World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4221 Hidden crisis

"Sister Xueyi, protect Mr. Shen well. Zhutiandian and Wutianshen Palace have two peak saint kings. If they fight, the movement will be very loud and it will hurt him." Palace Master Tianmu said anxiously. Long Xueyi said.

Long Xueyi didn't say much, grabbed Chen Xiang and flew into the sky.

When she flew up, there were also two groups of very huge energy in the distance, rushing into the air, chasing Long Xueyi and the others.

After Long Xueyi found out, she immediately roared loudly towards the bottom, only to hear two superimposed sound waves of Long Xiao, rushing down like thunder, and scattered the two groups of energy.

Chen Xiang found that this was somewhat similar to the Azure Dragon's Roar, so it could be seen that she had also studied the Azure Dragon Divine Art, and then improved and developed it to be suitable for her own use.

At high altitude, they are temporarily safe, because it is difficult for people underground to detect them, and even if detected, it is difficult to attack them, because they are still very flexible in the air.

Chen Xiang took out the Magic Mirror of Six Paths, and then it became bigger.

"This thing can actually fly in the sanctuary?" Long Xueyi also found it inconceivable, of course she recognized that it was the Magic Mirror of Six Paths.

Xue Xianxian and the others had told her before that Chen Xiang had the Magic Mirror of Six Paths in his hand, and she also knew that the Magic Mirror of Six Paths was very strong.

But she is not particularly familiar with the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, but is very familiar with the Qinglong Demon Slaying Knife, because she has used it before.

"Of course it can fly, this thing is amazing!" Chen Xiang said.

Then, Chen Xiang asked Xiao Jing's younger sister to lock on the Heavenly Mother Palace Master below, and asked her to check the aura of this mysterious Palace Master, whether he knew him or not.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Long Xueyi lay on the edge of the Mirror of Six Paths, looked at the battle situation below, and exclaimed: "That sister of the Palace Mistress is still powerful! She should be stronger than me. If I don't borrow your sword, I'm afraid I can't beat her .”

"She's at the peak of the Saint King Realm? It's really amazing to be able to single out two peak Saint King Realms!" Chen Xiang could also clearly see the battle below.

The Mistress of Tianmu held two swords, and she not only had to face two Saint King Realm peaks, but also several other Saint King Realm peaks. The new 81 Chinese website is the fastest updated computer terminal: www.@x81zw@@

"The elder sister of the Palace Master may not be in the Saint King Realm... With her strength, she might have just stepped into the Saint Venerable Realm!" Long Xueyi frowned and said, "Who is she? Do I know her too? I always think she is very kind!"

Chen Xiang also wanted to know very much, he was patiently waiting for the results of sister Xiaojing's investigation.

The battle below was very fierce. Although there were only a dozen women in the Tianmu Holy Palace, they were able to block the siege of dozens of people and gained the upper hand!

"Sister Xiaojing, is there any result?" Chen Xiang asked, he couldn't wait to know who the Palace Master Tianmu was.

"No, if you have met before, and I haven't recorded any relevant soul characteristics, it means that you knew her before you got the Mirror of Six Paths." Sister Xiaojing said.

There are also some women that Chen Xiang knew before he got the Mirror of Six Paths, that is to say, he had a relatively brief contact with this Heavenly Mother Palace Master before, but he never met again after that.

So he got the Mirror of the Six Paths later, and he didn't record the characteristics of this woman's soul.

If this is the case, then Chen Xiang will be able to eliminate many women, because after he got the Magic Mirror of Six Paths, he has met many women, and they can all be eliminated.

Even if Chen Xiang knew this, it was difficult to recall who it was at the moment.

After all, it's been too long,

The time before he got the Mirror of Six Paths is very far away from now, because he has experienced many things after that.

"I really can't remember who he is!" Chen Xiang was very distressed, and sighed: "Sister Xueyi, why do you think she is familiar?"

"I don't know. Listening to her voice, I think she's very kind! Maybe I've never met her before, and it's because she is kind to me." Long Xueyi said.

"Okay!" Chen Xiang held the smaller Qinglong Demon Slaying Knife in his hand, ready to make a move at all times.

If the women from Tianmu Holy Palace can't beat them, then Chen Xiang has to help.

But now it seems that the strength of Tianmu Shenggong is very strong, and Zhutiandian and Wutianshengong can't do anything to them at all.

"Brother Shen, it seems that we don't need to worry. This palace lord sister is too strong, Zhutiandian and Wutianshen Palace are not rivals." Long Xueyi also thought about making a move.

"The guys from Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple are not the strongest, we must be vigilant!" Chen Xiang said.

The one who came from the Tianmu Holy Palace is the palace master, can you not be strong? But the strongest group in Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple didn't seem to show up.

Those old men who appear today may only be the second echelon.

The Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutianshen have developed in the sanctuary for so many years, and they must have experts with higher cultivation levels. It is very worrying that they haven't shown up yet.

"No, this palace master's sister is careless!" The more Chen Xiang thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"What's the matter? Are the guys from Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace planning to use some tricks?" Long Xueyi asked.

"There are too few people from Tianmu Holy Palace! They may have obtained information before, knowing how many people from Tianmu Temple and Wutian Temple, so they also come according to the other party's situation." Chen Xiang said: "However, Their information should be wrong!"

Chen Xiang suddenly looked at the tiger-headed phantom, and continued: "The guys from Wutianshen Palace and Zhutian Temple are just fighting to hold back Tianmu Shenggong. Then we can see if we can take them down by the way, and we really want to snatch them." The Tiger Clan Divine Treasure is still hiding in the dark!"

"Ah? If this is the case, then what should we do? I can't beat so many powerful guys!" Long Xueyi began to worry as she thought about it.

Chen Xiang immediately asked the Divine Mirror of Six Paths to investigate the surrounding situation, to see if there were any hidden souls.

In fact, what he thought of, the owner of the Tianmu Holy Palace also thought that she hadn't shown up for a long time, just to investigate the surrounding situation and see if there were any stronger guys hidden in the Tianmu Temple and Wutian Temple.

After her careful investigation, she found nothing, so she was sure that there were no other masters hiding in the Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutianshen.

But Chen Xiang felt that it was not that simple, after a detailed investigation with the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, he did not find it.

"I didn't detect other hidden guys! This shouldn't be!"

Chen Xiang looked at the mirror of the Six Paths Mirror, there were many light spots on it, all of which represented a soul, and the positions of these light spots were all fighting below, not one of them was bad.

"Brother Shen, maybe we are suspicious!" Long Xueyi also felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace, there should be only these people here, there are no others, we can rest assured!"

"No!" Chen Xiang said: "Those guys probably didn't want to ambush the Tianmu Holy Palace. Their main task is to compete for the Tiger Clan's treasure!"

Chen Xiang immediately controlled the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, flew towards the virtual image of the tiger's head, and said, "They should hide over there."

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