World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4464: New Red Dragon Patriarch

Seeing the anticipation of the Chilong patriarch at this moment, Chen Xiang immediately laughed, and asked: "Patriarch, are you afraid of pain? If your endurance is strong enough, I can torture you with all my might... This will make you become a Get stronger!"

The Chilong patriarch hesitated for a while, because he was still very afraid of pain. If it was really painful at that time, and he cried for his father and mother, it would definitely be very ugly.

The pain was really unbearable, maybe he would beg Chen Xiang to stop, it would be even more embarrassing!

"Well... how painful is it?" Chilong Patriarch was still smiling just now, but now he suddenly became very serious, and said: "Dragon Lord, I am not a person who is afraid of pain, I just want to know the specific situation , so that I can be prepared!"

"I can't tell how painful it is!" Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "If you just want to be transformed by me into a normal one, then you don't need to suffer any pain. For example, Ah Fu and the others are like this."

At this time, Ah Fu and the ten of them who were sitting on the ground and meditating with their eyes closed immediately opened their eyes, with a trace of fire in their eyes, as if they were telling Chen Xiang that they are not afraid of pain, they only hope to become stronger !

"Dragon Lord, I am not afraid of pain, I want to become stronger!" Ah Fu stood up and said, "If it is a method with great risks, then let me try it first, and don't let the patriarch take risks!"

"Ah Fu, I said you are too greedy! You are so strong now, but you still want to become stronger! How unreasonable..." Chilong patriarch rolled up his sleeves and scolded with a smile: "I have to be good!" Let me teach you little devils a lesson, so that you can learn what contentment is!"

"Patriarch, I can start now, are you ready?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Well... Ah Fu, stay away from here! I'm afraid that after I become stronger, I won't be able to resist training with you!" Chilong patriarch said calmly, he had already decided to accept Chen Xiang's very painful transformation .

However, he didn't want these ten young people to watch. After all, no one knew how miserable he would be.

"No, it's better to have them protecting the law!" Chen Xiang said: "Patriarch, if it goes well on you, then I can carry out a second transformation on them!"

If the red dragon people transformed by him become stronger, it will also help them grow faster in the future.

At that time, more soul energy can be sent to Chen Xiang's double soul sea!

"All right!"

The patriarch of Chilong can't say anything now, he is the patriarch, he must become stronger, and he must not be suppressed by these young people.

In any case, for the sake of face, no matter what kind of pain he endured, he had to get through it!

"Dragon Lord, let's start!" The Chilong patriarch clenched his fists and stood upright.


After Chen Xiang finished speaking,

Just use the Six Paths Mirror to face the Chilong Patriarch.

The difference between this transformation and the previous one is that he used more power of life pearls!

Sister Xiaojing and Chen Xiang had controlled the amount before, in order to ensure that those young people's bodies would not receive a strong impact.

But this time is different, the old bones of Patriarch Chilong are very tough, even if all kinds of torture are done, there will be no serious consequences in the end, at most he will be seriously injured.

If those young people bear it, their bodies might burst with just one blow, so Chen Xiang is also very cautious about it.

" hurts me to death...Dragon's almost done...ahhh..."

The Chilong patriarch was really afraid of pain, so he yelled all of a sudden.

"Old patriarch, please bear with me, this is just the beginning!" Chen Xiang said.

"Ah...Dragon Lord, what did you say? It's just...beginning...Ah, it hurts to death, it hurts to death..."

"Ah ah ah... that's enough... that's enough... I'm going to die, stop it..."

Once Chen Xiang started, how could he stop.

And this is really just the beginning!

Patriarch Chilong was already lying on the ground. He was still struggling violently, his body bouncing in various ways, but he was quickly sealed by a force released by the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, preventing him from moving around.

The Chilong Patriarch uttered all kinds of screams like killing a pig, was tortured to the point of crying for his father and mother, begging for mercy...

The young people beside them were all dumbfounded. Is this still their patriarch?

The majestic Chilong patriarch, who is usually high above the ground, barks like a pig whose butt has been scalded, crazily arching its body.

The pain is really painful, the Chilong patriarch can bear it, and he didn't pass out from being tortured, which shows that his endurance is still very strong!

Not long after, the body of the Chilong patriarch cracked open!

And the energy of the life pearl is very strong, which can make those wounds heal quickly, and then continue to destroy the body of the Chilong Patriarch, so repeatedly.

After going on like this for several hours, Chen Xiang finally stopped!

Patriarch Chilong looked like a dead dog at the moment, lying on the ground gasping for breath, sticking out his tongue, turning his eyes white, dying.

He is very sloppy now, covered in dirt, his hair is gone, and his bat wings are gone.

After Ah Fu and the others were transformed by Chen Xiang, they all had a pair of mighty dragon scale wings, and the Chilong Patriarch looked like a single person now.

"The old man needs a good rest, you can carry him away!" Chen Xiang looked at the Chilong Patriarch, and then smiled with satisfaction: "These pains are not for nothing, he is indeed very strong now!"

The cultivation base of the Chilong Patriarch's Six Paths is not low, the highest is close to the thirtieth rank, which is much stronger than Ah Fu and the others.

Through this attempt, Chen Xiang also knew that if too much power of the life pearl was injected, it would be very painful!

Not only the physical pain, but even the soul will be transformed!

Soon, Chen Xiang felt that the soul energy sent to him by the Chilong patriarch was more than that of Ah Fu and the others.

After the Chilong Patriarch was carried away, the Nightmare Thunder King suddenly appeared behind Chen Xiang!

The Nightmare Thunder King was nearby just now. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he heard the shout of the Chilong Patriarch!

At this moment, he also understood what was going on, Chen Xiang was transforming the Red Dragon Clan!

The Nightmare Thunder King could clearly feel that the Patriarch of Chilong had become very strong just now, much stronger than the prince he was!

"The Nightmare Thunder King, come out!" Chen Xiang smiled and said, "You recovered pretty quickly!"

After the Nightmare Thunder King came out, his body should have recovered. He was cut off with an arm before, but now it has grown back, and he doesn't look like he was injured at all.

"Master Shen, who are you?" Tianmao Leiwang asked.

"I am the son of the evil chaos!" Chen Xiang smiled and said, "The Nightmare Thunder King, I saved your life, and now I need you to repay my favor!"

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