World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4236: Core of Primordial Crystal

Wutianshen Palace and Zhutian Temple, after these few days of observation, have a general understanding of the defense situation of Runwenyuan and Shengdanyuan.

After their assessment, they felt that if they captured it, they would suffer huge losses. They don't want to lose too much, or it won't be worth it.

So they came up with a way, which is to propose a competition, and use this method to gamble against each other.

Although there are certain risks, they believe that the chances of winning are very high. As long as they win, they can control Dakunmen at a small price, or even without paying any price.

There are no main combat disciples on the side of Runwen Academy and Shengdan Academy. If they compete in a battle, they will never lose.

The War Institute and the Penalty Institute are mainly biased towards fighting. Besides, there are Zhutian Temple and Wutian Temple behind the scenes to help, so it is difficult to lose.

Chen Xiang and the others took the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and quickly flew back to the Holy Pill Academy.

It was dawn at this moment, and the War Institute and the Penalty Institute gave Du Hai and the others three days to think about it.

If they don't agree to fight against each other, then they will launch a general attack, and then both sides will suffer.

There are not many disciples in Runwen Academy and Shengdan Academy, and they are not good at fighting. Every disciple is very precious.

The War Academy is different from the Penal Academy. They have a large number of cannon fodder disciples, and they also have Wutianshen Palace and All Heavens Temple to support them.

If there is a fight, it seems that both sides will lose, but the ones who will suffer the most are the Runwen Academy and the Shengdan Academy.

Chen Xiang brought Bai Zhenzhen and Long Xueyi to meet Wang Tianwen, Du Hai and other elders in the hall.

"If we agree to fight against each other, if we lose, they are willing to let us go and let us leave Dakunmen!" Du Hai said: "This is not a bad result for us!"

"Is it the War Academy and the Punishment Academy who let us go? Or the Temple of Heaven and the Palace of Wutianshen?" Chen Xiang said: "If it's just the Academy of War and the Academy of Punishment, it doesn't make much sense. The Temple of Heaven and the Palace of Wutianshen will still hunt us down of!"

"When we talk, they will send representatives from the Temple of All Heavens and the Palace of Wutianshen to confirm the contract with us." Wang Tianwen said, "So no matter whether we win or lose, we will not face a big battle!"

Neither Wang Tianwen nor Du Hai hoped that the other party would attack with all their strength, because they would lose many outstanding disciples by then.

Long Xueyi is currently accepting a few senior magic weapons to test her cultivation, and the results are astonishing, she is only from the Great Saint Realm!

After testing,

Chen Xiang is in the Saint Master realm.

Du Hai was quite surprised, because he remembered that not long ago, Chen Xiang had just stepped into the Great Saint Realm.

In just a few days, he broke through and stepped directly into the Saint Master Realm!

Bai Zhenzhen is at the pinnacle of the Saint King Realm, and her Dao Yuan Saint Power is very strong, which amazed all the elders.

"Both Zhenzhen and Xueyi don't know alchemy and rune patterns, can they become disciples of the Holy Pill Academy and Rune Rune Academy?" Chen Xiang asked.

"There is no rule that to become a disciple of our double academy, one must know alchemy and runes." Du Hai laughed.

"Grandpa Du, can I be an elder?" Long Xueyi smiled.

"Of course!" Du Hai agreed very simply, and said with a smile: "Xueyi, how about this, you and Zhenzhen are the left and right guardians of our Runwen Academy and Shengdan Academy, and are mainly responsible for teaching our two institutions Disciple to fight!"

"Great!" Long Xueyi smiled excitedly: "My Dragon Guardian will definitely show those guys that our Holy Pill Institute is amazing!"

"Will the Wutian Saintess be sent on the opposite side?" Bai Zhenzhen is very concerned about this, because the Wutian Saintess is her enemy.

"It will definitely be sent out! Among the saints, these saints are the strongest!" Wang Tianwen asked, "Zhenzhen, are you worried that you will face the Wutian saint?"

"Of course not, I wish I could fight her one-on-one! I can kill her with one claw!" Bai Zhenzhen gritted her teeth and said, "I have a grudge against her, but every time she brings a group of people to besiege me, she never gives A chance for me to fight her one-on-one!"

Bai Zhenzhen can fight across a large realm, even if she is a saint king, she may not be able to beat her.

"I'm not worried about Xueyi...I'm just worried about you, Xiao Shen!" Du Hai said, "Xiao Shen, you can't use weapons or poison during battle!"

Everyone immediately looked at Chen Xiang.

If you use equipment and poison, no matter how many sage kings you have, Chen Xiang will not be able to destroy them, but if you don't use these, Chen Xiang's strength will be hard to say.

"Don't worry, although I'm not good at fighting, I'm an alchemist after all, I eat a lot of pills, and my body is very resistant to beating!" Chen Xiang smiled and said: "You just have to watch, I will definitely win!"

After the discussion, Du Hai immediately contacted the War Institute and the Penalty Institute, and made tokens for Bai Zhenzhen and Long Xueyi at the same time, letting them fight as law protectors.

"Lao Wang and I will go to them to sign a VAM contract, and it will be done at the door. After signing the contract, we will be safe for the time being." Du Hai said.

"Okay!" Chen Xiang nodded, and said: "Then I will retreat for a few days and get ready!"

Du Hai and Wang Tianwen had nothing to teach Chen Xiang, they could only give some auxiliary things to help Chen Xiang improve his cultivation.

For example, the entire Saint Pill Institute would crazily refine all kinds of cultivation-improving Saint Pills for Chen Xiang to eat.

The Rune Academy uses various magic circles to condense the energy between the heaven and the earth, and transmits it to Chen Xiang's secret room, helping him improve his cultivation quickly, and making the density of the Dao Yuan crystal even greater.

Chen Xiang's retreat was mainly to comprehend some exercises, such as the Four Symbols Divine Art, or to improve those exercises that were easier to use back then.

After Du Hai and Wang Tianwen went to the Fu Wen Yuan and the Sheng Dan Yuan to sign the contract of gambling, they also won five days!

Five days later, the gambling battle will start, in the big arena in the center of Dakunmen, which is a very spacious square.

Chen Xiang himself is also making alchemy crazily, letting the Holy Soul Pill Puppet control the alchemy furnace to refine a large number of fourth-order Saint Power Yuandans!

His dao yuan crystal needs to absorb a lot of energy if he wants to improve his realm, so under the same cultivation level, the density of his dao yuan crystal is much higher than that of others.

"The Most Holy Realm, the Great Saint Realm, the Saint Master Realm, and the Saint Monarch Realm all mainly cultivate Dao Yuan Crystals! Increase the density of Dao Yuan Crystals and release Dao Yuan Saint Power, the more Saint Crystal dust and the more Dao Yuan Saint Power The stronger it is!"

Chen Xiang had practiced in seclusion for five days, he spread out his palm, and could feel the very denseness of the Saint Crystal Dust.

"There are three crystal nuclei in my dao yuan crystal, which means that I am a saint master! The crystal nucleus was not obvious before, but now that I am a saint master, it will appear."

Chen Xiang carefully observed the crystal nucleus of the Dao Yuan crystal in his body, it is very clear now.

His third crystal nucleus is still relatively small. It is the crystal nucleus condensed from the Saint Master Realm. It is only in the Dzogchen Realm now. If it is in the Peak Realm, it will be as big as the other two crystal nuclei.

"Give me a few more days, maybe I'll be able to step into the Saint Monarch Realm!" Chen Xiang ate a lot of pills these days, and he made them, but most of them were made by the whole Saint Pill Academy with all their strength. of.

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