World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4776 Demon Soul Tianyue

Chen Xiang thought that Shen Zhenyi didn't know about the nightmare of time and space, but he didn't expect that she knew so much about it. He didn't know where she heard about it.

Shen Zhenyi returned to the Demon Soul Star Territory later. She, the Demon Soul Queen, had been away from the Demon Soul Star Territory for a long time, and she had not found a way to help the Demon Soul Queen escape from the seal!

She also couldn't let go of the Demon Soul Girl Country, so she ran back, and after following Chen Xiang for a while, she was greatly influenced by Chen Xiang, so she became very strong, and her thinking in all aspects was improved. Big changes.

She is a sister to the palace owner of the Heavenly Mother Holy Palace. The palace owner was a woman that Chen Xiang met many years ago, named Han Jingxuan. Although she was reincarnated, she still remembers Chen Xiang and has been greatly influenced by Chen Xiang over the years. Big impact!

"Zhenyi, how can I find you? Where is your Demon Soul Girl Country? Are you in the Demon Soul Girl Country?" Chen Xiang asked: "The Demon Soul Star Territory is too big, I lost my way!"

"What shape of nebula can you see?" Shen Zhenyi asked.

"I flew towards the bull-head-shaped nebula before and encountered too many space-time nightmares, so I escaped!" Chen Xiang said.

Shen Zhenyi was able to communicate with Shen Xiang through the communication talisman because the nightmare of space and time weakened the space wall.

"As expected! There are twelve shapes of nebulae in the Demon Soul Star Territory, all of which are very dangerous!" Shen Zhenyi said: "The nebulae correspond to the twelve zodiac signs, and basically all have nightmares of time and space!"

"Ah? What about the dragon-shaped nebula? Is it dangerous?" Chen Xiang asked hurriedly, because the little star where the Shen family was located flew to that side.

"It's also very dangerous over there!" Shen Zhenyi said, "However, it's relatively better over there in Dragon Territory!"

"How dangerous is it?" Chen Xiang asked: "What powerful things are there?"

"There are too many! What's wrong? Do you have friends who went to Longyu?" Shen Zhenyi asked.

"My father...the Shen family..." Chen Xiang said about the little star where the Shen family was located, and was guided by a force, and then flew towards the dragon-shaped nebula.

"If it is the energy guidance inside the little star, then it should be fine!" Shen Zhenyi said: "As you just said, that little star was arranged by the Great Soul of Life, so there must be a star map inside the little star, and there will be no danger! "

"Zhenyi, where are you? I want to find you, I miss you very much!" Chen Xiang said.

"Little rascal...what do you miss me?" Shen Zhenyi snorted and said, "When I was with Sister Meng'er and the others, I heard about many of your romantic affairs. You are a really bad bastard!"

"They are the ones who slandered me!" Chen Xiang quickly explained and said with a smile: "Zhenyi, do you want me to go find you?"

"Hmph! Of course I hope you come, but I'm also worried that you will die on the road!"

Shen Zhenyi hummed. In fact, she also missed Chen Xiang. After being apart for so long, plus Chen Xiang could give her a lot of help and make her stronger, she had become very dependent on Chen Xiang!

"It's okay, I will definitely be able to get there!" Chen Xiang said, "You tell me the approximate location and I will find it!"

"In the middle of the two nebulae of the Sheep and Monkey, there is a very bright golden sun. The stars where our Demon Soul Girl Kingdom is located revolve around this golden sun!" Shen Zhenyi said: "If there is no time and space nightmare nearby, you There is no way to contact you. In the vast universe, it will be difficult for me to find you..."

"It's okay, as long as I know where it is, I will definitely be able to get there!" Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"Did you come here by yourself?" Shen Zhenyi asked: "Our stars do not allow men to come up!"

"Then what should I do when I get there?" Of course Chen Xiang knew that all the Demon Soul Women's Country was female.

"There are several moons outside our star. Just stay on the largest moon! Many people who accidentally enter the Demon Soul Star Territory can go there and have a place to stay if they are lucky!" Shen Zhenyi said: "The largest moon The moon is called Yaohun Tianyue, it is under the jurisdiction of our Yaohun Girl Country, and it can be considered a very safe place!"

"How should I contact you after I get there? Can I use the space teleportation array there?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"No! If you go to Demon Soul Tianyue, go directly to Queen Tianyue above. I will say hello to her and tell her that a person named Chen Xiang is coming to see me and ask her to pay attention!" Shen Zhenyi said.

"Okay, then I'll set off now!" Chen Xiang was flying on the Six Paths Divine Mirror, almost dizzy, slipping away a large group of space-time nightmares.

"By the way, Queen Tianyue has a bad temper. When you see her, you must be polite!" Shen Zhenyi hummed: "Don't have any thoughts about her... She hates men being frivolous towards her!"

"Don't worry, I'm a gentleman and I won't do anything to her!" Chen Xiang chuckled and said, "By the way, is Queen Tianyue a beauty?"

"Little rascal, be honest! Don't think about harming the girls of my Demon Soul Country, otherwise I will never be done with you!" Shen Zhenyi now also showed off the aura of a queen.

Chen Xiang could feel Shen Zhenyi's murderous aura through the communication talisman, and then he laughed a few times and said, "Then we demon souls will meet in the sky and the moon!"

"Just don't be killed by the Space-Time Nightmare! And on the way here, there will be many weird and terrifying guys!" Shen Zhenyi warned: "I won't talk about you anymore, even if we know the Monster Soul Star Territory very well, No one dares to travel far, otherwise there will be no return!"

"Sister Zhenyi, you can rest assured, your brother Shen is really awesome!" Chen Xiang chuckled and said, "No more chatting, I'll get rid of those time and space demons first!"

"Hmph!" Shen Zhenyi snorted and then interrupted the communication.

Chen Xiang took a long breath, and then let the Six Paths Divine Mirror perform a space jump. He first kept a certain distance from the group of time and space demons, and then flew at high speed!

When Sister Xiaojing made the space jump just now, she also jumped a long distance. It was mainly because the space-time nightmare weakened the space that she was able to succeed!

Without the nightmare of time and space, it would be difficult to carry out space communication!

"Boy, did you gain anything just now? I saw the evil smile on your face, who did you contact? Are you thinking about harming a girl from some family? You don't even look at where this is, why are you still thinking about this kind of thing? !" Ying Kuang snorted, "Young-blooded young people are just unreliable!"

Chen Xiang almost forgot about this character!

"I contacted a girl of mine, and she has a safe place to stay here!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I just used the communication talisman to say a few love words to her!"

Chen Xiang deliberately provoked Ying Kuang because he could tell at a glance that Ying Kuang was single!

"Humph, you unreliable guy! Women will only hinder us from becoming stronger!" Ying Kuang curled his lips: "I advise you to give up love and become a ruthless and desireless person, so that you can continue to become stronger!"

"Let's go!"

Chen Xiang ignored Ying Kuang. He was in a much better mood now. He accelerated the speed of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and flew towards the middle of the two nebulae in the shape of a sheep and monkey.

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