World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4771: Fear of Demonic Souls

Chen Xiang had previously thought that this old alien evil god would be very weak, but judging from the aura, it was actually stronger than the alien evil god from the Six Soul Palace!

He and Grandma Suquan stared at the passage, and soon someone flew out. From the appearance, he was a sturdy old man!

This old man was bare-chested and simply wore a pair of animal skin pants with scales underneath!

The old man has no eyes, and the eye sockets are two dark holes, which are the same as the evil god from the Six Soul Palace!

"That's it!" Grandma Su Quan said to Chen Xiang: "Master Shen, how is his strength?"

"Is this guy really the old Yitian Evil God? Why does he seem to be stronger than the one from the Six Soul Palace!" Chen Xiang was a little confused now. He expected that this Yitian Evil God was weaker than the one from the Six Soul Palace, so he would be able to deal with it this way. Much easier.

But now it seems that the alien evil god of Wanzhou Mountain is not weak at all, but is actually very scary!

"Ah? Is it really like this?" Grandma Su Quan was also puzzled, and said quickly: "According to the information I have, this evil god from another world has been sleeping for many years, and has not obtained the supernatural power from another world, and has suffered serious decline in all aspects. !”

"Grandma, if your information is correct! Then the problem is that alien evil god from the Six Soul Palace!" Chen Xiang has given up on the idea of ​​taking action against the alien evil god in front of him because he simply cannot defeat him.

"Is there anything wrong with the evil gods from the Six Soul Palace? Are they really weaker than those from Wanzhou Mountain?" Grandma Su Quan also found it difficult to understand.

According to their speculation, the evil god from the Six Soul Palace should have been summoned not long ago, while the evil god from Wanzhou Mountain was summoned many years ago and has been sleeping for many years.

Logically speaking, the Yitian Evil God in the Six Soul Palace should be stronger!

Chen Xiang and Grandma Su Quan are already invisible on the Six Paths Divine Mirror. They don't dare to move now for fear of being sensed by the evil god!

After the alien evil god of Wanzhou Mountain came out of the passage, he first looked around, and then saw waves of pale golden light flashing from his head!

This wave of light spread in all directions. After Chen Xiang and Grandma Su Quan were hit by the light wave, the Evil God from Alien Sky immediately looked at their location!

"No, we were discovered!"

Chen Xiang immediately made the Six Paths Divine Mirror perform a space jump and left that position instantly!

The alien evil god dodged past and could only sense the remaining spatial ripples. He raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, and his hands suddenly trembled slightly, causing weak spatial ripples!

A terrifying scene happened. The Evil God roared loudly, then tore open a space crack and jumped in!

He is chasing Chen Xiang!

There was someone waiting for him in the passage, hiding, and able to perform space jumps, which made him very curious!

After the alien evil god tore open the space, he immediately caught up with Chen Xiang's Six Paths Divine Mirror!

"What the hell!" Chen Xiang was panicking in his heart and could only control the Six Paths Divine Mirror to continuously jump through space.

The evil god is chasing after me!

Chen Xiang really didn't expect that this alien evil god would be so powerful that he could jump across space to chase him!

In comparison, the Evil God from the Six Souls Palace is far behind and does not have this ability at all!

"Grandma, this guy is too strong!" Chen Xiang sent a message: "Has he really been abandoned by Wanzhou Mountain? He is so powerful that if he causes trouble in Aoshi Universe, our Aoshi Universe will be doomed!"

"I didn't know it would be like this!" Grandma Su Quan was very upset at this moment. She really didn't know that the evil god from the different heavens was so powerful.

Chen Xiang continued to perform space jumps, and after running in the Proud Universe for most of the day, he also saw a huge golden-red flower-shaped nebula in the distance!

"It's the Demon Soul Star Territory!" Chen Xiang had heard of the Demon Soul Star Territory before.

There are a large number of nebulae in the Demon Soul Star Territory, and there are countless stars in them, and the stars are all spewing very strong gas clouds.

The Demon Soul Star Territory has been growing continuously over the years. Although it has grown bigger, from a distance, it always looks like a huge golden-red blooming flower.

"Brother, something must have happened in the Demon Soul Star Territory, so there is such a change!" Sister Xiaojing said to Chen Xiang: "How about we enter the Demon Soul Star Territory?"

"Okay! This is all we can do. I hope the Demon Soul Star Territory can trap this alien evil god!"

Chen Xiang took out the communication talisman and sent messages to Guan Yiyue, Huang Jintian and Xiao Xianglin respectively, telling them that he was going to enter the Demon Soul Star Territory!

Then he briefly talked about the alien evil gods released by Wanzhou Mountain, and told them to cultivate their destiny as soon as possible!

Because Wanzhou Mountain will summon another evil god next, and that evil god must be more powerful than this one!

Chen Xiang originally planned to jump directly into the Demon Soul Star Territory through the Six Paths Divine Mirror, but found that he was blocked and could only jump near the barrier of the Demon Soul Star Territory!

After Chen Xiang came to the barrier, the alien evil god he was chasing before actually hesitated and did not catch up!

"Didn't this guy catch up? Could it be that he saw that the Demon Soul Star Territory is easy to enter and difficult to get out of?" Chen Xiang was also a little worried at this moment, worried that after he entered, the guy didn't catch up.

As expected, the alien evil god did not continue to chase after him, but turned around and left!

Chen Xiang cannot defeat this alien evil god now. If he is allowed to cause chaos in the Proud Universe, it will cause great harm!

He immediately enlarged the Six Paths Divine Mirror, cast the World-Proud Universe Map, sealed the surrounding space, and then madly bombarded the Evil God!


The Yitian Evil God struck out at the Six Paths Divine Mirror from a distance, causing the huge Six Paths Divine Mirror to jump upwards and causing several cracks on the mirror surface.

"Come here!" Chen Xiang and sister Xiao Jing had the same mind at this moment, and controlled the Six Paths Divine Mirror to burst out with the strongest power. A strong suction force appeared on the mirror, locking on the evil god.

Then, Chen Xiang released the World-Proud Divine Furnace to increase the devouring power!

The Evil God also didn't expect that Chen Xiang would suddenly do this!

In this way, Chen Xiang and the Six Paths Divine Mirror maintained this posture and quickly flew into the Demon Soul Star Territory. After entering, the Alien Evil God was also quickly dragged in!

"You bastard, what are you doing?" Yitian Evil God cursed angrily: "Do you know where this place is?"

"I don't care where it is, as long as I can trap you!" Chen Xiang shouted, and then put away the Divine Mirror of Six Paths.

Grandma Su Quan didn't go in, it was Chen Xiang who asked her to stay outside. Aoshi Universe needs her help!

"Idiot!" The alien evil god roared, and then angrily chased Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang was also a little panicked in his heart, because even the Evil God was so afraid of the Demonic Soul Star Territory, which meant that it was not a good place and there was most likely something hidden there.

Chen Xiang sat on the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and fled, with the Evil God from the Otherworld hotly pursuing him!

"What's going on in the Demon Soul Star Region? You can no longer perform space jumps!" Chen Xiang was very confused. Now he could only escape by flying quickly.

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