World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4752: Summoning the Soul of Destiny

Chen Xiang also has a headache now. Without the Great Life Soul, it would be impossible to form the cultivation rules in the Proud Universe!

"Did the Six Paths of Cultivation pass the Great Life Soul at first?" Sister Xiaojing asked: "I don't seem to feel it! After you cultivated the Six Paths of Life Soul, it was formed in the Aoshi Universe, right? You didn't communicate with the Great Soul at that time. Life soul contact!"

"Because the Six Paths of Life Soul is in the Proud Universe, so after the law was formed, the Great Life Soul absorbed the law and spread the practice law to the entire universe!" Chen Xiang said: "For example, it is equivalent to the Great Life Soul mastering the Six Paths Practice the laws, and then you can gradually teach the entire universe!"

"Ah? What should we do now!" Sister Xiaojing was also very anxious and said, "Brother, you should be able to practice one, right?"

"No!" Chen Xiang shook his head and sighed: "I also want to refine a great life soul, but the conditions do not allow it! The Proud World Divine Furnace is a small life soul. If you want to refine a great life soul, then the World Proud Divine Furnace itself must at least You have to be a great soul!"

"That's right! The little Minghun is equivalent to a baby, how can it give birth to an adult?" Sister Xiaojing understood this.

"Jing girl, there is another way!" Chen Xiang said: "Grandma Linglong is a great soul. Although she is very weak, she is a great soul after all. She said before that she was going to a place... not to die. We We can find a way to get her back!"

"Yes! She has twelve life soul beads, two of which are in our hands!" Sister Xiaojing said.

Some high-ranking officials of the Six Minghun Clans have the Minghun Yuan Pearl in their hands, but that is no longer important to Chen Xiang!

The Time Yuan Pearl and the Space Yuan Pearl are enough for Chen Xiang. In the future, Proud Universe will be able to breed a powerful enough Life Soul Yuan Pearl!

"We should be able to contact Granny Linglong through the Time Yuan Bead and the Space Yuan Bead!" Chen Xiang said: "If we can contact her, we should be able to move her across space!"

"Brother, where do you think Granny Linglong went?" Sister Xiaojing asked: "She said she was going to a place, but she didn't know where it was! Could that place be the destination of the great soul?"

"I suspect it's a different world!" Chen Xiang said, "Let's start now and contact Granny Linglong!"

Sister Xiaojing immediately called on the power of the Space Yuan Pearl and the Time Yuan Pearl, and then started to work!

Chen Xiang injected his consciousness into the two Yuanzhu, letting Sister Xiaojing control the energy of the Yuanzhu to spread!

Yuanzhu can spread the consciousness that Chen Xiang continuously injects to far, far away places, and can even penetrate space to reach other spaces!

This process is still very energy consuming. Fortunately, when the Divine Mirror of Six Paths entered Wanzhou Mountain before, it obtained a large amount of resources and had a lot of resources in reserve, so it can be consumed easily!

After waiting for a long time, Chen Xiang received a response!

"Young Master? You are really amazing. You can actually send a message to a place like this!" Granny Linglong responded. She followed the space-time energy wave emitted by the Six Paths Divine Mirror and sent it back.

"Grandma Linglong, I miss you so much!" Sister Xiaojing shouted: "Where are you? Can you come back?"

"Grandma, I finally contacted you! You are still here, that's great!" Chen Xiang was also very happy, after all, Granny Linglong also helped them a lot.

"It seems that you have grown up a lot! You have all become stronger!" Granny Linglong was also reassured and said cheerfully: "Girl Jing, I miss you too! I can't go back... I'm trapped here There is really no way to find you in this place!”

"Mother-in-law, I have something very important to ask for your help. Where are you? I will rescue you!" Chen Xiang said.

"I am outside the Proud Universe...I don't know why, but I was suddenly sucked into this space by a burst of energy, and then I have been floating here!" Granny Linglong said: "Here, there are many souls of the universe, those souls The souls are all broken and have been absorbed by me!"

"Ah? Doesn't it mean that my mother-in-law is very strong now?" Chen Xiang was overjoyed.

"I am more energetic than before, but what's the use? I'm still trapped here, and I can't tell when it will be absorbed!" Granny Linglong sighed: "I always feel that after the destruction of the universe, the soul of life will We will all come to a place where we can only let people eat and drink!"

Chen Xiang thought of Wanzhou Mountain!

Wanzhou Mountain has created a large number of universes before. For example, the universes in the Divine Sea of ​​the Universe are all related to Wanzhou Mountain!

But later, the entire divine sea of ​​the universe was destroyed, and those souls of the universe might flow into one place!

Chen Xiang and Granny Linglong talked about the Divine Sea of ​​the Universe and the Wanzhou Mountain.

"I have indeed heard of the Universal Divine Sea and Wanzhou Mountain. After I got to this place and came into contact with other universe souls, I gradually learned about these things." Granny Linglong said: "The space I am in should be the same as Wanzhou Mountain. It doesn’t matter, because there are also some great souls from within Wanzhou Mountain here!”

"Ah? Where is that place?" Chen Xiang was also confused. He thought Granny Linglong was captured by Wanzhou Mountain.

If it was really Wanzhou Mountain, Chen Xiang thought it would be easy to handle. At least he knew where it was and could sneak in again to rescue Granny Linglong!

But now even Granny Linglong doesn’t know where she is, and there’s no way to rescue her!

"I suspect that the space I am in is between the proud world and the alien world!" Granny Linglong said: "I can feel that there are two space walls, one is very thick and very strong! It is most likely that it is through the Going to another place! The other one is very thin, but gradually getting thicker, it should be the space wall of the Proud Universe!"

"Between Aoshi Universe and Yitian? Doesn't that mean that Aoshi Universe and Yitian are very close?" Chen Xiang was very surprised. This shows that Yitian can break through the space wall at any time.

"That should be it!" Granny Linglong said: "Little master, I am floating in this space now, and I don't know what to do... I can only wait for more and more great souls to come, and then devour them Those great souls become stronger, and when they are strong enough, I can break through the space wall and get out!"

"Mother-in-law, I suspect... that the space you are in was deliberately created by someone! In order to gather the wandering souls of yours! Let your souls fight. When you are strong enough, you will be taken. Let's go and do something else!" Chen Xiang didn't know why, but suddenly had this idea.

"Ah? Then am I being raised like a pig?" Granny Linglong was a little worried.

"Mother-in-law, I will find a way to weaken the space wall, and then we will work together to get you out!" Chen Xiang said.

"Try it!" Granny Linglong said.

Chen Xiang can't try it here. If there is a big movement, the entire Tiankun Star Territory may be affected!

"Brother, let's go find Xiao Yuan Xin! She has opened up the second dimension of the universe, and she also has a certain understanding of space!" Sister Xiao Jing said.


Chen Xiang walked out of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and wanted to say goodbye to Guan Yiyue.

At this time, he took out the communication talisman and received the message from Shen Tianhu... After receiving it, his expression changed.

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