World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4583: A New Strong Enemy

After Aunt Yan left, Chen Xiang digested what she said just now, he was not too surprised, mainly because he had just come into contact with the sages of the Heavenly Mother, and knew a little about the sages.

He took out the messenger talisman and went to contact Cailian. Cailian has already gone to find Palace Master Tianmu and Yi Tianshu, has contacted them, and taught them some things.

Cailian went to Tianmu Holy Palace as a mysterious person, and Yi Tianshu is also in Tianmu Holy Palace now.

Both Yi Tianshu and Palace Master Tianmu know that Cailian is very powerful, so they are also in awe of Cailian!

They were all very curious, when did Chen Xiang find such a powerful and beautiful strange woman?

Cailian also helped the Lord Tianmu break the soul-transforming curse.

The owner of Tianmu Palace has been plagued by the Soul Transformation Curse for many years, which caused many scars on her body.

These scars come from the magic power deep in her soul, so no matter how many times she remodels her body, the scars will always exist.

The Palace Master of Tianmu now also officially accepts the inheritance of Tianmu Wanshi Jue. Although she doesn't say anything, she guesses in her heart that Cailian is very likely to be the former elder of Tianmu's soul clan!

Cailian returned to the Chaos Dragon Tree, and came to the tree hole where Chen Xiang was.

"Have you passed the Heavenly Mother Eternal Jue to the palace master's sister?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I did pass it on to her and Yi Tianshu!" Cailian said, "However, I didn't pass it on to them in the most complete way, lest they go astray!"

Chen Xiang just smiled.

"I admit that there is a problem with the Heavenly Mother Eternal Art! But, after all, this is a practice that I have put a lot of effort into over the years, and I can't just throw it away!" Cailian said.

"I never said that the Heavenly Mother Eternal Art cannot be cultivated!" Chen Xiang spread his hands and said, "Actually, there is still a lot of room for improvement."

"It may be that I am a fan of the authorities, so I have been limited! The main reason is that the Tianmu Wanshi Jue is too complicated and profound, and very few people can fully understand it!" Cailian looked at Chen Xiang with a little admiration and said: "You know the Tian Mu Wanshi Jue , can provide me with a different perspective!"

"Sometimes, we really can't work behind closed doors!" Chen Xiang laughed and said, "We can cooperate more in the future!"


You want to cooperate with Lian Er? " Cailian snorted softly, after all, Lianer's personality is very obsessed with Chen Xiang.

"You are Lian'er!" Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"What do you want me for?" Cailian asked.

"Lian'er, what do you think of Yi Tianshu, the Yitian Saintess?" Chen Xiang asked, "How much do you know about Yitian Saintess?"

"I was betrayed by the sage Yitian back then, and I was hurt badly by him..." Cailian said, "But after I saw Yi Tianshu, I could feel that she was a poor person, so I also taught her the Tianmu Wanshi Jue , I hope she can get rid of that poor fate!"

"Poor man?" Chen Xiang frowned.

"It's just a feeling! Yitian Saintess is the bloodline inheritance of Yitian Sages... Yitian Sages also created a thing, which is very similar to Tiantaijing!" Cailian said: "Yitian Sages rely on that thing, they can The blood that is very similar to him has been passed down from generation to generation!"

"And then? What do you think these Yitian saintesses are useful for?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course it's to strengthen Yitianmen!" Cailian said.

"It seems that you don't know why Yitian Saintess exists!" Chen Xiang sighed: "Yitian Saint, it's really well hidden!"

"Huh? Do you know Yitian sages better than I do?" Cailian frowned and said, "What do you know? Tell me!"

Afterwards, Chen Xiang told Cailian all the things that Aunt Yan said!

After Cailian finished listening, she seemed to be greatly shocked.

Chen Xiang poured a glass of juice prepared by sister Xiaojing, handed it to Cailian, and said: "Drink something, don't panic!"

After Cailian drank it, she let out a long breath, and her dreamy jade face glowing with strange charm was also very solemn at this moment.

"So that's how it is!" Cailian sighed, "He's so ruthless, so vicious!"

"Can we help Xiaoshu get rid of the curse?" Chen Xiang asked: "The Yitian Saintess is the scapegoat, who lives and suffers from generation to generation!"

"Yes!" Cailian said: "According to what Aunt Yan described, these so-called sins were all committed to her by someone during a specific period of time! Time to attack!"

"As long as we protect Xiaoshu, she can get rid of it!" Chen Xiang said: "But the problem is, the Yitian sages will definitely find out, and will definitely come to Yitianmen to question her!"

"It's just right to come!" Cailian's eyes suddenly became cold and severe.

"Lian'er, how much do you know about that sage of Heaven's Punishment?" Chen Xiang asked, "Have you seen this guy?"

"I don't know much! I've seen him a few times, he is a very spooky old man!" Cailian said, "He is very dangerous. When I get close to him, I feel very uncomfortable!"

"If Yitian sages come, then Tianmu Shenghuang will gather three sages!" Chen Xiang laughed.

"Perhaps, the sage Yitian is in the Tianmu Holy Desolation!" Cailian said: "He has participated in the construction of the Tianmu Holy Desolation, so he should know the existence of the Tianmu Yuanxin and the Tianmu Heart Palace, and he might want to take it away!"

"Where is the Taoist sage? What kind of person is he?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's okay!" Cailian said: "At the beginning, he took care of me more! Among the four great sages, he is the oldest one. I remember that when the four of us got together, even the sages of Heaven's Punishment respected Dao very much. Sage!"

"So that's how it is!" Chen Xiang felt more and more that his creation of the world-defying universe might have been secretly facilitated by the Daoist sages.

"I'll go find Yi Tianshu again!" Cailian said, "I have to see her Yi Tian bell! Yi Tian bell is a weapon of Yi Tian sages, and only saintesses are allowed to use it, maybe there is something weird about it!"

"Yes, I also think there is a problem with Yi Tianzhong!" Chen Xiang said.

Cailian left immediately to look for Yi Tianshu!

Chen Xiang asked Xiao Jing's younger sister about her cultivation progress.

Sister Xiaojing wants to practice the magic mirror of the six paths, and sacrifices the Qinglong Demon Slaying Knife and the White Tiger Jingyou Fan.

Especially the world-defying universe map of the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths, if it can be cultivated, it will definitely be very powerful.

"Brother, Lian'er is not very reliable!" Sister Xiaojing said, "I'm not saying that she is untrustworthy, but that she is a bit arrogant...she has a grudge against Yitian Sage, and she might be hated Get carried away, miscalculate the strength of the enemy!"

"I think so too!" Chen Xiang said: "So we must be prepared, if she falls down, we will still have the bottom line!"

"It's better to rely on yourself!" Sister Xiaojing smiled: "By the way, brother, I will also use the Heavenly Mother Wanshi Jue to refine the Aoshi Sacred Furnace! Then I will use the Aoshi Sacred Stove to sacrifice the Qinglong Demon Slaying Knife and the White Tiger Jingyou fan!"

"Okay!" Chen Xiang now also has a large amount of Sky Source Crystals, so the Divine Mirror of Six Paths does not lack energy.

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