World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4697: Purpose of Dzi Beads

The Sword Master and the Heavenly Master are a little confused about this. They both hope to trade directly with that senior. The senior is relatively strong and guaranteed!

"City Lord, can't you ask that senior to come out? We just want to discuss the details with him face to face!" the Sword Master asked.

"He doesn't want to show up!" The Lord of Boundless City shook his head and said, "Because this is a direct transaction with Wanzhou Mountain. If someone catches him, he will be in great trouble! Look at me, just because I was beaten by a dog I’ve got the handle, so I have no choice but to swallow my anger!”

Regarding this, the Sword Master and the Heavenly Sage Master can also understand, but they are not reassured!

"Then how are we going to trade?" Master Sword Master asked: "The Creation Dzi Bead is no small matter, we need to have enough protection!"

"I can sign a soul contract with you and help you find the person you are looking for!" The Lord of Boundless City said: "Because I can't involve that senior, I can only sign a soul contract with you in my name!"

If they sign a soul contract, the Sword Master and the Heavenly Sage Master will feel more at ease!

"This... we need to communicate with the adults over at Wanzhou Mountain!" The Sword Master did not reply immediately.

"Okay!" The Lord of Boundless City nodded. He was also a little nervous now, fearing that he would not succeed.

And he was also very excited. If he could really get the Creation Dzi Bead, it would be a huge profit!

Although he took a big risk this time, he got a big reward, and he thought it was well worth it!

Master Sword Master and Master Tianxian returned to the room, and after setting up various barriers, they took out the sound transmission array disk.

They contacted the Supreme Master from Wanzhou Mountain and explained the matter in detail!

"This is indeed the case in Wutian Realm. People with a certain status are not allowed to have contact with Wanzhou Mountain, so it is normal for him to refuse to show up, so that no one can catch him!" said.

"We can cooperate with the Lord of Boundless City, right?" Lord Sword Master asked: "Then how can we trade with him and directly give him the Creation Dzi Bead?"

"You must give it! Only if you give it, he will be willing to help us!" The Supreme Lord said: "Ask him to arrange for you to return to Wanzhou Mountain to get the Creation Dzi Bead!"

Since the Supreme Lord agreed, the Sword Master and the Heavenly Sage Master could only do the same.

Under the arrangement of the Lord of Boundless City, the Sword Master and the Heavenly Sage Lord quickly returned to Wanzhou Mountain. After obtaining the Creation Dzi, they immediately came to Boundless City.

The Lord of Boundless City received a golden square box with the Creation Dzi Bead inside!

He opened the box and saw a golden bead as big as his fist, then he closed it with satisfaction and put it into his precious storage artifact.

The capacity of Boundless City Lord's storage artifact is relatively small, but it is also a very rare item for him.

Later, he signed a soul contract with the Sword Master and the Tianxian Saint.

"I will help you find the person you are looking for within ten days!" said the Lord of Boundless City: "Just wait here for the news! According to the contract, I only help you find people, and I am not responsible for helping you catch them. people!"

"We know that as long as we find that guy, you don't need to take action!" The Sword Master said. He and the Tianxian Master were both confident that they would definitely be able to capture Chen Xiang as long as they encountered him.

Seeing how confident they were, the Lord of Boundless City was a little confused, because in his opinion, Chen Xiang must be very strong, so why were these two people so confident?

Could it be that they have some powerful gadget in their hands that can easily arrest people?

The Lord of Boundless City cannot let Chen Xiang fall into their hands, so he is also a little worried about Chen Xiang now.

After leaving the Villa of the City Lord, the Lord of Boundless City immediately went to find Chen Xiang. He quietly came to Li Xiangtian's small villa to meet with Shen Xiang.

In Boundless City, he was not worried about anyone following him. This was his territory. The Sword Master and the Heavenly Sage Master were in the City Lord Villa, and he sent people to keep a close eye on them!

"Mr. Shen, you said before that you wanted me to cooperate with you to lure those two guys out and kill them, right?" asked the Lord of Boundless City.

Chen Xiang nodded.

"Are you absolutely sure to kill them?" said the Lord of Boundless City: "Those two guys must have come prepared. They might have something very scary in their hands, specially used to deal with you!"

The Wanzhou Mountain side even gave him the Creation Dzi Bead, which shows that they are willing to pay any price to capture Chen Xiang!

After all, Chen Xiang has the fate of the universe, so it is normal for Wanzhou Mountain to be so willing.

"City Lord, what if you help? Can you kill them easily?" Chen Xiang smiled.

"I can't get involved in this matter. If the Wanzhou Mountain side finds out, they will expose me!" The Lord of Boundless City waved his hand quickly.

"Did you get any benefits?" Chen Xiang chuckled and said: "You sell me to them, you can get benefits from it... At the same time, you can kill them and sell me a favor!"

"It's no good! It's just two Nine-Xuanyuan Pills!"

The Lord of Boundless City did not want Chen Xiang to know that he had just obtained a Creation Dzi Bead, fearing that Chen Xiang would take notice of it.

"City Lord, you are not sincere enough!" Chen Xiang used his mind's eye and knew at a glance that Boundless City Lord was lying.

In other words, the benefits given to him by Wanzhou Mountain are definitely far greater than the two Nine-Xuanyuan Pills!

"City Lord, if we cooperate, we must be sincere to each other!" Chen Xiang said.

The Lord of Boundless City was hesitating whether to tell Chen Xiang or not. He also knew that Chen Xiang could bring him great benefits. After all, Chen Xiang could refine the Jiuxuanyuan Pill, and it was of very good quality.

After weighing the pros and cons, the Lord of Boundless City decided to tell Chen Xiang.

"I got a Creation Dzi Bead from them!" The Lord of Boundless City whispered, and then told his experience of how to deceive the other party.

The Lord of Boundless City was tricked by Chen Xiang before, so now he wants Chen Xiang to know that he is no good.

"City Lord, you are such a good strategist!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "But, what exactly is the Creation Dzi Bead? This is the first time I have heard of it!"

"You really don't know what the Creation Dzi Bead is?" The Lord of Boundless City was very surprised. He thought Chen Xiang knew.

Because in his eyes, Chen Xiang should be an old monster who has lived for many years, and he should not be ignorant of the Creation Dzi Bead.

"I really don't know!" Chen Xiang waved his hand.

"The Creation Dzi Bead...with this thing, you can cultivate a little bit of the destiny of the universe!" The Lord of Boundless City said: "Of course, you are a person with the destiny of the universe, so you don't need this kind of thing, but I need it very much! "

"Ah? Where did the Creation Dzi Bead come from?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I don't know how it came about. According to legend, it can only be found in the center of Wanzhou Mountain!" The Lord of Boundless City shook his head, "In short, the Creation Dzi Bead is very precious to me!"

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