World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4780 Demon Sky Moon City

Chen Xiang controlled the Six Paths Divine Mirror to fly slowly to prevent collision with other people!

After arriving at Demon Soul Tianyue, Chen Xiang tried to conduct space communication but was unsuccessful.

Within the Demon Soul Star Territory, space seems to be blocked. Only when the nightmare of time and space appears will the space be loosened.

Chen Xiang also felt very strange, why the space in the Demon Soul Star Territory became like this, and what were the origins of those space-time nightmares, and they could actually loosen such a solid space.

He had also thought about catching some space-time nightmares before, and using them to loosen space and send messages when needed.

Even if you can't jump through space, it's still great to be able to send messages!

But he thought about it, the nightmare of time and space was too weird, and he had no confidence that he could catch something like this that he didn't understand at all!

You must know that the space-time nightmare has a strong space destructive power. Chen Xiang can only put the space-time nightmare into the World-Proud Divine Furnace or the Six Paths Divine Mirror. The space-time nightmare's space destructive power is very likely to damage this space. The spatial structure inside the two artifacts!

"Sir, I can feel that there are many people from other heavens in this place! What is going on? Could it be that the four other heavens sent people to arrest me?" Ying Kuang secretly sent a message to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang was very surprised, because they were still flying above Demon Soul Tianyue at this time and had not landed yet. They were just looking for areas with many people, but Ying Kuang could sense it, which showed that...people from other heavens do not few!

Not long after, Chen Xiang and the others saw a very large city from the air. This city had no walls, but there were several circles of straight mountains distributed regularly outside the city!

There are hundreds of straight and steep peaks scattered outside the city. You can tell at a glance that this is a very high-level formation!

“There’s something about this city!”

Chen Xiang could tell at a glance that the formation was very powerful. Even the Six Paths Divine Mirror would probably be difficult to break through in a short time!

"That feeling seems to come from here!" Ying Kuang said: "Now it feels clearer, and it doesn't look like someone is here to arrest me!"

"There are many people in the other world, not all of them are bad, right?" Chen Xiang said.

"In another world, if you want to be a good person, your life is destined to be short!" Ying Kuang said: "Most people are born with a sense of justice, but due to the influence of the environment in which they grew up and being tempted, their inner justice The feeling will be wiped out, and in the end only a handful of people will be able to persevere!”

Ying Kuang is telling Chen Xiang that there are no good people in this world! The so-called good people are already dead! Being a good person doesn't last long!

"Ah Ying, you are saying that although they are not here to arrest you, they are not good people either, right?" Chen Xiang said.

"Not bad!" Ying Kuang nodded.

Chen Xiang's Divine Mirror of Six Paths landed outside the city. He couldn't go in directly because the barrier of the city-protecting formation was too strong. If the Divine Mirror of Six Paths passed by, it would trigger the barrier and cause a huge damage. There's movement!

After Chen Xiang and Ying Kuang became invisible, they came to the entrance of the city. There was a huge stone tablet erected with the words "Monster Sky Moon City!"

There were very strict guards at the entrance, and those guards were all very strong women!

"This should also be the territory of the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom!" Chen Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. He thought this was a city built by the Yitian people.

"Sir, there are at least thousands of people from different heavens inside!" Ying Kuang sent a message to Chen Xiang: "People from different heavens all possess supernatural powers. As long as I get close, I can feel the weak fluctuations they emit!"

"How many thousands?" Chen Xiang was surprised.

"Yes!" Ying Kuang nodded: "So be careful!"

Chen Xiang walked towards the gate. He didn't know how to enter the city now, nor did he know what Yaotian Yuecheng used for transactions.

"Hello everyone, how can I get into the city?"

Chen Xiang was holding a White Tiger Jingyou Fan and was wearing white clothes. He looked polite and polite. Coupled with his extremely handsome face, he looked very pleasing to the eye.

The guards were all women. When they saw Chen Xiang, they all showed a scorching gaze, which made Chen Xiang feel a little uncomfortable, but he still had a calm smile on his face!

"Master, where are you from? How did you come here? What is the purpose of entering the city?"

A woman who was guarding the city was attracted by Chen Xiang's handsome appearance, but she did not relax her vigilance because of this.

"Chen Xiang, I come from outside the Demon Soul Star Territory. A friend told me that there is a Demon Soul Female Country in the middle of the Sheep and Monkey Nebula, and there is a huge Demon Soul Sky Moon nearby!" Chen Xiang said : "I came to the city to learn about the situation in Yaohun Tianyue and to find someone in Yaohun Tianyue!"

"What about this one?" The woman looked at Ying Kuang beside Chen Xiang.

"This is my follower, his name is Aying!" Chen Xiang said.

"So, you are all from this universe? Did you just stray into the Demon Soul Star Realm?" the woman asked again.

"It's not like I entered by mistake... I had no choice but to come in to take refuge!" Chen Xiang was quite sincere. After all, these women were all from the Demon Soul Girl Country and were Shen Zhenyi's subordinates.

"Escape? What did you encounter outside?" The woman seemed a little curious and said slightly surprised: "Mr. Shen, you and your followers are not weak, and you can actually hide in!"

"I met the Evil God from another world. I wonder if any of you ladies have heard of the Evil God from another world?" Chen Xiang asked.

Hearing Chen Xiang talk about the alien evil god, these women all looked shocked!

"What? The evil god from the different heavens can already come directly to this universe?" Another tall and strong woman couldn't help but ask.

"Really!" Chen Xiang nodded.

"Mr. Shen, who are you looking for here?" the woman asked again.

"Well... I'm afraid of being laughed at by you ladies if I say it!" Chen Xiang was a little embarrassed and said with a smile.

"We won't laugh at you!" the woman said.

"I came to see Queen friend asked me to come to find her..."

Chen Xiang did not move out Shen Zhenyi, the demon queen, and the women guarding the door would definitely not believe it.

As expected, Chen Xiang said he wanted to find Queen Tianyue, and the women guarding the door looked shocked.

"Mr. Shen, it's not easy for you to see the queen... because even for us, it's hard to see her! In the Demon Soul Girl Country, the hierarchy is very strict. Our duty is to guard the door! Guard the door for a lifetime! No matter how strong we are, we still have to Guard the door here for the rest of your life!" The woman said: "We have no connection with the Queen, so we can't help you communicate!"

"Then is there any way to see her?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I don't know. Although the queen is in the city, no one knows where she is or when she will appear." The woman shook her head, "To tell you the truth, we also want to see the queen!"

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