World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4855: Alien Magic

The flying sword technique used by Guo Lingxue was not only very clever, but also very powerful. As a result, Ying Kuang always had to use all his strength to resist the flying swords that were thrust towards him!

But Ying Kuang couldn't get close to Guo Lingxue. He could only cause enough damage to Guo Lingxue when he was close. Although he could blast out waves of powerful energy from a distance, Guo Lingxue could always avoid it because he was far away. !

"Ah Ying, if you can't beat me, I'll go with Jiang Wei!" Chen Xiang secretly sent a message; "Do you need our help now?"

"It's not necessary for now, I feel like I can beat her!" Ying Kuang said: "I'll find out her background first and see how strong she is... This Guo Lingxue is different from the previous ones. She can play with flying swords. Well done!”

Chen Xiang also knew that Ying Kuang wanted to take this opportunity to test how good his destiny cultivation was, and at the same time, he could see how much his strength had improved after experiencing the destiny tribulation!

Ying Kuang's current attack does seem very ordinary. He just condenses a ball of energy and blasts it out without using any techniques at all.

Chen Xiang couldn't tell if Ying Kuang was really testing Guo Lingxue. He was worried that Ying Kuang would show off and defeat Guo Lingxue himself, so he wouldn't let them take action!

Jiang Wei and Shen Xiang can only watch from a distance now. Ying Kuang and Guo Lingxue are flying around in the void of the universe, and their speed is so fast that Chen Xiang and Jiang Wei's eyes can't keep up.

Guo Lingxue always kept a distance from Ying Kuang. It could be seen that as soon as Ying Kuang got within a dangerous distance, she would immediately retreat with all her strength to prevent Ying Kuang from getting closer!

The inability to fight in close combat is also Guo Lingxue's weakness. If the opponent can block the flying sword and approach her, it means that her flying sword is of little use.

Guo Lingxue Fei's swordsmanship is very good, but because he is too specialized in flying swordsmanship, he is slightly lacking in other aspects.

"Ah Ying, can you do it?" Chen Xiang saw Ying Kuang in the distance with a bloody mark on his cheek from a flying sword, and asked through a message.

"I'm testing her!" Ying Kuang responded simply: "Master, don't worry about me! Don't make a move!"

Chen Xiang couldn't help it anymore and wanted to help, but after hearing what Ying Kuang said, he could only continue to wait and see!

"Ah Ying, fight quickly!" Chen Xiang suddenly sent a voice message: "I sensed the aura of the fierce beasts of Guiyuan in the distance, as well as some of the orcs of Guiyuan... Don't forget, this Demonic Soul Star Domain is connected to Guiyuan , and they can all perform space jumps here, and their support is very fast!”

"I know!" Ying Kuang also knew that if they dragged on, Guo Lingxue's help would soon arrive, and they would have no choice but to run away.

It's rare to catch a lone Guo Lingxue. If you can kill her, it will still be very profitable!

"Hmph, so what if you practice your destiny? What kind of fate calamity is there? It looks like that!" Guo Lingxue sneered.

Although she said this, she also knew that the path of fate had a bright future, and she was deliberately sarcastic at this time.

"Really? Then let me show you how powerful the way of destiny is!" After Ying Kuang said this, his palms suddenly turned red.

It feels like an iron hand being burned red, and it also emits a very hot breath!

This kind of burning heat was so terrifying that even Chen Xiang and Jiang Wei were amazed by it!

It can be seen from a distance that the space around Ying Kuang's palms is slightly distorted. This terrible burning heat can actually make the air fluctuate.

Guo Lingxue didn't know how many times she controlled the flying sword to chop off Ying Kuang's neck. When she saw Ying Kuang standing motionless in the air, she thought it was a good opportunity, and then controlled the flying sword again to chop off Ying Kuang!

"Let me show you how powerful the most powerful fate monk in the universe is!"

Ying roared loudly, and his entire head was like a red-hot iron head. The scorching heat was even more frightening, and his hair was even burning with flames.

When Guo Lingxue's flying sword flew towards him, Ying Kuang's head moved quickly, then he opened his mouth and bit Guo Lingxue's flying sword!

You know, this flying sword is not simple. Once caught, it will explode with violent force to break free!

But now, Ying Kuang bites the sword god of the flying sword, but it makes the flying sword unable to move!


The flying sword exploded, but it didn't break free from Ying Kuang's mouth!

Just as Guo Lingxue was frightened, Ying Kuang, who was holding the flying sword in his teeth, had already flown towards Guo Lingxue!

Compared with speed, Guo Lingxue is still very confident, because Ying Kuang has never been able to get close to her before!

But this time, she saw Ying Kuang flying over, at the same speed as before, not much faster. She disapproved in her heart and continued to control the flying sword to resist, trying to break away from Ying Kuang's mouth!

Just when Guo Lingxue was distracted to rescue Feijian, Ying Kuang's red-hot iron hands suddenly formed seals, as if he was about to cast some spell!

"What is this?" Chen Xiang asked in surprise, and then asked Jiang Wei next to him.

"It's a supernatural magic!" Jiang Wei whispered: "Generally, the evil gods from different heavens can... I just didn't expect that after transferring to the destiny, master can still use it! It should be something he has improved!"


Ying Kuang bit the flying sword and shouted in a deep voice. Guo Lingxue, who was flying rapidly, suddenly became unable to move.

Chen Xiang saw some clues. Only by biting Guo Lingxue's flying sword could Ying Kuang use the flying sword to immobilize Guo Lingxue!

After Guo Lingxue was frozen, her face turned ugly, and then she let out a sharp roar!

Suddenly, there were waves of terrifying auras coming from all directions, it was the Ghost Abyss beasts and the Ghost Abyss orcs!

Ying Kuang had already dodged over, grabbed Guo Lingxue's flying sword, slashed at Guo Lingxue, and directly chopped off her head!

At this moment, the flying sword in Ying Kuang's hand suddenly exploded!

Ying Kuang wanted to destroy Guo Lingxue's body, but because of the sudden explosion, he was blown away!

Although Guo Lingxue's body and head were separated, she was not dead and could still control her head to be attached to her body!

At the moment when Guo Lingxue's head and body just connected, a huge mirror covered it and fell on Guo Lingxue's head, and then a beam of light shot out of the mirror and penetrated down!

Guo Lingxue's head was instantly penetrated, and her soul was directly destroyed!

Chen Xiang suddenly took action. It seemed that he only used the Six Paths Divine Mirror to attack, but in fact, the beam of light was the Suzaku Tender Thread!

The tender threads of Suzaku are ejected through the powerful energy condensed by the Six Paths Divine Mirror, and can easily penetrate various defenses!

Suzaku's tender threads entered Guo Lingxue's body, and then spread out. A large number of threads instantly emerged in Guo Lingxue's body, causing the body to be scrapped instantly!

"Let's go!" Chen Xiang took back the Suzaku tenderness, jumped on the Six Paths Divine Mirror, and left with Ying Kuang and Jiang Wei.

Ying Kuang and Jiang Wei looked at Chen Xiang with shocked expressions, and they actually destroyed the puppet body of Guo Lingxue in an instant!

You know, Ying Kuang couldn't be completely eliminated before, and was knocked away by Guo Lingxue's flying sword. If Chen Xiang hadn't suddenly made a move, Guo Lingxue would have run away!

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