World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4670: Holy Mountain Center

Chen Xiang didn't know why Suzaku's tender silk appeared here, he guessed that it had something to do with Wan Zhou Mountain's destruction of the Universe God Sea!

Wanzhou Mountain destroys all the universes in the Universe God Sea, including the Nightmare Universe.

Suzaku's tender thread entered the Nightmare universe at the beginning, and it is very likely that it entered Wanzhou Mountain through some channel when it was destroyed!

Following this guess, Chen Xiang suddenly thought of something.

Xie Wuxin said before that this huge mountain of blood crystals was refined with some kind of dirty and turbid energy. Could it be that after Wan Zhou Mountain destroyed those universes, it recovered the energy of the destroyed universe and condensed it into this kind of Holy Blood Crystal Mountain!

If that's the case, Suzaku's tenderness would make sense here!

Although the Dire people who came over from the Dire Universe back then were all very strong, the Dire Universe is not a particularly powerful universe in the Cosmic Sea of ​​Gods, and its energy is also very turbid. It makes sense to be refined into a holy mountain of blood crystals!

It stands to reason that after being refined by Wanzhou Mountain, everything will be turned into energy, and finally condensed into crystals!

So Chen Xiang is also very worried now, will Suzaku's tenderness change its form? Or turned into a crystal or something?

Chen Xiang told sister Xiaojing about his worries!

"Girl Jing, do you think Suzaku's tenderness will only be left with a soul body?" This is what Chen Xiang is most worried about.

Suzaku Tender Silk had bred an egg before, and after it hatched, it would become Little Suzaku Tender Silk, but the most powerful one is the main body!

If the main body is destroyed, I don't know when it will be able to refine the strongest Suzaku tenderness thread again.

"Probably not! If even Suzaku's tenderness is gone, it's hard for the soul to survive!" Sister Xiaojing said, "Brother, Suzaku's tenderness should have experienced a lot, and it has become very tough. It may just be trapped. Inside this mountain!"

"Strange, why didn't we perceive it before?" Chen Xiang said.

This time, both he and Xiaojing's younger sister felt Suzaku's tenderness, but when they came last time, they didn't feel it at all!

"It may be that our souls have become stronger!" Sister Xiaojing said, "And our soul power has stronger penetrating power, and we can perceive the inside of the Holy Blood Crystal Mountain!"

Chen Xiang landed on a peak of the Holy Blood Crystal Mountain, Xie Wuxin was already busy digging for the blood crystals, he saw that Chen Xiang didn't dig, so he didn't say anything.

In Xie Wuxin's eyes, Chen Xiang really shouldn't do this kind of work!

Chen Xiang was secretly discussing with Sister Xiaojing how to enter the Blood Crystal Sacred Mountain, and they soon had a plan!

"Brother Xie, can we enter the interior of this mountain?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No...unless you make a hole, but as you can see, this mountain is very big, and the center is stronger! Even if the Heavenly Sage Lord comes, she can't open a passage to enter it in a short time. Center!" Xie Wuxin shook his head.

"The center of the Blood Crystal Sacred Mountain is very strong?" Chen Xiang asked, "Didn't it mean that,

The more the blood crystal in the center, the better the quality? "

"That's for sure!" Xie Wuxin sighed, "But it's hard to reach the center! No one would be so idle to dig the blood crystals in the center!"

"I want to enter the Blood Crystal Center, you wait for me here!" Chen Xiang said.

"Ah? Are you going to dig a passage to get in? Or what?" Xie Wuxin was taken aback, but because it was Chen Xiang, he thought that Chen Xiang must have other methods.

"I'll try my method first! If it doesn't work, I can only enter through one passage!" Chen Xiang said, and then jumped onto the Magic Mirror of Six Paths!

The Divine Mirror of Six Paths started to work, and weak spatial power fluctuated all around!

Xie Wuxin immediately thought that Chen Xiang would use space jump to reach the center!

After the Magic Mirror of Six Paths was turned on, it disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only weak spatial fluctuations!

"It's amazing!" Xie Wuxin exclaimed when he saw the news of the Six Paths Mirror, "Although the creation soul endowment can also give people the ability to jump in space, it can't jump to the center because the place is too strong and the quality is too high." Higher, it will be even more difficult to open the space channel!"

Chen Xiang's ability to pass by means that the space power he has mastered is very clever!

The Divine Mirror of Six Paths brought Chen Xiang to the center of the Blood Crystal Sacred Mountain, and directly locked on the location of Suzaku Tender Silk!

After arriving, the Divine Mirror of Six Paths first shattered a large number of blood crystals, and then collected these blood crystals inside the Divine Mirror of Six Paths!

In this way, a relatively spacious space appeared inside the Blood Crystal Holy Mountain!

Then, they saw a fiery red round crystal embedded in a huge golden crystal!

That piece of golden crystal is as big as a ten-foot hill, set in the center of the Holy Blood Crystal Mountain, surrounded by very strong crimson blood crystals!

What puzzled Chen Xiang was that he didn't see the red creation force, he remembered that there were many red creation forces flying out of this mountain before!

"Is this the golden crystal? I didn't expect there to be a golden crystal inside the Blood Crystal Sacred Mountain, but compared to the entire Blood Crystal Sacred Mountain, it's really too small!" Chen Xiang felt relieved when he saw Suzaku tenderly turning into an egg. .

This shows that Suzaku Tender Silk has protected herself very well and has not been refined!

Next, Chen Xiang took out the Azure Dragon Demon Slaying Knife, cooperated with the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, and began to dig a large number of dark high-quality blood crystals from all directions!

These blood crystals are much higher quality than those outside, that is to say, it is easier to refine gold crystals!

After digging layer by layer, I finally came into contact with the golden crystal that was as big as a small hill!

Chen Xiang carefully dug out the entire golden crystal, and spent most of the day, and then put it into the Divine Mirror of Six Paths!

"To what extent are we going to dig? If we dig too much, will it cause a big commotion?" Sister Xiaojing suddenly said, "It would be bad if Wanzhou Mountain knew about it!"

"That's right!" Chen Xiang stopped and said, "Come on, let's go out and ask Xie Wuxin!"

Afterwards, Chen Xiang passed through the Divine Mirror of Six Paths, and easily made a space jump to come to the top!

He had been in the center of Blood Crystal Holy Mountain for more than half a day, thinking that Xie Wuxin would wait for him to come out, but he didn't expect to see Xie Wuxin after he came out.

"No, there is someone else's aura here!" Chen Xiang sensed it carefully, and found a very familiar aura.

"It's the Sword God Guard!" Chen Xiang frowned and said, "I remember this guy's creation soul endowment, which can jump in space, why is he here?"

"Xie Wuxin, a good-for-nothing, won't be killed by the Sword God Guard?" Sister Xiaojing asked.

"Impossible! No matter how wasteful Xie Wuxin is, he won't be killed by someone like Sword God Guard!" Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "Besides, Xie Wuxin is quite strong after getting back the Holy Master's Order!"

He followed the breath left by Xie Wuxin, and he also became invisible, and then flew away from the Holy Blood Crystal Mountain.

Not far from the Holy Blood Crystal Mountain, there was a big abyss. Chen Xiang hovered above the abyss, and could sense the aura of Xie Wuxin and Sword God Guard. ??

Alchemy God

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