World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4569: Soul Origin Blood

Chen Xiang was quite excited when he heard this sentence, but after thinking about it carefully, he found that this sentence was deceitful.

It is not enough to reshape the physical body, but also needs to restore strength, who knows when this Cailian will restore strength.

You know, this Cailian is not just the Nine-colored Lotus Emperor, she is also a sage of the Heavenly Mother!

So to what extent will her strength recover?

"Lian'er, you said to restore your what extent do you need to restore it?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Brother Shen, don't be too impatient! When I reshape my body, I will definitely recover my strength soon." Cailian said with a smile: "As long as I recover to a certain level, I can help you get rid of those weird curses! "

Chen Xiang thought about it, and knew that this matter was very pending, and he didn't know how long he would have to wait. He took out the messenger talisman to contact Yan Zilian.

In this matter, we can only seek the opinion of Yan Zilian.

Cailian in the Aoshi Shenfu also knew that Chen Xiang was contacting Yan Zilian, so she said coquettishly: "Brother Chen, why can't you trust me? I am obviously stronger than Zilian, I am Emperor Jiucailian, I am Heavenly Mother Sage... am I so untrustworthy?"

"I can't be sure if you are the real Nine-Colored Lotus Emperor and Heavenly Mother Sage!" Chen Xiang said: "I can only ask Sister Zilian about this, and ask her to make sure."

Not long after, Chen Xiang got a response from Yan Zilian.

"Chen Xiang, the one inside that lotus is indeed the former Nine Colored Lotus Emperor!" Yan Zilian said.

"By the way, she said that she is still a sage of the Heavenly Mother, is this true?" Chen Xiang asked.

Yan Zilian had guessed about this before, but now that Chen Xiang said so, she can be sure of it.

"Yes! But she is not a complete Tianmu sage!" Yan Zilian said: "You also know the Tianmu Wanshi Jue. The Tianmu sage has been split into many parts. If you can't gather them all, then it is impossible to have a real Tianmu sage reborn. !"

"I understand!" Chen Xiang secretly despised Cailian, and actually wanted to fool him, saying that he would wait for his strength to recover.

She really doesn't know how long she will have to wait until she wants to recover to the strength of the Tianmu sage.

"Her soul should have all the memories of the sages of the Heavenly Mother!" Yu Zilian said again: "Anyway,

She is strong. "

"Then can I help her reshape her body?" Chen Xiang asked: "Will she fuck me after I help her?"

"It's not, I can guarantee it." Yu Zilian said: "She is also my deity, and I know her quite well."

"Okay!" Chen Xiang also felt a little sad when he heard Yan Zilian say that she was Cailian's clone.

After all, after a person has lived for many years, he finds that he is someone else's clone. This is indeed a very sad thing.

It was the same with Xinrou back then...

Chen Xiang also secretly sighed, how many avatars the Heavenly Mother Sage still has, and her avatars seem to be very proficient in the avatar cultivation technique.

For example, Xinrou, she has a large number of clones, each of which is very good.

This seems to be their innate soul endowment!

"Chen Xiang, I will go there as soon as possible! When you help her reshape her physical body, you can try to find a way to make her body stronger, so that she can also help you." Yan Zilian said.

"Okay, I see! I'll do it now!"

Chen Xiang no longer doubted Cailian, and immediately began to investigate the killing of the red dragon in his second soul sea, to draw out the soul's blood.

He quickly sensed the soul essence blood, and it was easy to draw it out, directly draw it out, and pour it into the World-Defying God Furnace with both hands.

The soul blood is a transparent liquid with a faint golden radiance on its surface, and he poured it into the World-Defying Sacred Furnace.

"Brother Shen, your soul blood is really strong!" Cailian exclaimed.

"Are you flattering me on purpose? You don't have the demeanor that Nine Colored Lotus Emperor and Tianmu sages should have!

Back then, Emperor Jiucailian had the upper hand against the Nine Fate Soul Clans, and later beat them down to the Fate Soul Six Clans. What a prestige, but now you are flattering me, so I question you of! "Chen Xiang pouted.

To be honest, when he learned about the legend of the Nine-colored Lotus Emperor, he admired him very much, and he was in awe of such a strong man in his heart!

And now, the Nine Colored Lotus Emperor is here? Gives a very delicious feeling!

"Brother Shen, most of my disposition of Nine-colored Lotus Emperor has been passed on to your sister Zilian!" Cailian laughed and said, "I only keep my current personality! Because being Nine-colored Lotus Emperor is too tiring, The sage mother of the day has a heavy responsibility to shoulder, so it is best to be unrestrained and unrestrained!"

"Then... are you going to become Nine Colored Lotus Emperor again?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No more! I have experienced both the Nine-Colored Lotus Emperor and the Heavenly Mother Sage, and there is no fun at all. I want to change my personality, change my identity, and live again!" Cailian said: "In my life , still have to be stronger, but not as tired as before!"

Chen Xiang also recalled his last life, compared with this life, there was not much difference.

"Brother Shen, I gave the soul seeds of the Nine-colored Lotus Emperor and the Tianmu Sage to your sister Zilian! She will definitely inherit everything from the Nine-color Lotus Emperor and the Tianmu Sage!" Cailian said.

"Ah? Then aren't you running away?" Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "How can you give all these burdens to Sister Zilian?"

"When I was the sage mother and the nine-color lotus emperor, I failed in you know why?" Cailian sighed softly, "and Zilian is completely different from me before. A great advantage, which I did not have back then!"

"Why did you fail in life? What is Zilian's advantage?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Zi Lian is emotional! She has a man in her heart! And this man is very strong!" Cai Lian said with a smile: "I never met such a man before, so I didn't have anyone to help me when I was in a critical moment. Can only fail!"

Chen Xiang was silent, because the man Cailian said was him!

"Don't think too much, just help me reshape my body! I promise I won't let you down!" Cailian said, "Although I don't want to be the Nine-colored Lotus Emperor and the Heavenly Mother Saint, I still like their bodies very much. Because I have adjusted them to perfection over the years, so I will reshape them according to their appearance, and I will guarantee that they will look better than your sister Zilian!"

"Lian'er, do you think I'm a scumbag or a good man?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Hmm...not at all!" Cailian giggled and said, "You're a little villain!"

Chen Xiang was startled, why is this Cailian called a little villain? Does he really look like a little villain?

He also doesn't know how strong this weird Cailian is after reshaping her physical body. He doesn't care whether she looks good or not, as long as she can fight and resist!

If Cailian knew, she would probably be furious!

"Lian'er, I'll tell you in advance! Regardless of whether you can fight or not, after you come out, you have to fight for me!" Chen Xiang said.

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