World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4276: The Contract Disappears

Chen Xiang looked at Shen Zhenyi from the side, and opened his eyes, wanting to take a closer look at the current situation of Shen Zhenyi's soul endowment.

However, when he used his clear eyes to look carefully, he suddenly found something was wrong!

Because he has a soul contract with Shen Zhenyi, there is a special connection between him and Shen Zhenyi, but at this moment, he finds that the subtle connection between himself and Shen Zhenyi is gradually disappearing.

"What's going on here?" Chen Xiang's heart trembled. Could it be that Shen Zhenyi was cracking the soul contract he made.

One must know that the soul contract used by Chen Xiang is a very clever technique, and it is very difficult to crack.

After Shen Zhenyi signed the soul contract with Chen Xiang before, she also tried secretly, but they all failed to unlock it.

Now that Shen Zhenyi's soul endowment has been manifested and evolved, has it become stronger and can be cracked?

"After her soul endowment manifests, I don't know what kind of power it will give her! What if I can't beat her?" Chen Xiang is about to start to be wary of Shen Zhenyi.

Shen Zhenyi is at the Saint King Realm of Shuangdao Yuanjing, and she has also taken the detoxification pills given by Chen Xiang, those poisons from Chen Xiang are of little use to her!

If he wanted to fight Shen Zhenyi, then he could only use the Magic Mirror of Six Paths and the Four Elephant Weapons!

"Careless! I didn't expect that after her soul endowment manifested, it would become so powerful!" Chen Xiang suddenly realized another very troublesome problem.

It is Shen Zhenyi who has obtained a lot of knowledge of soul endowment from the inheritance of soul endowment, or some other memories, so will she change her personality or something?

Chen Xiang really wanted to leave now, but he couldn't let go of Shen Zhenyi, he invested too much in this little slave girl, if he suddenly gave up, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"Gamble and see!" Chen Xiang only hoped that after Shen Zhenyi woke up, she would continue to be with him.

Because he had just kissed Shen Zhenyi not long ago, and he almost went further, he suddenly regretted, why didn't he have a more in-depth exchange of feelings with Shen Zhenyi!

He also didn't know if Shen Zhenyi's personality would change drastically, after all, after accepting the inherited memory of the soul endowment, she might be injected with other thoughts!

"I underestimated the power of the soul endowment! You can break my soul contract so easily!"

Chen Xiang was even more certain at this time that the power contained in the soul endowment should be an existence beyond the law.

The soul endowment is so mysterious and so rare, how it appeared and how to cultivate it, there is no specific record so far.

"Zhenyi, how is your situation now? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"My lord, please don't worry, I'm fine now!" Shen Zhenyi replied, her tone was also very gentle, and she didn't seem to have changed her personality drastically.

Chen Xiang also didn't know whether Shen Zhenyi's soul contract was canceled by herself, or whether it was automatically canceled after the soul endowment manifested.

"Could it be that she doesn't know that her soul contract has been terminated? Or is she pretending on purpose? Just to prevent me from noticing something strange?" Chen Xiang thought secretly: "If she is faking, wait until she inherits all Soul endowed with memory, this way you can deal with me!"

Chen Xiang couldn't help getting worried, he was also thinking about how to fight against Shen Zhenyi, he has the Magic Mirror of Six Paths, so it's no problem to run away.

The biggest trouble now is that Shen Zhenyi knows many secrets about him!

If Shen Zhenyi really betrayed him, Chen Xiang didn't expect her to help him keep the friendship he had kissed away.

"Should we get rid of her now?" Chen Xiang was struggling, if Shen Zhenyi had feelings for him, wouldn't he have messed up the matter?

Shen Zhenyi had feelings for him, and cooked rice with him, even if he didn't get Shen Zhenyi's soul endowment, he could still learn a lot about soul endowment from Shen Zhenyi.

If the uncooked rice is not cooked,

It would be good to have a good relationship with Shen Zhenyi and develop a relationship in the future.

So now Chen Xiang can only gamble, betting that Shen Zhenyi will not turn against him, at least maintain a friendly relationship with him.

Now Chen Xiang doesn't expect the relationship with Shen Zhenyi to develop into the bed, he only hopes that Shen Zhenyi can exchange knowledge of soul endowment with the consideration that Shen Zhenyi treated her well before.

"Why does this woman have an inherited soul endowment?"

Chen Xiang was very puzzled in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "Zhenyi, why is yours an inherited soul endowment, but mine is a newborn soul endowment! Who passed it on to you?"

"It's passed down in my blood!" Shen Zhenyi said, "I don't know who my parents are, nor where I was born."

"So it's like this...then is it only you in your family who have the soul endowment, or does the whole family have it?" Chen Xiang asked again, if the whole family had it, then this bloodline would be very scary.

"The whole family has it!" Shen Zhenyi said: "The sons of the heavens should be in the same situation as me!"

"So it's like this!" Chen Xiang said in surprise: "Your whole family has them, so it should be easy for you to find your family members, right?"

"I hope! If they all have soul endowments and don't have enough self-protection power, it's hard to say what will happen!" Shen Zhenyi sighed: "When I was young, maybe I was arrested!"

"Then what about my soul endowment?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Young master, your soul endowment is born with it, which is even more rare. A soul endowment like yours is also stronger!" Shen Zhenyi said: "My soul endowment should be passed down from generation to generation, it can be said that it has been differentiated a lot."

"So, your soul endowment should be relatively weak now?" Chen Xiang said: "But you have inheritance memory, I don't!"

"Young master, your soul endowment is equivalent to the ancestor soul endowment! Naturally, there is no inheritance memory, but the core power of the soul endowment has not been differentiated. Mine is passed down. It takes many years of practice to be comparable to the son's soul endowment. Talent." Shen Zhenyi explained, and she could hear that she was envious of Chen Xiang's soul talent.

Chen Xiang felt relieved a lot now, because he happened to talk to Shen Zhenyi and found that her personality hadn't changed yet.

"Zhenyi, how can I awaken the soul endowment of the holy sons of the heavens?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"I don't know yet, but I should know when I receive the inheritance memory!" Shen Zhenyi said.

Chen Xiang kept his mind and eyes open all the time, when Shen Zhenyi said this, his mind gave a "not sincere" feedback.

In other words, Shen Zhenyi deliberately did not talk about the method of awakening!

"This woman is really pretending!" Chen Xiang felt cold in his heart, but decided to continue gambling.

He waited patiently for several hours, during which he also talked with Shen Zhenyi from time to time, and her tone was very good.

At the last moment, a burst of red light suddenly overflowed from Shen Zhenyi's head, covering her entire head!

"Zhenyi, are you alright?" Chen Xiang shouted in surprise.

"It's okay!" Shen Zhenyi's voice suddenly became very cold.

At this time, the red light surrounding Shen Zhenyi's head dissipated, and her hair turned red, and her appearance also changed a lot, but it was still very similar to before.

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