World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4231: Dakun Shuangyuan

Long Xueyi also had to admire Chen Xiang, the poison that looked terrible in her eyes was unraveled so quickly.

Back when she was in Baihua Tiandi, she heard from Yan Zilan and the others that Chen Xiang's poison technique was very good, but she didn't have any concept at that time.

"Old Wang, who poisoned you?" Chen Xiang asked: "This poison is very powerful, and there is power from God's Domain in the poison!"

"They're all bastards from the penalty court, they came to our place to cause trouble!" Wang Tianwen cursed in a low voice, and then talked about how they were poisoned.

After Chen Xiang listened to it, he never thought that the punishment court would be so insane that they would use people to blow themselves up to poison them.

The Penalty Court sent a few people over, saying that they would announce an important punishment, and that all the people from the Rune Pattern Court should gather in this lobby.

After almost everyone had gathered, those people in the penalty court suddenly exploded, poisonous blood and body fragments splashed all over the lobby, and a large amount of poisonous gas was also scattered.

People with insufficient cultivation will soon be poisoned.

Old fellows like Wang Tianwen and the others worked hard to help everyone stabilize and suppress the poison in their bodies. At the same time, they launched a large formation, and then they fell into a deep sleep. Let's try to see if anyone comes to rescue them .

If Chen Xiang didn't come, even the Holy Pill Institute would be unable to detoxify them in a short time, then they would all be dead.

The group of people in Fuwenyuan were really tough, and the inner ghost of Dakunmen knew that they couldn't buy them off, so they had no choice but to exterminate them.

Then, the next thing is that the Holy Pill Academy will suffer!

Chen Xiang immediately used the communication talisman to contact Du Hai of the Holy Pill Academy, and asked him to be prepared to be on guard.

Du Hai was also very worried when he learned about the situation of the Rune Academy, and wanted to rush over to have a look. After all, so many people had been poisoned, but Chen Xiang told them not to come here for the time being, because the Holy Pill Academy might soon be subjected to the same method. .

"The poison in your body hasn't been completely detoxified yet, I just used another kind of poison to swallow the poison in your body, and then I have to take my special detoxification pill to completely detoxify it." Chen Xiang said.

Chen Xiang took out the detoxification pill and asked Long Xueyi to distribute it.

After everyone finished eating, their complexions recovered a lot, but they were still very weak and needed a long period of recuperation.

"The Holy Pill Institute has a lot of pills, which can help everyone recover, but it's a bit difficult to get to the Holy Pill Institute from here!" Chen Xiang said: "I can only transfer everyone to the Holy Alchemy Institute in multiple times."

"Xiao Shen,

No need to bother! Our Rune Academy has a teleportation room, as long as you take a teleportation array to the Holy Pill Academy, we can get through with the Holy Pill Academy. "Wang Tianwen smiled and said: "The Holy Pill Academy is so small, and our group of people are very noisy, afraid of disturbing their rest. "

"That's good!" Chen Xiang nodded and said: "The traitors don't know the situation of the Rune Rune Academy now, and think that the Rune Rune Institute has fallen. Then we will use our tricks and catch them by surprise!"

"That's exactly what I mean! When we recover, we'll overthrow those scumbags in the punishment court."

Wang Tianwen said angrily, they never thought that they would be raped by him, if Chen Xiang hadn't arrived in time, they would all be finished.

Chen Xiang got an array disk from Wang Tianwen, and then quietly returned to Shengdan Academy.

Inside and outside the Holy Pill Courtyard, it was calm in the middle of the night, and those lurking outside the Holy Pill Courtyard hadn't taken any action yet.

Du Hai arranged for Dan Dan to take the recuperated and recovered holy pills and send them to the Rune Rune Academy through the array, and then distribute them to the people in the Rune Rune Institute to eat.

At the same time, Du Hai also opened the strongest enchantment of Shengdan Academy.

After opening this enchantment, if one wants to enter the Holy Pill Academy, Du Hai must open the door to enter through the entrance of the enchantment, otherwise he can only forcefully attack the enchantment.

In the street market of Dakunmen, news soon spread that the son of Shenjiao Shengzi had been killed! And it was Shen Xiang from Shengdan Academy who did it!

When Chen Xiang heard the news, he couldn't laugh or cry.

The death of the Holy Son of God was really related to him, but he didn't expect that it would still have something to do with him in the end.

Then, there was news that Master Da Kun wanted to arrest Chen Xiang, and was confronted by the headmaster of Shengdan, and finally Master Da Kun was killed.

The Punishment Court also issued a warning to the Rune Rune Court that sheltered Chen Xiang, but the few people they sent out were all killed by the Rune Rune Court's people.

As soon as this news spread, the entire Dakun Sect was in chaos!

Among the Dakun Sect, the one with the most disciples is naturally the Battle Academy, and the main forces of those big families are also outside the Rune Academy and the Holy Pill Academy!

Although Shengdan Academy and Runewen Academy are very important, their numbers are indeed small!

Dakunmen's Battle Court and Punishment Court now have Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace behind them. Naturally, they don't need Rune Wen Yuan and Sheng Dan Yuan, so they dare to attack Sheng Dan Yuan and Fu Wen Yuan.

Overnight, the death of the Holy Son of God's Horn aroused the anger of all major forces!

Those big forces are all going to crusade against the Holy Pill Academy and the Runwen Academy of Dakunmen for the death of the Son of God Horn!

Especially the Zhutian Temple and Wutianshen Palace of the two camps are even willing to attack the Holy Pill Academy and the Runwen Academy!

Chen Xiang now fully understands why those saint sons and daughters want to kill the god son of death, so they have a legitimate reason to do it!

I'm afraid the Holy Son of God Horn didn't even know he was dead, but he actually had this effect!

The poor Son of the Divine Horn, was used by Chen Xiang to gather millions of troops of the Divine Horn Beast Clan when he was alive, and was used by the Temple of All Heavens and Wutian Temple after his death.

In the end, both Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple said that the main culprits for the attack on Huatian Jiudi Villa were Shengdan Academy and Fuwen Academy. In short, more and more forces now believe it.

Chen Xiang is very clear, as long as he has enough strength, these acts of splashing dirty water will have no effect.

The Temple of All Heavens and the Temple of Wutian God have done so many dirty and evil things, but they are still active in the sanctuary with a sanctimonious image.

Many people know what kind of things they are, but because they are too powerful, they dare not speak out.

"Xiao Shen, go and rest! You are very tired after a busy night, just leave the rest of the matter to us!" Du Hai met Wang Tianwen in a hall of Shengdan Academy.

Wang Tianwen took the detoxification pill, and took a lot of conditioning pills, and now he has recovered very well.

"Leave it to us old things here, you youngsters, just hide and shout awesome!" Wang Tianwen laughed, which shows that he is very optimistic now.

Chen Xiang naturally knew that these old fellows were very shady, and they all hid their secrets, so he didn't worry about anything.

He has been busy outside for so long, and now he really needs to make alchemy.

Not only does alchemy need to be done, but he also needs to cultivate, or practice kung fu.

Although he is an alchemist, he can't be left behind in battles, because sometimes when facing some people, he needs to use his fists to communicate normally.

Long Xueyi ate, drank, and drank. She was still the same as before, she didn't need to practice, she could improve her cultivation by eating, drinking, and sleeping. Just like pigs, eating, drinking and sleeping can quickly grow meat.

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