World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4790 Demon Soul Patrolling the Sky

Only now did Chen Xiang know what the main function of the Moon Palace was. It was actually used to send a request for help signal to the Demon Soul Star.

"A-Ying was right before, we should blow up the Moon Palace!" Chen Xiang looked at the distance, where Ying Kuang was fighting Queen Tianyue.

He didn't want to cause any commotion in Yaotian Yue City before, mainly because he was afraid of estrangement from Queen Tianyue. After all, she was Shen Zhenyi's subordinate.

But now, Queen Tianyue has colluded with the Yitian people, and Chen Xiang doesn't have so many worries anymore!

He looked at the Moon Palace on the top of Tianyue Restaurant, summoned the Azure Dragon Demon Slaying Knife, injected enough six-path energy into it, and then threw the Azure Dragon Demon Slaying Knife.

The magic sword flew out, and when it approached the Moon Palace, it suddenly became very huge!

I saw a huge dragon-headed magic sword suddenly appear in the air, let out a dragon roar, and crashed into the Moon Palace!

The Moon Palace was violently collided and instantly exploded in the air, shaking out even more intense light waves. There was also a very violent lightning that shot out and hit the huge Demon Soul Star in the distance!

The Moon Palace was destroyed, and the signal that erupted became even stronger, turning into lightning to connect to the Demon Soul Star!

After seeing Ying Kuang who was fighting, he secretly despised Chen Xiang in his heart. Chen Xiang had not allowed him to blow up the Moon Palace before, but now it was Chen Xiang who did it!

"You are finished!" Queen Tianyue was shocked when she saw that the Moon Palace was blown up, and sneered: "You are provoking the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom!"

The Demon Soul Girl Kingdom is nearby, and it won't take long to rush over. Therefore, in the eyes of Queen Tianyue, Chen Xiang and Ying Kuang are already turtles in the urn. As long as she can continue to hold on, delay Chen Xiang and Ying Kuang, and wait for the Demon Soul. As long as the rescue from the female country arrives!

Ying Kuang is also secretly worried at this moment. Queen Tianyue is not particularly strong in the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom, which means that there are stronger people in the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom!

When the time comes that he and Shen Xiang can't stop him, it will be troublesome!

Although he knew that Chen Xiang knew the queen of the Demon Soul Country, he always felt that the woman was unreliable.

You know, when he was looking for Queen Tianyue before, he thought that this queen would be very reliable, but he didn't expect that now she would fight you to the death!

Chen Xiang is looking for Guo Lingxue.

After Guo Lingxue turned on the Moon Palace's rescue device, she immediately left the Moon Palace. What she didn't expect was that Chen Xiang would destroy the Moon Palace so decisively!

Liu Tianyun and the captain who were on the Six Paths Divine Mirror were numb after they saw the Moon Palace being blown up by Chen Xiang!

When the Moon Palace sent out a signal for help, she was already very worried, because it meant that the Queen of Demon Souls was very likely to come!

The Demon Soul Queen is so powerful, no matter how strong Chen Xiang and Ying Kuang are, they can't stop her!

Now that Chen Xiang blows up the Moon Palace, doesn't it mean that he will completely anger the Demon Soul Girl Country?

The entire Yaotian Yue City also exploded!

In the past few days, rumors about people from different heavens cannibalizing people and so on have already caused people to panic. Coupled with the fact that the city was closed and people were not allowed to go out, the whole city was enveloped in an atmosphere of panic.

But now another fierce battle broke out, and the Queen of Sky and Moon, who rarely appeared, was fighting with others!

The most frightening thing is that the Moon Palace was blown up!

Is the army of the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom coming?

Who on earth dares to be so arrogant and offend the Demon Soul Girl Country?

If a war breaks out in Yaotian Yue City, will the entire city be destroyed next?

Many people were immediately frightened, but they could not leave Yaohun Tianyue, because in Yaohun Star Territory, the evil star domain, Yaohun Tianyue was a place where they lived very comfortably, and no one wanted to leave.

Chen Xiang's Six Paths Divine Mirror finally caught up with Guo Lingxue!

"Don't run!" Chen Xiang released the silk of tenderness from afar, binding Guo Lingxue.

Guo Lingxue fell to the ground!

"You are dead... If you let me go now, I might even intercede for you!" Guo Lingxue looked at Chen Xiang and sneered: "Kill me if you dare!"

"Where is your true self?" Chen Xiang looked into Guo Lingxue's eyes and asked, "This is just your clone! Even though it is a clone, it is not weak in all aspects! It seems that your true self is very strong!"

"Who are you?" Guo Lingxue was stunned. She didn't expect that she would be seen as someone who has true identity.

"Queen Tianyue should be just your experimental product, right?" Chen Xiang had seen before that the relationship between Guo Lingxue and Queen Tianyue was unusual.

He could vaguely sense that Guo Lingxue was secretly transmitting messages to Queen Tianyue, as if giving Queen Tianyue instructions.

Guo Lingxue's true form must be very strong, and its origin is unknown!

Ying Kuang couldn't be sure whether Guo Lingxue was from another world before, because Guo Lingxue gave him a very strange feeling.

"Don't worry about who I am! I'm just asking you where I am! You'd better tell me!" Chen Xiang said.

"Hmph, don't even think about it! Even if you kill my clone, it won't be a loss for me. You can't threaten me!" Guo Lingxue sneered: "Besides, when the Demon Soul Queen comes, you will definitely die!"

"First, the Demon Soul Queen is here, I won't die! Second, I can find your true self, so you are not immune to threats!" Chen Xiang said: "If I find your true self, you will die It’s very painful!”

Intuition told Chen Xiang that Guo Lingxue had evil intentions against the Demon Soul Country, so he approached Queen Tianyue and secretly helped Queen Tianyue cultivate the evil species from the otherworld!

Even if Guo Lingxue is not a Yitian person, she must still have a close connection with the Yitian people.

"Then we'll see!" After Guo Lingxue finished speaking, her body suddenly swelled and she was about to self-destruct!

Chen Xiang did not wait for her to self-destruct, but he formed a seal with his hands. Multiple cyan dragon totems suddenly appeared, mysterious and complex, entangling Guo Lingxue's body!


The green dragon totem surrounding Guo Lingxue suddenly dissipated and turned into a gust of wind and disappeared. Chen Xiang used the Heavenly Dragon Seal. This technique was mastered by him many years ago. Now that he has enhanced it and improved it, it is still useful!

"Mr. Shen... what is going on?" Liu Tianyun also felt that something was wrong. Guo Lingxue actually had a clone.

"This woman is watching us secretly!" Chen Xiang looked around and thought that Guo Lingxue's true self was also in Demon Soul Tianyue.

At this time, a burst of shouts erupted in the city, and in the night sky in the distance, a large spot of light was floating, flying over quickly. At a glance, it was clear that the rescue from the Demon Soul Girl Country was coming!

"That's not right. The Demon Soul Star is still quite far away from the Demon Soul Sky Moon. Didn't it come too fast?" Chen Xiang frowned.

He estimated that even if he rushed to the Demon Soul Star at the fastest speed, he wouldn't be able to get there that quickly.

"It's not from the Demon Soul Star! It should be the Demon Soul Patrol Army outside the Demon Soul Star!" Liu Tianyun's face turned pale and said: "The Demon Soul Patrol Army of the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom is very strong, and it is led by a group of people. A queen is responsible for taking charge! The strength of this Queen of Sky Patrol is far greater than that of Queen of Sky and Moon!"

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