World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4537: Heavenly Treasure Medicine

The Celestial Clan Mother really knew something about the Celestial Mother's Holy Wilderness. Now that she learned that the seal had been broken, she seemed very nervous and worried about it.

"Grandma Tianzu, don't worry, nothing will happen!"

When Chen Xiang saw that the Heavenly Clan Mother was so agitated, he could only appease him first.

"Those things are very powerful, you can't deal with them." Tian Clan Mother shook her head again and again, and said: "The Lord of Dao Creation knows this very well, he has been dealing with those things for many years!"

The Palace Master Tianmu who was beside her was also flustered by Tianmu's words, and said in a low voice: "Young Master Shen, what are your plans for the future?"

"What plans can we have? After we enter the Heavenly Mother's Holy Wilderness, it will be difficult to get out!" The Celestial Clan Mother shook her head again and again, pessimistically said: "You don't know, if you want to leave the Heavenly Mother's Holy Wilderness, you must control the Heavenly Mother's Holy Wilderness , but how easy is it? No one has succeeded in years!"

"How can I control the Heavenly Mother Holy Desolation?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I don't know! No one knows... The Heavenly Mother Holy Wilderness is very mysterious. It was built by a group of ancient powerhouses in the universe, and after years of growth, it has become so powerful that no one can control it at all. Heavenly Mother Holy Wilderness." The Celestial Clan Mother shook her head and said, "Or, Heavenly Mother Holy Wilderness has been controlled by a mysterious force."

"Grandma, don't think so much, your avatar is very weak, you need to rest well!" Chen Xiang smiled and said: "We don't need to go anywhere now, just stay here."

"Now I can only look at yours!" The Celestial Clan Mother immediately thought of Chen Xiang's identity, maybe Chen Xiang is a variable, he can change many things.

The Heavenly Mother Palace Master also helped the Heavenly Clan Mother to rest. Chen Xiang also gave her a few Nine Leaf Blue Soul Pills, and asked her to dilute it into the bath, and then heat the water in the bath to absorb it by soaking.

Chen Xiang left the Tianmu Holy Palace, now he only knows that the women inside are relatively low in cultivation, but they have a very special soul power in their bodies.

It is not surprising that they cultivated a strange energy due to the exercises of Tianmu Shenggong and the way they were born.

In short, Chen Xiang can now be sure that the women in the Heavenly Mother's Holy Palace have some kind of connection with this Heavenly Mother's Holy Desolation. Even the Heavenly Clan Mother doesn't know the specific situation.

There is another person who can clear Chen Xiang's doubts, and that is Yu Zilian!

In her previous life, she was the Nine-Colored Lotus Emperor,

She is also the strongest of the Tianmu Soul Clan, but she doesn't know where she is in the Tianmu Holy Wilderness.

Because there is the Yitian Gate from the universe Shenhai, who is going to attack the Yitian Mountain Range, so Chen Xiang told Li Minqing to arrange more spies to guard Yitian City during this period.

At that time, there will definitely be chaos in Yitian City. As long as the magic medicine treasure city is not in chaos, then the wealthy people in Yitian City will be attracted.

Yi Tianshu told Chen Xiang that the Yitian Sect of the Universe Shenhai must first secretly control Yitian City, then use Yitian City as a base to gather forces, formulate an attack plan, and then launch a general attack on Yitian Mountain Range.

And Chen Xiang thought that the Yitianmen of the Universe Shenhai would not be able to win Yitian City so smoothly.

Because the Palace of Fate and Soul wants to annex the Yitian Mountain Range, they will definitely not allow any power to control Yitian City.

As Chen Xiang expected, in just three days, Yitian City was in chaos, and many small-scale battles took place inside and outside the city!

Originally, Wu Mou of Tianlou in Baocheng wanted to arrange for a person who possessed the precious medicine to meet Chen Xiang, but that person went to Yitian City and hasn't come back yet.

Although Yitian City is far less expansive than the Treasure City of Divine Medicine, it is still a big city. The City Lord's Mansion has been seeking wealth in various ways for many years, and the management of Yitian City is very lax.

The Yitian Gate of the Universe Shenhai, they have already mixed into this city and started to act.

It has to be said that the Fate Soul Hall moved very quickly, and a large number of people have been sent to the Yitian Mountain Range. This news was told to Chen Xiang by Yi Tianshu.

The Palace of Fate and Soul has dispatched 200,000 elite fighters, but Yi Tianshu doesn't know the specific combat effectiveness.

"The Yitian Gate over there, they have changed their minds now, and they want to capture Yitian City first!" Yi Tianshu said: "There may be many people running to the Treasure City of Divine Medicine during this period, you should pay more attention!"

Yi Tianshu sent another message to Chen Xiang.

"If they mess around in the Divine Medicine Treasure City, no matter what kind of power they are, I will never let them go!" Chen Xiang said.

"I told them to tell those two Yitianmen not to touch the Treasure City of Divine Medicine, but I can't guarantee that they won't really make trouble." Yi Tianshu said: "Or they will make trouble secretly, and then fake Become people of other forces."

"I will be on guard." Chen Xiang said.

"Someone is here, let's talk about it today!" Yi Tianshu immediately put away the messenger talisman, and the person approaching was that Aunt Yan.


Chen Xiang immediately notified Li Minqing with a message talisman, asking her to pay attention to the screening of those who entered the city, and asked those who entered the city recently to sign a more stringent soul contract, and if they did not sign, they would not be allowed to enter the city.

The batch of mutated seeds that Chen Xiang transformed with Nine-Leaf Blue Flower Dew had already shined brilliantly these days and became famous far and wide.

Many people in the pill business got a small sample in their hands.

And the public also gave this magic medicine a name, "Tianbao magic medicine".

This is not a real precious medicine, but it has the aura of a precious medicine, and it is a very special magic medicine, so it was given such a name.

Today, a large number of pharmacists are rushing to the treasure city of magic medicine.

If you want to obtain a large amount of this Tianbao magic medicine, you have to go to the magic medicine city.

As a result, all forces are eyeing the magic medicine treasure city!

Yitianmen didn't expect that this magic medicine city, which was built not long after it was suddenly built, would become so important.

Now, the status of the entire Treasure City of Divine Medicine has leapt up, directly surpassing Yitian City next door.

With the arrival of more and more people, the land and housing prices in this city are also rising steadily, and the City Lord's Mansion has also earned a large amount of Tianyuanjing.

In addition to the Tianyuan crystal, there are also a large number of soul energy beads, which were put into the Tianyuan terrain lake deep underground.

After absorbing a large amount of soul energy beads, the terrain has also grown rapidly, making the energy of the whole city even stronger, and it has already surpassed Yitian City at this time.

Chen Xiang now also owns a large amount of Sky Source Crystals. The City Lord's Mansion has built many basements. These basements store Sky Source Crystals and are connected to various large formations and barriers in the entire city.

As long as you use enough powerful energy, you can resist for a long time when facing an incoming enemy attack.

Chen Xiang has the time element beads, which can produce a large amount of Tianbao magic medicine seeds very quickly, so he is not afraid of being out of stock when the time comes.

"The soul way has finally been cultivated to the hundredth level!" Although Chen Xiang has been very busy these few days, he has not been idle. He has eaten a lot of Nine Leaf Blue Soul Pills, and he has cultivated the soul way to the hundredth level.

What made him a little puzzled was that Jiuyelan had been dormant in the past few days. Fortunately, he had already stocked up some Jiuyelan flower dew, which was enough for him to use for a while.

"Is it going to evolve?" Chen Xiang secretly expected that if Jiuyelan evolved again, the quality of the flower dew would be even higher.

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