World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4603: Forest Shooter

Originally thought that Chen Xiang could wait leisurely for the Divine Mirror of Six Paths to break through, but he soon realized that there was movement in this ghostly place.

"What's going on?" Chen Xiang immediately stood up, he was not in the mood to eat now.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Sister Xiaojing quickly asked, "Is someone here? This is a good thing!"

"No!" Chen Xiang said solemnly: "Sister Jing, there seems to be some kind of trap in this place!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow suddenly shot over!

He didn't have time to dodge at all, at most, his body instinctively released an energy shield, but the arrow still pierced through the shield and pierced into his chest!

The most frightening thing is that this golden arrow is extremely hot and contains energy inside!

"damn it!"

Chen Xiang pulled out the sword decisively, because there were several barbs on the arrow, when he pulled it out, he brought out a string of meat.

He immediately threw the arrow away!


The arrow really exploded, and it was so powerful that it directly wiped out hundreds of giant trees around it.

Chen Xiang was also blown away by the violent explosion wave!

"Brother, are you okay?"

Sister Xiaojing was also very surprised. After all, with Chen Xiang's current strength, he was successfully assassinated, which shows that the other party's methods are very clever.

"Small things, no big problems!"

Chen Xiang quickly used the power of the life pearl to recover his injuries, and then became invisible.

In order to help Cailian reshape her body before, he dug up her own flesh and bones to refine it, and he endured that kind of pain, so for him, the damage caused by this arrow is not great!

"Did someone attack you?" Sister Xiaojing asked.

"I'm not sure yet. The arrow shot by that guy has a strong concealment ability. I didn't feel it until it came near me, but it was too late!"

Chen Xiang is now invisible, hiding his soul fluctuations and all auras, which also means that it is impossible for him to use too strong aura to investigate, otherwise he will be discovered by the other party.

"I don't know who the other party is!" Sister Xiaojing said: "If the Mirror of the Six Paths is good, you can go to him directly!"

The current Mirror of Six Paths is still in the breakthrough stage of cultivation, so it cannot be used.

Otherwise, with the defense of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, it would be enough to block the arrow just now!

"He is a very powerful sharpshooter!" Chen Xiang said: "This kind of guy, keep a certain distance from me,

Hit me from a distance and run away! "

Chen Xiang couldn't perceive the other party's aura, he could only look at the surrounding environment through his clear eyes, and pay attention to the invisible energy aura fluctuations.

In this way, he found some clues.

"Over there! That guy should be far away, I hope I can catch up!"

With the clear eye of mind, Chen Xiang could see the trajectory of the arrow flying over, and then quickly followed the trajectory to chase it.

The arrow just now was so powerful, even though it was well concealed, when it flew over, the energy of the heavens and the earth would fluctuate to some extent.

Chen Xiang used his clear eyes, and could see a very fine trace of silk threads in the energy of the heaven and earth, which was shot by the arrow just now.

Even if he used his mind and eyes, if he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't be able to find the traces of the hair-like threads.

The energy of that arrow was so strong, but when it shot over, it was so silent, even Chen Xiang admired it!

"Brother, is that guy very strong? Why did he shoot arrows at you?" Sister Xiaojing asked.

"Not sure how strong the opponent is! The main reason is that the arrow uses special materials and contains a lot of energy, so when it explodes, it will have that kind of power!"

Chen Xiang followed the trajectory of the arrow and came to a big tree. There were no footprints in the surrounding area, and the energy of the world on the tree fluttered rather chaotically, indicating that someone had stayed here before.

Someone was on this tree before, aiming at Chen Xiang to shoot an arrow.

"No footprints, it should have flown away!"

Chen Xiang also flew into the sky, and through his clear eyes, he quickly saw the subtle traces left by the energy of the heaven and earth, and he was sure that the other party flew away.

He followed the flight path and flew into the air!

When the other party was flying, although he had already concealed himself very well and did not have any aura left, Chen Xiang's clear eyes were against the sky, and he could see the energy field of heaven and earth.

The energy of heaven and earth consists of many weak particles, which are usually invisible, but after Chen Xiang used his clear eyes, he could see a translucent golden mist all around, that is the energy field of heaven and earth!

If someone passes through this energy field of heaven and earth, it will leave traces, so Chen Xiang can see clearly in the air.

Especially at high altitudes, the energy of the heavens and the earth is more intense, which means that the traces left behind are also more obvious.

Perhaps only Chen Xiang's clear eyes can see it, so when others practice the concealment technique, they will not consider this level at all.

"His speed is not fast!" Chen Xiang didn't take long to fly before he saw a figure in front of him.

"Brother, I sense that the soul is fluctuating!" Sister Xiaojing said.

"Well, I saw that guy too!" Chen Xiang said.

Not long after, Chen Xiang saw the appearance of the other party, which shocked him, because the other party was just a little girl!

" is she a little girl? Could she be a reincarnated old guy?" Sister Xiaojing was also surprised.

"I don't know, I'll follow her to see!" Chen Xiang's recovery speed was very fast, he had already recovered while on the road.

This little girl with ponytail hair has a round face and dark skin, holding a blue bow that is about as tall as her.

She was also wearing blue clothes, and the shoes on her feet were also made of blue straw and rattan. She looked a little panicked, as if she was running away.

Chen Xiang also saw that the girl who shot him with an arrow just now didn't seem to have any malice, because when he looked at the little girl with his heart and clear eyes, the other party was not that kind of treacherous person.

He intends to follow her to have a look, and he is also very happy to find someone here!

Suddenly, the girl stopped flying and immediately fell straight down from the sky!

Chen Xiang also hurriedly followed the whereabouts!

The girl fell on a big tree and became alert!

Chen Xiang was on a big tree next to the girl, quietly staring at her.

The girl lay down on the tree, took out a bow and arrow, and then drew the bowstring, and began to aim in one direction!

Chen Xiang also looked over, and found that the girl was aiming at the black shadow under a big tree in the distance!

When he took a closer look, it seemed to be a person with dark skin!

When he took a closer look, he found that the man was still a little different, his forehead was slightly raised, and there was a faint black air emitting from the raised place.

"Smelly girl, I finally caught you!" Suddenly a voice came, and a black shadow fell down.

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