World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4515: Treasure City of Divine Medicine

Chen Xiang also didn't know what kind of status Yi Tianshu, a saint, had. Now he could pass this matter and let her try to see if those old fellows in the inner sect would listen to her.

"Leave the outer door alone?" Although Yi Tianshu didn't know much about it, she also realized that it was a big deal.

"Master, what kind of status do you have in the inner sect?" Chen Xiang asked: "Look at them now, whether they are willing to listen to you, this matter is not a trivial matter, if they are willing to do this, it means that they still value you more of!"

"I'll try it out, wait for my news!" Yi Tianshu responded, and immediately acted, she suddenly felt a little weird.

Chen Xiang calls her the master, but why is Chen Xiang teaching her how to do things?

And Chen Xiang couldn't help it, so he used Yi Tianshu as a tool man! Fortunately, Yi Tianshu listened to him more.

Not long after, Yi Tianshu sent back a message.

"The inner door agrees to the independence of the outer door. They said...the outer door occupies a large area in Yitian City, and they have long wanted to go out independently." Yi Tianshu said: "I will speak now, they Immediately agree!"

Chen Xiang was startled, he didn't expect Yitianmen to dislike the outer sect so much, he has long disliked the outer sect!

"Master, you let the inner sect agree that the outer sect has absolute autonomy, and they can't interfere too much!" Chen Xiang said: "Since you let the outer sect abandon so many places in Yitian City, you must give the outer sect some benefits!"

"They said, let the outer door fend for itself! They even... have to separate the outer door!" Yi Tianshu said, "So the outer door will definitely be free!"

Chen Xiang was shocked again, Yitianmen actually wanted to completely abandon the outer gate now!

You know, there are many outer disciples who help the inner disciples mine now, so if they just abandon it, the millions of outer disciples will definitely explode.

"That's fine!" Chen Xiang really didn't expect that the matter of being independent from the outer sect would go so smoothly.

He immediately contacted Li Minqing and told her the news.

After Li Minqing heard it, she just felt very chilled, she knew very well how the large number of outer disciples would react next!

Chen Xiang just told Li Minqing to let her get more compensation!

The inner door throws the outer door away,

This must involve great interests, as for what kind of interests, Chen Xiang can't see it now, only knows that the land occupied by the outer gate is being targeted!

Li Minqing was helping Chen Xiang collect the seeds of the magic medicine, so she had no choice but to rush back to the outer door right now.

It only took more than an hour for her to come back, and news came from the inner door! Said Yitian Saintess gave clear instructions to strip the outer door!

The matter about the Yitian Saintess has long been spread inside and outside the Yitian Clan. After all, the Yitian bell has been ringing for a long time before, and the Yitian Clan is also deliberately promoting this matter.

Because of the arrival of Yitian Saintess, it can add a lot of strength to Yitianmen!

Now the matter of throwing the outer door open was also facilitated by the saintess, which made those old guys in Yitianmen recognize Yi Tianshu as a saint even more, after all, she was the one who mentioned it.

Now it's all right, the inner door can justifiably kick the outer door open, and if you want to scold, you're going to scold Yitian Shengnv.

"Good guy, the master is taking the blame!" Chen Xiang didn't expect that things would develop like this.

In the next few days, Li Minqing was under tremendous pressure, and agreed to the outer gate to leave Yitian City, and the outer gatekeeper would fend for itself, no longer attached to Yitianmen, and had to change his name, so he could no longer refer to himself as Yitianmen!

The outer sect disciples exploded, but this matter has not yet spread to the millions of mining disciples, but it will definitely spread in a short time.

Although many outer disciples gathered in Yitian City to oppose this matter, they themselves knew very well that their opposition was useless. In short, they were completely abandoned now.

Yitianmen also gave them some benefits, such as helping them rebuild their homes and deploy defensive formations.

Li Minqing was also comforting his disciples, and said that she would build a city not far from Yitian City, and everyone could still enter Yitian City.

Fortunately, Li Minqing's personal reputation is good, and the disciples have no other way out now, they can only follow Li Minqing temporarily.

Because Li Minqing still has some small Tianyuan crystal mines in his hands, he still has a little financial resources in his hands.

Li Minqing chose to build the city outside the coverage area of ​​the Yitian Mountain Range. From here, he could see the majestic Yitian Mountain Range suspended in the air from a distance. Although the several giant mountains are far away, they still give people a very shocking feeling.

Here, a lot of heaven and earth energy is missing, it can be said to be very thin, and it can be said that there is a world of difference between Yitiancheng!

Under tremendous pressure, Li Minqing led these abandoned disciples to rebuild a city, which was completed in just ten days.

Yitianmen also fulfilled their promise and gave them a large formation to protect the city, and then it was gone!

This city is huge, twice as big as Yitian City, even if there are tens of thousands of disciples, it only takes up 10% of the land.

It was Chen Xiang who asked Li Minqing to build such a big city. In the past ten days or so, he has been making suggestions behind the scenes to build this city.

Every disciple has their own piece of land, and they all have their own big house and yard, which at least makes them feel a lot more comfortable.

"Xiao Shen, this city has been built, what's the name?"

Li Minqing is also very tired now. Although she knows that Chen Xiang is very capable, it is very difficult to develop this city. Anyway, she thinks that she will not be able to see it in a short time.

"It's called the Treasure City of Divine Medicine!" Chen Xiang said with a smile, "You are the owner of the city, so you don't need to build any sects!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Li Minqing just felt that it was inappropriate to be called this name, after all, they didn't even have any magic medicine now.

"Aunt Qing, you should train some disciples well, this city also needs a certain amount of strength!" Chen Xiang said, "I'm going to retreat for a few days... By the way, you continue to collect those medicinal materials!"

He slipped away after speaking.

Chen Xiang is in the center of this city, and this is also the residence of the city lord Li Minqing, so he lives with Li Minqing in a big villa.

Chen Xiang released several black carpenter ants as big as cows in the underground secret room of his own room.

These black wood ants are very good at digging holes, Chen Xiang wants them to dig to the deepest place!

"Grandma Ant, there must be something under Yitian City! We must ensure that the tunnel we dug will not be discovered!" Chen Xiang said.

"Xiao Shen, don't worry! The tunnels dug by our Xuanmu ants are the most brilliant." The ant grandma said with a smile: "When digging tunnels, Xuanmu ants will spit out some things, which can play a role. Hidden effect."

Chen Xiang also found out. Hearing what Grandma Ant said, he sensed it with his spiritual sense, and he had a very strange feeling.

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