World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4513 Outer Sect Situation

The outer disciples of Yitianmen really do hard work, but they do the hardest, most tiring and dangerous work, mainly digging for Tianyuan crystal ore and various resource minerals.

Places with these resources are often full of dangers, such as the Tianyuan crystal mine, which will be stared at by various powerful creatures.

However, after they dug a large amount of Tianyuan crystal ore, they did not get any rewards, and the Tianyuan crystal ore would be sent to the inner sect.

Only a very small number of outer disciples with extraordinary talents can have a certain level of cultivation and strength, but compared with inner disciples, they are still far behind.

Among the disciples of the inner sect, the strongest is the Yitian disciple, and then the disciples accepted by the Yitian disciple.

Li Minqing poured out all kinds of grievances from the outer sect to Chen Xiang.

"The inner sect only needs the outer sect to work, and they don't accept the outer sect disciples at all!" Li Minqing sighed: "So they don't need the outer sect disciples to become inner disciples at all, they just crazily oppress the outer sect."

"There should be outer disciples every year, who can become inner disciples?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Yes, there are, but there are very few who can enter the inner sect!" Li Minqing said: "It's not that they fail to meet the standard, but that the inner sect recruits disciples every year, but most of the places are in the hands of Yitian's disciples. , Those Yitian disciples, they seldom select disciples from the outer sect!"

"Why?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Because when Yitian's disciples select their disciples, they all have a certain amount of interest to feed them! The ones they select are all from aristocratic families. As for the disciples from outside sects, most of them have no background, and they all do hard work." Li Minqing sighed road.

"So, in the inner sect, only those old disciples from the outer sect are willing to choose the outer sect?" Chen Xiang nodded, somewhat understanding.

"Not necessarily! After entering the inner sect, those disciples who were born in the outer sect also tend to choose the children of the noble family!" Li Minqing said: "If they choose the disciples of the noble family, they will be able to get the tribute behind the disciples of the noble family... Choose an outsider disciple who is poor and useless, even Mao doesn’t have one!"

Chen Xiang now understands the situation of the outer sect disciples, many people join the outer sect in order to be able to ascend to the inner sect, but now this road is too narrow.

"The outer sect of Yitian Sect was also very strong in the first place, but it was because of those guys messing around, which caused the outer sect to gradually decline." Li Minqing said: "The number of disciples in the outer sect will only decrease in the future, and it will be very difficult. Recruiting... It's obviously a problem with the inner sect, but I'm always blamed!"

"That Yitian City Lord, how is he going to trouble you now?" Chen Xiang asked.

"He said that I was poor in managing the outer sect, which resulted in no outstanding disciples in the outer sect! He also said that the outer sect recruited fewer and fewer disciples every year, and they were getting worse and worse. He hoped that the inner sect would replace me." Li Minqing said. .

"Aunt Qing, you said that the outer sect disciples are mainly responsible for mining or something! Then who is usually supervising the mining? The Tianyuanjing mine that was dug,

Are you the one who handed over to the inner sect? " Chen Xiang asked, he is also very short of Tianyuanjing now.

"The mining of the Tianyuan Crystal Mine is also very complicated! The water inside is very deep!" Li Minqing shook his head and said, "Let's put it this way, there are many large mines that are divided up by the elders of the inner sect! The disciples of the outer sect are only responsible Go over to dig mines and hand them over to them, but my outer disciples have put in so much effort, they can't get anything!"

"Doesn't the outer sect have their own business?" Chen Xiang suddenly realized that many disciples in the outer sect must be very dissatisfied, especially those who were sent to mine for nothing.

"We only have a few old mines that have been dug for many years, and there are not many Tianyuanjing left! It is a charity from the inner sect, and more than 10 million disciples from the outer sect rely on those old mines to live." Li Minqing sighed bitterly: "If the digging is over, I still don't know what to do!"

"So, the outer sect doesn't need to hand over the Sky Source Crystal to the inner sect?" Chen Xiang said.

"It's no longer necessary... because the inner sect directly took over those good mines, the outer disciples can just dig." Li Minqing said.

"Among the outer disciples, how many are free?" Chen Xiang suddenly felt curious, and said, "More than 10 million outer disciples, this must be difficult to manage?"

"It's not difficult, these outer disciples are very obedient! Because they have to sign a soul contract when they get started, so they are very honest and keep their duties, and they will not mess around! They will not steal the Tianyuan crystal mine, let them They can do whatever they want." Li Minqing said: "There are at least three million disciples from the outer sect who have nothing to do now, and the mines from the inner sect can't be robbed by others. There are not many new mines in these years."

"So, to support three million disciples?" Chen Xiang was a little shocked.

"Of course not! We just give these disciples a place to live. When they're not working, they don't give anything else! They don't have any complaints. After all, it's safer to practice here, and this Yitian City is also very good." Li Minqing said : "Fortunately, our outer sect has a lot of land, and every outer sect disciple has a very comfortable residence!"

In Chen Xiang's eyes, so much idle manpower is a huge waste. If it can be used, wouldn't it be able to earn a lot of Tianyuanjing?

"Aunt Qing, if the outer sect conducts business on its own and earns extra money... will the inner sect say anything?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course not! I found a heaven and earth magician before to help me find a good small mine! The small mine that was dug, Tianyuanjing is from our outer sect." Li Minqing said: "I am not sure about this. Definitely talked to them!"

Chen Xiang was ecstatic in his heart, this outer door is in the hands of Li Minqing and the others, it is really too wasteful, but he has a way to use it.

"The inner sect signed a contract with me! Half of the outer sect disciples are directly transferred to mine for them, and they don't need to pay those outer sect disciples! I am in charge of managing the remaining half of the outer sect disciples, and can earn How much is how much, the inner sect doesn't want us to hand over any resources." Li Minqing said.

"Have you signed the contract?" Chen Xiang was a little surprised.

"That's right! But even so, I can't get any lucrative water! Because City Master Yitian keeps an eye on him! All the resources earned by the outer sect must be used on the disciples of the outer sect, and I have to guarantee this." Li Minqing said: "The people in charge of managing the accounts are all sent by the inner sect!"

"Aunt Qing, oil and water, you can squeeze it!" Chen Xiang laughed and said, "Those three million outer disciples are too idle, so we have to make good use of them! I can make a lot of money through them!"

Chen Xiang suddenly became a little excited!

"No, with those account managers here, even if they make a lot of money, they will still be kept in the outer sect's general warehouse in the end, and can only be used on the outer sect disciples." Li Minqing shook his head and said.

"Use it on the outer disciples!" Chen Xiang said with a chuckle: "Train up all the outer disciples and make them stronger. Then they will naturally think of ways to benefit you! For Hold a birthday party or something, there are a lot of gifts to collect!"

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