if you can't summon the White Tiger Soldier!"

Afterwards, Chen Xiang contacted the Specter Soul and told him that he would lead the million-strong army of the Horned Beast Clan into this vast desert.

This is very easy for Moying Shensoul, because now the seniors in the clan trust him very much!

"Moying, who came from the Divine Horned Beast Clan?" Chen Xiang asked: "If they have too strong guys, they will be difficult to deal with!"

"There are three Saint King Realm!" The ghostly spirit said, "They are all elders of the Horned Beast Clan, and they are very powerful!"

"Three Saint King Realm? This is indeed a bit difficult, I hope my poison will have some effect!" Chen Xiang suddenly felt a little tricky.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, I'm still here! I can keep those three old guys in check!" The ghost spirit was very confident.

"It's up to you then!" Chen Xiang said.

Chen Xiang's main purpose was still to perform sacrifices, which required a lot of blood and soul.

As long as the phantom spirit can hold back the three old saint king realms, Chen Xiang can carry out the sacrificial ceremony.

Two days have passed, and Sheng Xuanxing is still making a fuss about the Huatianjiudi Villa.

The arrival of the million-strong army of the Divine Horned Beasts at Saint Xuan Star, although this matter is also worthy of attention, has been overshadowed by the incident at Huatianjiudi Mountain Villa.

It is difficult to hide the whereabouts of millions of troops, so they are also known by many forces when they go to the Canglan Desert.

Because the Canglan Desert is very empty, there are no people, and it is very desolate, so the other forces of the Holy Xuanxing believe that the million-strong army of the Divine Horn Beast Clan is camping in the desert.

The three old holy kings of the divine-horned beast clan were the first to arrive at the Canglan Desert!

The phantom soul did not come, because he is now the son of the god horn, and he has made great achievements, and the clan does not allow them to participate in such dangerous actions.

However, he wanted to help Chen Xiang deal with the three old saint kings, so after he hid the body of the Holy Son of the God Horn in Canglanhai City, he flew directly to the desert to meet Chen Xiang.

Bai Zhenzhen turned into the body of the white tiger beast, running in the desert, leaving obvious traces of the beast, which convinced the elders of the horned beast clan and made them even more excited and excited.

The clan elders of the Divine Horned Beast Clan would never have imagined that Chen Xiang and Bai Zhenzhen were going to ambush their million-strong army!

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