World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4804 Star Territory Master

The most important thing is that kind of pill, because it is refined with the power of soul-suppressing magic, but it is not difficult for Chen Xiang. But for other alchemists, they have no idea what kind of elixir it is!

There is also a very high-level female alchemist in the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom, but no matter how much she studies, she can't figure out how to refine that kind of pill!

Chen Xiang placed the pill in the groove in the middle of a jade talisman, which was just right for the pill to fit into!

The jade talisman is quite thick and is placed on the top of the stone sculpture!

After Chen Xiang activated the jade talisman, golden talisman patterns appeared on the surface of the jade talisman, and the jade talisman also bloomed with emerald green light at this moment.

The elixir sparkled with golden light, then gradually melted and became smaller. The energy was injected into the jade talisman. The jade talisman injected the power of the elixir into the stone sculpture and entered the abyss of the woman's soul!

The function of the jade talisman is to guide the soul-suppressing power of the pill to operate, to clear out the cracking bugs inside the soul, and to purify all the petrified energy released by the cracking bugs inside the body!

Everyone watched with wide eyes, even Guo Lingxue looked at it very seriously, because she could see that it had some effect!

After being injected by the Split Plague, the body will turn into a stone like white jade. Now the white jade on the surface of the body gradually fades away, and snow-white skin appears!

In a moment, she turned back into a petite, delicate, fair-skinned and beautiful woman, but she was a little weak!

After she gradually woke up, her consciousness also returned. She had been in a deep sleep before, and she didn't even know that she had turned into a stone sculpture!

"Successful!" Chen Xiang smiled.

" did you do it?" Guo Lingxue was extremely shocked, because Chen Xiang actually did something that the Four Heavenly Kings and other big shots couldn't do.

Guo Lingxue was very sure that Chen Xiang had only just learned about the Split Plague Bug. However, he had just come into contact with it and immediately saw everything about the Split Plague Bug. What did this mean? It means that Chen Xiang has mastered a very terrifying talent!

This kind of talent is one that he himself has not discovered, that is, he can quickly analyze and understand various laws, and he will naturally understand various energy laws!

"You saw it!" Chen Xiang said: "So your plan was ruined! Although I don't know what you are going to do with the Splitter Bug, I won't let you succeed!"

Chen Xiang then started to refine jade talismans in batches. Fortunately, there were many talisman makers in Demon Soul Girl Country.

Chen Xiang taught them how to make that kind of jade talisman, and then refined the soul-suppressing magic pill through multiple holy soul pill puppets.

A total of more than 7,000 pills are needed. As long as the petrified woman is recovered and then the mother body of the Splitters is destroyed, all the Splitters wandering around the Demon Soul Star will die!

Guo Lingxue is indeed of no use anymore. The reason why she is not killed now is because she still has the maternal body in her body!

If they kill her, the women who turned into stone sculptures might die as well, so Chen Xiang and the others have to ensure that all the women who turned into stone sculptures recover before they can attack the mother body of the Splitting Plague Insect.

Chen Xiang flew out of the Demon Soul Star and went to find Ying Kuang to get the soul-suppressing magical power. He condensed a lot of this energy and poured it into the beads for Chen Xiang to get.

Chen Xiang told Ying Kuang about Guo Lingxue's situation!

"Good guy, I didn't expect that Guo Lingxue turned out to be an evil puppet from another world. No wonder she looks like someone from another world, but not exactly, and she is also from another evil star!" Ying Kuang patted his thigh and said, "I didn't It can be seen that I am old, old..."

"Ah Ying, what is this evil puppet?" Chen Xiang asked.

"This kind of thing is exactly like a human being, and its body has grown since childhood! This kind of thing has independent consciousness, but their consciousness can be sealed by the owner at any time, and then the owner controls the puppet!" Ying Kuang said: "It is a clone. , but it’s not, it’s very different from the clone!”

"That Guo Lingxue said before that she copied a memory, which is floating in the Demon Soul Star Territory, and wants to get it from her master!" Chen Xiang said.

"I didn't expect that someone would actually inject the mother body of the Disaster Insect into the body of the Alien Evil Puppet, and this Alien Evil Puppet is still in the realm of the Alien Evil Star!" Ying Kuang exclaimed: "It's so powerful, so powerful... This Guo Lingxue It’s really a puppet that has all the qualities in one. If the owner loses this puppet, he will definitely be furious!”

Chen Xiang's eyes flickered. He wanted to kill Guo Lingxue before, but after hearing what Ying Kuang said, if Guo Lingxue's consciousness was wiped out, wouldn't it mean that she was his puppet?

Of course, this requires great caution!

"Brother, maybe I can control Guo Lingxue's body!" Sister Xiaojing said: "I can control this puppet and move outside as my body..."

"Is it really possible! She started to have the mother body of the Split Plague Insect inside her body!" Chen Xiang said.

"The mother body of the Cataclysm Bug is conscious and can be erased!" Sister Xiaojing said: "This is not particularly difficult for me!"

"Okay, let's give it a try!" Chen Xiang immediately returned to the Demon Soul Palace, and then came to the secret room where Guo Lingxue was sealed.

Shen Zhenyi never left, staring at Guo Lingxue with Xiang Ling and the others!

As there are more and more such talismans, more and more women have recovered, and the Demon Soul Women's Kingdom is not as nervous as before.

"Chen Xiang, if you kill the mother body, all the Split Scourge Bugs will die, right? Many women in the Demon Soul Girl Kingdom are probably parasitized by the Split Scourge Bugs, and the whole country must be screened!" Shen Zhenyi said.

"Well, those mother bodies will do!" Chen Xiang said: "All the little crack bugs are related to the mother body! In other words, the little crack bugs are the soul energy split from the mother body!"

Chen Xiang took out the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and shined it on Guo Lingxue's head. He wanted Sister Xiaojing to explore Guo Lingxue's soul and see how to take Guo Lingxue's body away.

"Chen Xiang, what are you going to do!" Guo Lingxue had a bad feeling.

"You shouldn't be able to contact your master now, right?" Chen Xiang smiled and said: "You are a perfect puppet!"

"You want me to be your puppet? Just dream!" Guo Lingxue laughed and said: "When I was created, the master had already considered the possibility of being robbed, so he left many obstacles. It is impossible for you to succeed. !”

"Shut up!" Xiang Ling said with a smile: "You said before that it was impossible to turn a stone sculpture into a human being, but what happened next? You also said that it was difficult to get rid of the cracking pests, but they did it easily!"

Guo Lingxue really shut up, and even started to worry, because Chen Xiang was an existence that went against common sense!

After some exploration, Sister Xiaojing is very confident that she can succeed, but for safety reasons, she still has to wait until all the stone sculptures have transformed back before she can start trying, to prevent accidents that may cause the stone sculptures to follow the mother body.

"My master will not let you go! Let me tell you one more thing. This Demon Soul Star Territory is not a Demon Soul Star Territory at all now, but a Star Evil Territory! This Star Evil Territory was given to my family by those big shots. The master's!" Guo Lingxue threatened: "If you don't want to die, you'd better start pleasing me now!"

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