World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4817 The Power of Fate

The master he is talking about is the Lord of Ghost Abyss!

And he should be the alien evil god trained by the Lord of Ghost Abyss. All these evil gods of Ghost Abyss should be loyal to the Lord of Ghost Abyss!

Chen Xiang was watching from a distance, and suddenly felt that there was another person beside him. He turned around and saw an elegant and handsome man wearing white clothes, white trousers, and a white robe. He looked at Shen Xiang with a smile. Soar.

Chen Xiang was frightened when he saw this man, because he knew this man, it was the Lord Bai Ling from Wanzhou Mountain!

"It's you!" Chen Xiang said in surprise.

"Chen Xiang, you're fine!" Lord Bai Ling smiled and said, "I'm not here today to fight with you! I came to the Six Soul Palace to discuss something, but I didn't expect you to be here too!"

"I happened to pass by!" Chen Xiang scratched his head and said with a smile, "Then I happened to bump into you again!"

"Really? What a coincidence! I was originally going to talk to the Six Soul Palace about things, but I didn't expect the Six Soul Palace to be gone! But if I can see two powerful alien evil gods fighting, it's not a trip in vain!" Lord Bai Ling smiled.

Lord Bai Ling didn't think much about it because he didn't know that Chen Xiang and Ying Kuang were mixed up!

However, he knew that Ying Kuang should not be able to come out when he entered the Demonic Soul Star Territory, but now he has escaped!

"As long as you guys from Wanzhou Mountain are here, nothing good will happen! Look, if you come to the Six Soul Palace, the Six Soul Palace will be gone!" Chen Xiang laughed and said: "It seems that I I need to stay away from you!"

"Chen Xiang, we all know now that you are the person with the destiny of Aoshi Universe! The number one destiny of Aoshi Universe is on you. You are the one who created Aoshi Universe, and you can also be regarded as the master of Aoshi Universe!" Bai Ling Shangzun said.

"It's good that you know!" Chen Xiang said expressionlessly.

"However, now that the path of destiny cultivation has appeared in Aoshi Universe, you must have been exposed to it, right?" Lord Bai Ling said again.

"Then what?" Chen Xiang smiled and said, "You must also practice the way of destiny, right?"

"This means that the Proud Universe is no longer yours! Because the destiny affects the balance!" Lord Bai Ling said seriously: "Don't imagine that the Proud Universe belongs to you anymore..."

"I have never imagined that the Proud Universe belongs to me. There is no need to fantasize about it, because it is mine in the first place!" Chen Xiang found it very funny and couldn't help but laugh, and said: "Seeing you acting like this, I really I really want to laugh!”

At this time, Ying Kuang fought with the Guiyuan Evil God. The commotion was huge, and more than half of the city was destroyed!

While Chen Xiang and Bai Ling Shangzun were watching the battle, they were floating in the air and talking and laughing.

"What's so funny?" said Lord Bai Ling.

"You all want to practice the way of fate, but you are worried that there are pitfalls in the way of fate... You want to control the way of fate, or control the entire proud universe, right?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Not bad!" Lord Bai Ling did not deny it.

"What I can tell you is that there are no pitfalls in the way of destiny! I created the way of destiny! In the future, when the way of destiny is explored to the limit, I will also create a new way of practice!" Chen Xiang Said: "And I am very sure that the destiny path will reach its peak soon!"

"You..." Lord Bai Ling was shocked, because everyone had just speculated before that Chen Xiang created the law of destiny cultivation, and there was no evidence to prove it.

Now Chen Xiang personally admitted that although Lord Bai Ling still had some doubts, he also believed that it was probably true.

"The way of fate has just appeared not long ago, why do you think it will reach its peak soon? Yitian's soul sea cultivation law has been maintained for many years!" Lord Bai Ling is also a person who pursues powerful power, so he wants to Know.

"It's very simple. The way of destiny can be improved very quickly without many obstacles. It can directly absorb the creation power to practice!" Chen Xiang said: "With more and more creation ancestors, the creation power of Aoshi Universe It’s getting thicker and thicker, so you can imagine the speed of improvement!”

"What will it be like after reaching the top?" Master Bai Ling asked again.

"I estimate that about a hundred fates will reach the top!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "And the power after cultivating a hundred fates should be able to defeat you, the Lord of the Universe, and it will not be defeated by the founder of the world. Controlled by the source!"

Lord Bai Ling was extremely moved by what he said!

No one wants to be controlled by others, and everyone wants to master powerful power to defeat the Lord of the Universe!

If you practice the way of destiny, you can do it!

"What do you think of Ying Kuang's strength?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Ying Kuang's strength is not as good as that of Gui Yuan Evil God!" Lord Bai Ling said: "Ying Kuang is an old evil god who has been sealed for many years, and his decline in all aspects is severe! Gui Yuan Evil God is the strongest and newest evil god. We There are ten in Wanzhou Mountain!"

"Ying Kuang can defeat him!" Chen Xiang said with certainty: "It's because Ying Kuang cultivates Fate, and that Guiyuan Evil God cultivates Soul Sea!"

"Why can you win by cultivating your destiny? In terms of momentum, Ying Kuang is much worse than his opponent!" Lord Bai Ling shook his head and said, "Look, Ying Kuang is being beaten by the opponent now!"

"This shows that you don't understand the power of destiny!" Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Ying Kuang should be the person who has cultivated the most destiny in the Aoshi universe. Although I created the way of destiny, I In terms of the number of fortune-telling practices and the experience in applying the fate, they are not as good as Ying Kuang!"

"Do you know each other?" Lord Bai Ling asked in surprise.

"I know him, I helped him change his destiny!" Chen Xiang said with a smile.

Lord Bai Ling was shocked because he didn't know how Chen Xiang and Ying Kuang met, and Chen Xiang also helped Ying Kuang cultivate his fate!

Lord Bai Ling looked at Ying Kuang. He couldn't see how Ying Kuang was going to make a comeback!

Neither Ying Kuang nor the Guiyuan Evil God used weapons. Both sides used the power within their own bodies to fight.

"Is this the Ghost Abyss Evil God that the Lord of Ghost Abyss is most proud of? The Lord of Ghost Abyss couldn't defeat me back then, and the little trash he trained actually dared to even think about defeating me!" Ying Kuang suddenly laughed.

"What? You are at a disadvantage now, and it is only a matter of time before I defeat you!" The Evil God of Guiyuan smiled lightly: "Ying Kuang, you are still so arrogant!"

"Little shit, I haven't used my real power yet! I'm practicing my destiny, I just used my body's strength just for fun!" Ying Kuang suddenly laughed.

Chen Xiang had already noticed that Ying Kuang didn't use his destiny power, so he wasn't worried about Ying Kuang at all!

After practicing Fate, Ying Kuang's body has also improved tremendously. Fate can affect the body and soul in all aspects, making both of them stronger!

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